Design Fundamentals

Understanding the principles of design is instrumetnal in creating art pieces that are visually captivating and sensible. I created these images using only 9 square black boxes. The purpose of this activity was to prove five gestalt principles in the simiplest visual terms.

Figure and Ground: I created this face as a slightly ironic depiction of figure in ground. To satisfy the principle of figure and ground one must create a visual relationship between the foreground and background to create a visual seperation. This is acheived by drawing the viewer directly to the sad face seperate from the background.

Symmetry: When I think of symmetry I tend to think of close together shapes, so for this piece I wanted to create symmetry using white space. The spaced apart squares challenge the viewers to find symmetry.

Closure: I did a play on the letter "G" for gestalt and the principle of closure. This work symbolizes gestalt while also proving closure as a complete object that lacks a sense of complete closure.

Proximity: For this piece I actually used dots and dashes from morse code to exemplify proximity. The squares spell "eat" and show that there can be visual relationships in imagery that is close together while also being seperate aesthetics or symbols.

Continuation: When I learned of the gestalt principle of continuation I immediately knew I wanted to create a staircase. The piece I created was one where you could not observe a start or an end to the staircase proving the continuation could be infinite or just another square outside the artboard.