I am a Professor of Biostatistics and Head of the Department of Biostatistics at The University of Iowa. I hold a secondary appointment in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science. I am also an affiliate professor in the Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences interdisciplinary doctoral program.
I began working at UI in the fall of 2003. From 1993-2003, I worked for the Department of Statistics at the University of Missouri - Columbia.
I received bachelor's degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics in 1986 from Montana Tech, and a master's degree in Statistics in 1988 from Montana State University. I obtained my Ph.D. in Statistics in 1993 from the University of California, Davis.
My methodological disciplinary research interests include model selection, time series analysis, state-space models,and modeling diagnostics. My applied interdisciplinary research interests include epidemiology, infectious diseases, injury prevention, and dentistry.