Our first project focused on demonstrating the seven gestalt principles. Using nine black squares, the goal was to create 2-dimentional images that clearly represented the principles. Foreground/Middleground/Background shows how objects can be arranged to create the illusion of objects being closer to the viewer and others being further away. The Figure/Ground principle demonstrates the relationship between a figure and its background. Similarity is meant to show association between related objects while showing a noticably different object. The proximity principle shows how we identify close objects as a group, while an object not close enough in proximity is not part of the group. Closure shows how we identify full shapes even if they aren't entirely closed off. The continuation principle demonstrates movement as we follow a line created with related objects. Lastly, symmetry demonstrates how objects can be arranged equally around an imaginary axis. When creating these compositions, it was important to avoid recogizable shapes like hearts or stars, as to not distract from the representation of the princlples. |