For this project we are going to CREATE 7 (seven) 2D compositions emphasizing different principles taught on the Gestalt Theory. For each theory, we were required to use only 9 squares for each composition. And we were required to make these compositions as abstract as possible. For the composition of Figure/Ground relationship, the goal is to be aware that we are changing the shape of the surface when we apply another shape as a figure and use this relationship to create a stronger design. For the Symmetry composition, the goal is to create a composition where the elements have a symmetrical relationship between them. Then I create a millor-symmertic graphics. In the composition similarity, the goal is to be able to notice a different shape among a group of similar shapes and make that difference clear. I did it by changing a famous logo of a fashion brand of China. As for the composition of Continuation, the goal is to create a composition where the eye is carried smoothly into a line or a curve without any disturbance. I created a endless road to show its feature. For the composition of closure, the goal is to create a shape that can be seen even though the shape is not fully completed or closed. My inspiration came from the fish. For the last two compositiones of Proximity and Foreground, Middleground and Background. I make the first one a isolation feeling and the second one a sense of the door. From this project I learned the principles of shapes. |