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Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals and Books Note that you might not be able to download the PDF files of these articles if your library does not have access. If this is the case, please send me a reprint request. In preparation 19. Geochronologic dating of a small and young impact structure - Monturaqui Crater, Chile. 18. On topographic subsidence at initiation of Large Igneous Provinces. 17. Ukstins Peate Lithos comment 16. Massive volatile release from the Siberian Traps. 15. Petrogenesis of high MgO lavas of the lower Mull Plateau Group, Scotland: insights from melt inclusions.
Submitted or in revision 14. An investigation into the nature of the magmatic plumbing system at Paracutin Volcano, Mexico.
2010 13. The largest volcanic eruptions on Earth.
2009 12. Pre-eruptive uplift in the Emeishan? Reply to comment on 'Re-evaluating plume-induced uplift in the Emeishan large igneous province'. 11. The High-Lakes Project: Science overview. 10. The significance of the contemporaneous Logoisk impact structure (Belarus) and Afro-Arabian flood volcanism.
2008 9. Re-evaluating plume-induced uplift in the Emeishan large igneous province. 8. Extreme geochemical heterogeneity in Afro-Arabian Oligocene tephras: Preserving fractional crystallization and mafic recharge processes in large-volume silicic magma chambers.
2007 7. Comparing Different Methods for Assessing Ground Truth of Rover Data Analysis for the 2005
2005 6. Volcanic stratigraphy of large-volume silicic pyroclastic eruptions during Oligocene Afro-Arabian flood volcanism in Yemen. 5. Paleomagnetism and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of Yemeni Oligocene volcanics: implications for timing and duration of Afro-Arabian traps and geometry of the Oligocene paleomagnetic field. 4. Mafic volcaniclastic deposits in flood basalt provinces: a review.
2003 3. Correlation of Indian Ocean tephra to individual silicic eruptions from the Oligocene Afro-Arabian flood volcanic province. 2. The transition from sedimentation to flood volcanism in the Kangerlussuaq basin, East Greenland: basaltic pyroclastic volcanism during initial Palaeogene continental break-up.
2002 1. Matching conjugate rifted margins: 40Ar/39Ar chrono-stratigraphy of pre- and syn-rift bimodal flood volcanism in Ethiopia and Yemen. Non-peer-reviewed Publications Backstory: Serendipity in Sichuan. Theses IA Ukstins Peate (2003). IA Ukstins (1999). Conference and Workshop Abstracts 2011 57. Majewski D, Peate DW, Ukstins Peate I (2011). Investigating magma mixing at Aguas Calientes Volcano, Chile. Northeastern and North-Central Geological Scoeity of America Annual Meeting, 20th-22nd March 2011, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. POSTER 2010 56. Ukstins Peate I, Byan SE, Peate DW, Self S, Mawby M, Jerram D, Marsh JS (2010). The largest volcanic eruptions on Earth. AGU Fall Meeting, 13th-17th December 2010, San Francisco, USA, Eos (Transactions, AGU), V24A-02. TALK 55. Peate DW, Ukstins Peate I, Rowe, MC, Thompson JM, Kerr AC (2010). Melt inclusion evidence for the relative timing of assimilation and crystallization in high MgO lavas, Mull, Scotland. AGU Fall Meeting, 13th-17th December 2010, San Francisco, USA, Eos (Transactions, AGU), V43A-2337. POSTER 54. Black B, Elkins-Tanton L, Rowe, MC, Ukstins Peate I (2010). Volatile release from the SIberian Traps at the end-Permian Environment. AGU Fall Meeting, 13th-17th December 2010, San Francisco, USA, Eos (Transactions, AGU), V13E-2400. POSTER 53. Peate DW, Ukstins Peate I, CHung Wan L, Kloberdanz K (2010). Compositional variations and petrography of metallic spherules in melt rock at Monturaqui Crater, Chile. Nördlingen 2010: The Ries Crater, the Moon, and the Future of Human Space Exploration, 25th-27th June 2010, Nördlingen, Germany. POSTER 52. Elkins-Tanton L, Ukstins Peate I (2010). On topographic subsidence and magma bursts at initiation of magmatic provinces. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, 23rd-28th May 2010, Chiba City, Japan. POSTER 51. Ukstins Peate I, van Soest MC, Wartho J-A, Cabrol N, Grin E, Piatek J, Chong G (2010). A novel application of (U-Th)/He geochronology to constrain the age of small, young meteorite impact craters: A case study of the Monturaqui crater, Chile. 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 1-5, Houston, TX, USA. POSTER 50. Ukstins Peate I, Kloberdanz C, Peate DW, Chung Wan L, Cabrol N, Grin E, Piatek J, Chong G (2010). Non-modal melting of target rocks to produce impactite at Monturaqui Crater, Chile. 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 1-5, Houston, TX, USA. TALK 49. Piatek JL, Ukstins Peate I, Cabrol N, Grin E, Chong G (2010). Monturaqui Crater (Atacama Desert, Chile) as Mars analog: Exploring the impact spherule hypothesis for Meridiani. 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 1-5, Houston, TX, USA. TALK 48. Bryan S, Peate DW, Ukstins Peate I, Self S, Mawby M, Jerram D, Miller J (2010). The largest volcanic eruptions on Earth. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2 to 7 May 2010, Vol. 12, EGU2010-3813. TALK 47. Black B, Elkins-Tanton L, Rowe M, Ukstins Peate I (2010). Volatile release from the Siberian Traps inferred from melt inclusions. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2 to 7 May 2010, Vol. 12. POSTER 2009 46. Kloberdanz CM, Ukstins Peate I, Peate DW (2009). Geochemical investigation of the Monturaqui impact crater, Chile. American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly - The Meeting of the Americas, 24th - 27th May 2009, Toronto, Canada. POSTER 45. Falkena L, Peate DW, Ukstins Peate I (2009). Petrogenesis of silicic magmas in the Afro-Arabian flood volcanic province in Yemen: a melt inclusion study. American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly - The Meeting of the Americas, 24th - 27th May 2009, Toronto, Canada. POSTER 44. Elkins-Tanton L, Ukstins Peate I (2009). On topographic subsidence and magma bursts at initiation of magmatic provinces. American Geophysical Union Meeting, 14th - 18th December 2009, San Francisco CA. POSTER 43. Black B, Elkins-Tanton L, Rowe M, Ukstins Peate I (2009). Volatile release from the Siberian Traps inferred from melt inclusions. American Geophysical Union Meeting, 14th - 18th December 2009, San Francisco CA. POSTER 42. Ukstins Peate I, Bryan S (2009). Re-evaluating plume-induced uplift in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province: Using mafic hydromagmatic deposits to constrain tectono-volcanic evolution. National GSA Annual Meeting, 18-21st October 2009, Portland, OR. INVITED TALK 41. Thompson J, Peate D W, Ukstins Peate I (2009). Origins of compositional variations in small volume basalts: Elemental, isotopic and melt inclusion evidence from the Ice Springs basalt flow, Utah. National GSA Annual Meeting, 18-21st October 2009, Portland, OR. INVITED TALK 40. I Ukstins Peate, Cabrol N, Grin E, French R, Dressing C, Franklin T, Parsons K, Piatek J, Chong G(2009). Mechanisms for planetary spherules formation and alteration: Salar Grande, Chile - An example of volcanic/aqueous processes interactions. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 23-27th March 2009, Houston, Texas. POSTER 39. Byram S, Ukstins Peate I, Reagan M, Cabrol N, Grin E (2009). U-Th geochronological constraints on paleolake levels and climate change recprded in carbonate sedimentation at laguna Lejia, Northern Chile. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 23-27th March 2009, Houston, Texas. POSTER 38. Cabrol N, Grin E, Bebout L, Chong G, Demergasso C, Fleming E, Gaete V, Gibson J, Hader DP, Mack J, Minkley E, Pinto E, Rose K, Ukstins Peate I, Tambley C, Williamson C, Wynne J (2009). High Lakes Project - Impact of climate variability and high UV flux on lake habitat: Implications for early Mars and present-day Earth. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 23-27th March 2009, Houston, Texas. TALK 2008 37. Rowe MC, Peate DW, Ukstins Peate I, Housh T(2008). A melt inclusion investigation of crustal contamination: A case study of Paracutin volcano. 18th Goldschmidt Conference, 13th - 18th July 2008, Vancouver, Canada, Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta, 72 (12S), A810. TALK 36. Peate DW, Thompson J, Rowe MC, Ukstins Peate I, Kent AJR (2008). Melt inclusions as a recorded of crustal assimilation processes. 18th Goldschmidt Conference, 13th - 18th July 2008, Vancouver, Canada, Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta, 72 (12S), A732. TALK 35. Rowe MC, Peate DW, Ukstins Peate I (2008). Relative timing of crustal contamination in short-lived small-volume volcanic centers. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 15th - 19th December 2008, San Francisco, USA, Eos (Transactions, AGU), 89 (53) Fall Mtg. Supplement Abstract V21A-2078. POSTER 34. Thompson J, Peate DW, Rowe MC, Ukstins Peate I (2008). Timing of crustal contamination from melt inclusions in the Ice Springs flow, Utah. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 15th - 19th December 2008, San Francisco, USA, Eos (Transactions, AGU), 89 (53) Fall Mtg. Supplement Abstract V13F-04. POSTER 33. Elkins-Tanton L & Ukstins Peate I (2008). On Topographic Subsidence at Initiation of Magmatic Provinces. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 5th-9th October 2008, Houston, Texas. POSTER 32. Falkena L, Peate DW & Ukstins Peate I (2008). Volatile concentrations and petrogenesis of silicic magmas in the Afro-Arabian flood volcanic province in Yemen: a melt inclusion study. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 5th-9th October 2008, Houston, Texas. POSTER 2007 31. Ukstins Peate I & Thomas G (2007). A methodology for critically evaluating rover-based geology and application to lunar exploration. Exploration of the Moon: A UK perspective. 24th-25th September 2007, Milton Keynes, UK. POSTER 30. Ukstins Peate I & Thomas G (2007). A methodology for evaluating remotely-derived data and its application to lunar and Mars rover astrogeology. Geological Society of London Bicentennial conference. 10th-12th September 2007, London, UK. POSTER 29. Thompson J, Peate DW & Ukstins Peate I (2007). Melt inclusion evidence for rapid assimilation of crustal xenoliths in the Ice Springs basalt flow, Utah, USA. Geological Society of London Bicentennial conference. 10th-12th September 2007, London, UK. POSTER 28. Ukstins Peate I, Bryan S, He B, Xu Y (2007). Mafic volcaniclastic deposits in the East Greenland & Emeishan flood basalts: Tectonovolcanic evolution of voluminous hydromagmatic volcanism. 1st Joannes Rasmussen Conference, 29th-30th August 2007, Faroe Islands. TALK 27. Peate DW, Ukstins Peate I & Thompson J (2007). Mechanisms and time scales of crustal assimilation: a review. International Conference on Evolution, Transfer and Release of Magmas and Volcanic Gases, 22nd-27th April 2007, Taipei, Taiwan, abstract volume. *** invited keynote presentation *** 26. Ukstins Peate I, Thomas G & Reagan M (2007). A methodology for evaluating remotely-derived data and its application to Lunar and Mars rover astrogeology. North-Central Regional GSA, 11th – 13th April, Kansas. POSTER 25. Peate DW, Ukstins Peate I, Behanish S & Kent A (2007). Petrogenesis of West Greenland Picrites: A melt inclusion perspective. GSA North-Central/South-Central Joint Meeting, 11th-13th April 2007, Lawrence, Kansas, USA, GSA abstracts with programs, 39(3), p 11, #10-7. POSTER 24. Thomson J, Peate DW & Ukstins Peate I (2007). Crystallization and crustal assimilation in the Ice Springs Basalt Flow, Utah. GSA North-Central/South-Central Joint Meeting, 11th-13th April 2007, Lawrence, Kansas, USA, GSA abstracts with programs, 39(3), p 11, #10-3. POSTER 23. Bruse J, Peate DW & Ukstins Peate I (2007). Investigating the petrogenesis of low-volume basaltic volcanic systems: The Tabernacle Hill Flow, Utah. GSA North-Central/South-Central Joint Meeting, 11th-13th April 2007, Lawrence, Kansas, USA, GSA abstracts with programs, 39(3), p 59, #29-20. POSTER2006 22. Ukstins Peate I, Baker JA, Kent AJR & Menzies MA (2006). An overview of silicic volcanism in the Oligocene Afro-Arabian flood volcanic province. IAVCEI International conference on continental volcanism, 14th – 18th May, Guangzhou, China. INVITED TALK 2005 21. Ukstins Peate I, Kent AJR, Baker JA & Menzies MA (2005). Extreme geochemical heterogeneity in Afro-Arabian Oligocene tephras. Fall AGU Meeting, 5th-9th December, San Francisco, EOS Trans. AGU, 86(52), V13E-0600. POSTER 20. Peate DW, Ukstins Peate I, Kent AJR, Rogers NW, Rowe M & Mantovani MSM (2005). Crustal assimilation in Parana flood basalts revisited. AGU Fall Meeting, 5th-9th December 2005, San Francisco, USA, Eos (Transactions, AGU), 86(52), V41G-1545. POSTER 2004 19. Ukstins Peate I, Baker JA, Kent AJR, Al-Kadasi M, Al-Subbary A & Menzies MA (2004). Oligocene tephrochronology over 3000 km: Matching proximal ignimbrites with marine co-ignimbrite ash deposits. IAVCEI General Assembly, 14th-19th November, Pucon, Chile. 18.Ukstins Peate I, Kent AJR & Baker JA (2004). Extreme geochemical heterogeneity in Indian Ocean tephra layers from Afro-Arabian silicic volcanism. 14th Goldschmidt Conference, 5th-9th June, Copenhagen, Denmark, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68(11S): A652. POSTER 2003 17.Ukstins Peate I, Baker JA & Menzies MA (2003). Correlation of Indian Ocean tephra to individual silicic eruptions from Afro-Arabian flood volcanism. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly, 30th June - 11th July, Sapporo, Japan. TALK 16.Menzies MA, Ukstins Peate I & Baker JA (2003). Volcanic Rifted Margins: Problems matching plume-based models with natural examples. Plumes Meeting, 11th – 12th Sept., Cardiff, United Kingdom. TALK 15.Ukstins Peate I, Baker JA & Menzies MA (2003). Establishing a volcanic stratigraphy for voluminous Oligocene silicic eruptions: Correlating individual ignimbrites to Ethiopia and to Indian Ocean tephra layers. Joint EUG/AGU/EGS Assembly, 6th-11th April, Nice, France. TALK 2002 14.Ukstins IA, Baker JA, Ayalew D & Menzies MA (2002). Correlating individual Oligocene silicic flood volcanic eruptions across the conjugate rifted margins of Yemen and Ethiopia. Spring AGU Meeting, 28th-31st May, Washington DC, EOS Trans. AGU, S363. POSTER 13.Ukstins IA, Riisager P, Knight KB, Baker JA, Thirlwall M, Menzies MA, Al-Subbary A & Al-Kadasi M (2002). Volcano-stratigraphy and eruption mechanisms of large-volume silicic pyroclastic rocks associated with Oligocene flood volcanism in Yemen. Geological Society of London Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group Meeting, 3rd-4th January, University of London, United Kingdom, Journal of Conference Abstracts, p 54. POSTER 12.Kent AJR, Baker JA, Waight TE, Ukstins IA, Vry J, Stos S, Graham IJ, Wright IC (2002). In situ Pb-isotope analysis by LA-MC-ICP-MS: Applications to geochemistry, geochronology, palaeoceanography and archaeology. 12th Goldschmidt Conference, 18th-23th August, Davos, Switzerland, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 66(15A): A360. POSTER 2001 11.Ukstins IA, Baker JA, Menzies M, Renne P, Peate DW, Wolfenden E, Al-Kadasi M, Al-Subbary A & Ayalew D (2001). Timing and style of explosive silicic eruptions during flood and rift volcanism in Yemen and Ethiopia. EUG-XI meeting, 8th-12th April, Strasbourg, France, Journal of Conference Abstracts, 6(1):587. TALK 10.Riisager P, Baker JA, Ukstins IA, (2001). Paleomagnetic and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility studies of Oligocene flood volcanism in Yemen. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, EOS Trans. AGU, 82 (47), F315. POSTER 9.Ebinger CJ, Wolfenden E, Yirgu G, Gloaguen R, Ukstins IA (2001). Continental break-up in a plume province: Insights from the southern Red Sea. Geological Society of America, Earth systems processes – Global meeting, 24th – 28th June, Edinburgh, Scotland, Journal of Conference Abstracts. TALK 8.Wolfenden E, Ebinger CJ, Ukstins IA, Yirgu G, Ayalew D, Eagles G (2001). Evolution of a magmatic passive margin” The Red Sea escarpment, Ethiopia. EUG-XI meeting, 8th-12th April, Strasbourg, France, Journal of Conference Abstracts, 6(1):719. TALK 2000 7.Ukstins IA, Baker JA, Al-Kadasi M, Al-Subbary A, Menzies M, Peate DW (2000). Voluminous explosive silicic eruptions during Oligocene flood volcanism in Yemen. Penrose Conference on Volcanic Rifted Margins, 28th-29th March, Egham, UK, abstract volume. POSTER 6.Wolfenden E, Ebinger CJ, Ukstins IA, Ayalew D, Geremew Z (2000). Reconstructing the Ethiopian-Western Yemen margin: Initial fieldwork results. Penrose Conference on Volcanic Rifted Margins, 28th-29th March, Egham, UK, abstract volume. POSTER 1999 and previous 5.Larsen M, Ukstins IA, Lesher CE (1999). Pre- and early syn-volcanic uplift history and sedimentation in the Kangerlussuaq Basin, East Greenland. The North Atlantic Igneous Province: Magmatic controls on sedimentation, 20th – 21st April, Geological Society of London, UK. TALK 4.Ukstins IA, Larsen M, Lesher CE & the DLC Basalt Study Group (1997). Pyroclastic deposits as a record of the tectono-magmatic evolution of the East Greenland flood basalt province. Rifted Margins Workshop, Potsdam, Germany, abstract volume. TALK 3.Ukstins IA, Hansen H & Lesher CE (1996). Pyroclastic and epiclastic deposits of the Early Tertiary flood basalt province of central East Greenland. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, EOS Trans. AGU, 77 (46), 823-824. POSTER 2.Ukstins IA, Hansen H, Lesher CE & Thy P (1996). Volcanic centers and pyroclastic deposits in the lower series of the East Greenland flood basalt province. North Atlantic East Greenland Rifted Margins Workshop, 25th September - 2nd October, Copenhagen, Denmark, 25-26. TALK 1.Pedersen AK, Lesher CE, Larsen LM, Hansen H, Watt S, Nielsen TDF, Brooks CK, Tegner C, Ukstins IA, Storey M & the DLC Basalt Study Group (1996). Stratigraphy of the Early Tertiary East Greenland flood basalt province between latitudes 68 and 70 degrees N. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, EOS Trans. AGU, 77 (46), 839 TALK