Ingrid Ukstins Peate
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Ingrid Peate © 2011
Classes taught at the University of Iowa (since 2004)
12:003 Earth History and Resources
This is an introductory geology class designed to provide an overview of Earth surface processes. Topics we cover include understanding volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, mineral formation and basic identification, river systems, glaciers, and sedimetary rock deposition, among others. This is a great class for anyone to learn about geology, whether you are interested in science or not, because geologic processes affect all of us (think of the Iowa 2008 floods) whether we like it or not.
12:116 Spring Break Field Trip
This class is designed to provide both non-geologists and geology majors alike with an immersion experience in field geology. Field areas are rotated each year, and past classes included trips to New Mexico to study the Valles Caldera and Albuquerque Volcanic Field (2004), Death Valley to examine a billion years of geologic history (2005), and Joshua Tree and the Mojave Desert to study volcanic systems and active earth processes such as faulting on the San Andreas (2006), and Nanjing Province, China (2007). Emphasis is on hands-on learning and exploration of the Earth system. See photos of past trips here: Valles Caldera, Death ValleyMojave and JTree, and China.
12:112 Field Methods
An introductory 3-week mapping class in the Rocky Mountains, based at the University of Montana-Western in Dillon, MT. Students learn basic principles and techniques of field geology including constructing a stratigraphic section, identifying and mapping geologic units and contacts, and constructing a complete geologic history of an area based on data acquired through field mapping. See photos of Field Methods in action here.
12:113 Field Analysis
An advanced 3-week field course in the Rocky Mountains, based at the University of Montana-Western in Dillon, MT. Students integrate coursework with advanced principles and techniques of field geology including:
- constructing detailed stratigraphic sections
- identifying, characterizing, describing and mapping geologic units
- recognizing and mapping stratigraphic, tectonic and igneous contacts
- constructing a stratigraphic column and balanced sections from detailed geologic maps
- constructing a regional syntheses of geologic history based on data acquired through field mapping.
12:140 Natural Hazards
An upper division general education class focused on the mechanisms of generation and impact of natural hazards to past, present and future civilization. This class presents in detail the geologic theory explaining causes of catastrophic events such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, cyclonic storms (hurricanes, typhoons), tsunami, global climate change and mega-hazards such as bolide impact with Earth. Students focus on a case study in their topic of interest, research and present the chronologic development of their chosen natural disaster, including an impact assessment, policy or infrastructure changes initiated by that event and a critical analysis of the results if that event were to occur again. This class presents geologic theory in the context of specific and relevant occurrences that impact our existence and is designed for the non-geologist.
12:257 Tectonics and Petrology Seminar
I teach this class on rotation with other faculty members. The goal is to provide a forum for senior undergraduate and graduate students (and faculty) to discuss topics of interest in Tectonics, Petrology and Geochemistry on a regular basis. It is an opportunity for students to read and critique current literature, as well as to improve their presentation skills. The format of the class is a presentation of paper(s) ('PowerPoint' or overheads: 20-30 mins) by a student, followed by a discussion of the papers lead by the presenter: all students are expected to participate in the discussion.
One themed seminar explored planetary geology: recent advances in our understanding of extraterrestrial geology and biogeology of our solar system’s planets and moons (Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Io and Europa, etc.) focusing especially on the role of in-situ analysis conducted by NASA rovers Spirit and Opportunity on Mars over the past 30+ months. We focused on critical analysis of rover data used to draw conclusions about geologic mechanisms of deposit formation, and the utilization of Earth-based analogues for understanding extraterrestrial deposits.