Likelihood Theory and Extensions
BIOS 7110
Fall 2021
Office hours: Zoom link
9-25: I’ll try to expand upon my review of matrix algebra next time I teach this course, but in the meantime, I did write an overview of fundamental operations that may prove helpful. Other online references that I have found to be helpful are this appendix on matrix calculus from the University of Colorado and the Matrix Cookbook, from the University of Denmark.
9-09: Thursday office hours are officially 3-4, although I am certainly willing to continue answering questions after 4 pm on days I don’t have 4 pm meetings.
9-01: Eliezer asked for a recommendation on how to typeset a two-column, statement-reason proof in LaTeX. Here is an example/demo: [source tex] and [resulting pdf]. You are not required to write proofs in this manner for the course, although I do think it’s a good format that forces you to justify all of your claims. It is very easy to skip steps and make unjustified claims in a paragraph-style proof.
8-18: Welcome to the website for Likelihood Theory and Extensions. On the menu above are links to the syllabus, lecture notes, assignments, and proofs.
Notable corrections:
11-04: Correction to 10-25 notes, slides 13 and 22. Three equations here were missing an “n” due to the notation change from last year (last year’s “fancy V” is “fancy V/n” this year). Very sorry about this error! This also arose on assignment 10, but I sent an e-mail about that.
10-12: Correction to 10-04 notes, slide 24. Sign error on the AIC derivation is fixed (surrounding text has changed a little too).
9-09: Correction to 9-01 notes, slide 21. I mistakenly had the subscripts backwards on A. Should be aik, not aki. The online version is now correct. Thank you to Logan for pointing this out.