For this assignment we were tasked with creating physical models of shapes we designed digitally. We needed to create five platonic solids, constructed using the same repeating geometric face, and one Archimedean solid which use more than one type of polygon to construct its faces. In completing this we used AutoCAD software to create our chapes losing various line tools, then cut out and constructed our 3d shapes using exactoknives and glue. The five platonic solids I created were the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and the icosahedron and my Archimedean solid was the cuboctahedron. We constructed our solids in 11x17 AutoCAD work spaces using measured lines paired with different snapping tools within the software. I found working with AutoCAD to be very satisfying as there was plenty of ways to ensure everything fit together perfectly. However, this perfection did not carry over to my 3d models as my cutting work was not the greatest. Although it wasn’t my best work, it was still satisfying to see something through from a digital image to physical handmade creation. |