Introduction to Biostatistics
BIOS 4120
Spring 2018
Note: There is a newer version of this course (Spring 2022) available here.
5-03: I’m sorry about this, but I have to be out of town on Monday, May 7. I recognize that this is not the greatest timing, since our final is the next day. Danielle and Haley will still hold regular office hours that Monday, and I can be reached via e-mail on Monday or over the weekend. Also, if you would like to schedule a time to meet with me on Thursday or Friday of this week, please let me know. I apologize for any inconvenience.
4-16: Due to a dissertation defense, I have to cancel my office hours for Wednesday, April 18. I apologize for any inconvenience. If you would like to schedule an appointment at a different time this week, please e-mail me.
3-06: Unfortunately I have to cancel my office hours for tomorrow (Wednesday, March 7). Danielle and Haley will still hold office hours as usual.
2-13: The university has now scheduled our final exam. It will be Tuesday, May 8, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (noon), in our usual classroom.
1-17: I added a slide to the 1-16 notes with some links to childhood obesity statistics illustrating how estimates such as these are sometimes confusingly reported as if they are known facts.
1-16: There was a typo on the syllabus regarding Haley’s office hours. Her office hours on Wednesdays go from 9-11 am, not 9am-11pm! This is fixed in the online version of the syllabus.
1-11: Welcome to the website for Introduction to Biostatistics. On the menu above are links to the syllabus, lecture notes, assignments, and labs. There are also a number of data sets available in a tab-delimited format. We will discuss these data in class and on homework assignments as the semester goes on. There are also some tables, which we will start to use later in the course. Finally, under “study materials”, there will be practice tests and quizzes.
4-12: As several people pointed out, I accidentally switched “low-fat” and “low-carb” on slide 7 of today’s notes. This has now been fixed, but it’s the low-carb group that has the larger reduction in TRG, on both the original scale and the log scale. I’m sorry for the confusion.