Design Fundamentals
Color Theory

This project focuses on how to use color and shape to create an illusion of movement. These compositions were all created in Adobe Illustrator. The first composition is achromatic; it has black, white and seven different values of white and black. I created darker and lighter shapes to show the contrast, and also created a vision illusion to view the pieces of object are rotated. The second composition used Basic Primary Colors. I used red as the back ground. Moreover, I used yellow and blue as the pair or primary color. For this composition, I changed color and size gradually from the right top to the left bottom to create a rotated and falling feeling. The third composition used Complementary Colors. I chose blue-green and orange as a pair and their values. I used different shapes of the orange shape and gradually changed blue-green shape to create a movement and a feeling of radiation from far back. The fourth composition used Analogous Colors with a warm relationship. I used yellow as background and used gradually changed colors from yellow-orange to red to create a visual illusion. If you stare at it for some time, you can see the movement. The fifth composition used Analogous Colors with a cool relationship. I used blue and yellow-green crossing each other as background. Moreover, I used green and blue-green to create a stereoscopic giving a feeling of mobius. I was inspired by Monument Valley.