Escape of the Spies from Canaan 1933 James Lesesne Wells Linoleum Cut print (1902) |
Aspects of Negro Life : Song of the Towers 1934 Aaron Douglas ( 1899 - 1979 ) |
The Blue Shirt 1935 Charles Alston Oil on Canvas (1907 - 1977) |
Landscape 1936 Hale A. Woodruff Oil on canvas ( 1900 - 1980 ) |
Aspiration 1936 Aaron Douglas Oil on canvas ( 1899 - 1979 ) |
Iceman 1936 Jacob Lawrence ( 1917 ) |
Yellow Hat 1936 Norman Lewis ( 1909 - 1979 ) |
Modern Medicine 1937 Charles Alston (1907 - 1977) |
Boy with Toy Plane 1938 Aaron Douglas ( 1899 - 1979 ) |
The Night Letter 1938 Eldzier Cortor (1916) |
untitled ( Anthropomorphic Figure and Cat ) 1938 - 1943 Bill Traylor Pencil on Paper ( 1856 - 1949 ) |
Man and Large Dog 1939 - 1942 Bill Traylor Pencil and Gouache on Paper ( 1856 - 1949 ) |
Sojourner Truth 1940 Charles White ( 1918 - 1979 ) |
Girl with Pink Geranium 1940 Charles Sallee Jr. Oil on canvas |
Going to Church 1940 - 1941 William H. Johnson ( 1901 - 1970 ) |
John Brown Going to his Hanging 1942 Horace Pippin ( 1888 - 1946 ) |
Landscape 1947 Hughie Lee - Smith ( 1914 - 1999) |
The Pole Watchers 1948 Clementine Hunter Oil on cardboard ( 1885 - 1988 ) |
Figure Sitting 1939 Marion Perkins ( 1908 - 1961 ) |
The Kiss 1948 Marion Perkins Marble ( 1908 - 1961 ) |
Harlem Courtyard 1954 Norman Lewis (1909 - 1979) |
Harlem Turns White 1955 Norman Lewis ( 1909 - 1979 ) |
Reflection 1957 Hughie Lee-Smith Oil on Canvas (1914) |
Girl Seated 1959 Margaret Burroughs (1917 ) |
Zinnias in a Pot 1965 Clementine Hunter ( 1885 - 1988 ) |