David W Peate
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ICP-MS lab
CV & Service

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David Peate © 2018
Fieldwork and Photo Galleries
Shipboard Experience
- East Greenland coast: two cruises to carry out shallow drilling of offshore Palaeogene basalts.
1998 M/V Norskald, 1999 M/V Aranda.
- Indian Ocean: SWIFT French/Danish cruise to survey and dredge South-west Indian Ridge MORB & Madagascar Plateau on the R/V Marian Dufresne in 2001.
- South China Sea rifted margin: IODP Expedition 368, on the Joides Resolution in 2017.
Fieldwork Experience
- Iceland (2011, 2016, 2017: sampling for teaching collection & Snaefellsnes basalt magmatism)
- Chile (2008: Monturaqui impact crater).
- Faroe Islands (2007: conference excursions).
- China: Sichuan & Yunnan provinces (2006: excursion to Emeishan flood basalt province).
- Western US, USA (2005, 2007: sampling basalts)
- Cape Verde Islands (2003: sampling lavas, graduate student supervision)
- Reunion (2001: post-cruise excursion)
- East Greenland (2000: sampling syenites, graduate student supervision)
- Yemen (1999: sampling flood basalts & ignimbrites, palaeomagnetism)
- Iceland (1996, 1997, 1998: excursion & sampling basalts, graduate student supervision)
- Sweden (1997: coring Holocene lake sediments)
- New Mexico, USA (1993: sampling Quaternary basalts for geochronology)
- Namibia (1988: excursion & sampling Etendeka flood basalts)
- Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina (1985, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1996: sampling Paraná flood basalts & rhyolites, graduate student supervision)