For the Gestalt assignment, we used Adobe Illustrator. We had to create seven square artboards, each containing no more and no less than nine non-overlapping equivalently sized black squares. The goal was to illustrate each of the seven basic principles of Gestalt Theory while remaining abstract; the compositions were not meant to capture realistic forms. Positive and negative space were important to consider when creating each composition. The seven basic principles (in order) were: Foreground, Middleground, & Background, Figure/Ground, Similarity, Proximity, Closure, Continuation, and Symmetry.
The goal of the Foreground, Middleground, Background composition was to achieve depth by creating the illusion that the shapes were arranged one in front of the other. The Figure/Ground relationship was illustrated by creating a composition where you can identify a figure from the background. The Similarity composition was made by placing eight of the squares the same way and arranging the ninth in a subtle but noticeable way. The goal of the Proximity composition was to create a relationship between two different spaced-out figures, with one of the figures being larger than the other. The Closure principle was emphasized through the creation of a shape even though the figure is not closed, utilizing the negative space. Continuation is successfully achieved when the composition takes the viewer’s eye across a line or curve without disturbance. Lastly, the goal of Symmetry is to create a symmetrical composition where if you were to split it in half across a line the halves would match exactly.
Though the limitation of the number of squares was frustrating at times, the extra difficulty proved to be an obstacle that I look back on and realize that I appreciate because it forced me to think outside the box (no pun intended). I learned that Gestalt is a fundamental theory in design that laid an important foundation for nearly all design that came after it. |