In this page, you can see my design about interesting toys for children who are between 12- 15 ages. There are eight images of my rendered form of my 3D desgin. The topic of my desgin is Pokemon. I made 4 toys and some Furnitures to make this room more realistic. The 4 toys I made is Poké Ball, toy fighter plane, Nintendo Switch and a bike. The furnitures I made are TV which connecting the Nintendo Switch, barrel and a display case which are used to display the Poké Ball. For the wall I used map to make it looks like Pokemon wallpaper. The main color I used are white, red and yellow. These color can create a childlike atmosphere and they are responded to my toys and topic. I also used bitmap operation on the screen of my TV to make it looks like someone played Nintendo Switch just now. This is my most satisfying work this semester. |