Introduction to Biostatistics
BIOS 4120
Spring 2022
Zoom links:
1-21: I felt bad about the technical difficulties with the microphone and in recording the lecture on Thursday, so I recorded a ~30 minute summary of the lecture, in particular focusing on concepts and questions we discussed verbally that aren’t explicitly in the slides. If you were unable to make it to Thursday’s lecture in person, please check out this recording (on ICON), and let me know if you have any questions.
1-20: I apologize for all the A/V issues I ran into today…I thought I had everything figured out, but ran into some new problems today, namely: (1) no microphone for first ~30 minutes of lecture and (2) the meeting did not get recorded. Hopefully both of these problems are one-time-only. This is my first time recording live lectures – sorry!
1-13: Welcome to the website for Introduction to Biostatistics. On the menu above are links to the syllabus, lecture notes, assignments, and labs. There are also a number of data sets available in a tab-delimited format. We will discuss these data in class and on homework assignments as the semester goes on. There are also some tables, which we will start to use later in the course. Finally, under “study materials”, there will be practice tests and quizzes.
4-14: Slides 6-9 of the 4-14 notes for t-tests on log-transformed data, some of the numbers were slightly off or inconsistent between slides (or both). Why this happened is kind of a long story, but suffice it to say that the slides had been edited in various places at different times and I hadn’t gone through once and for all to make sure everything was consistent all the way through (until now).
2-28: On slide 6 of the 2-24 notes for one sample categorical data, the 8 and the 31 were in the incorrect place. This is fixed now.