Portrait of a Gentleman 1805 Joshua Johnston (or Johnson) Oil on canvas (1765 - 1830) |
Portrait of a Gentleman 1805 - 1810 Joshua Johnston (or Johnson) (1765 - 1830) |
The Westwood Children 1807 Joshua Johnston (or Johnson) Oil on canvas (1765 - 1830) |
Death of Cleopatra 1876 Edmonia Wildfire Lewis ( 1845 - 1900? ) |
Forever Free 1867 Edmonia Wildfire Lewis Marble ( 1845 - 1900? ) |
The Iron - Clad Mine c. 1880 Grafton Taylor Brown Lithograph (1841 - 1918) |
Yosemite Falls 1888 Grafton Taylor Brown Oil on canvas (1841 - 1918) |
Bible Quilt 1886 Harriet Powers ( 1837 - 1911 ) |
The Banjo Lesson 1893 Henry Ossawa Tanner Oil on canvas (1859 - 1937 ) |
Bible Quilt 1898 Harriet Powers ( 1837 - 1911 ) |
Landscape with Poplars (Afternoon at Montigny) 1898 William A. Harper Oil on canvas ( 1873 - 1910 ) |
Head of a Girl in Jerusalem (The Artists Wife) 1899 Henry Ossawa Tanner Oil on artist board (1859 - 1937 ) |
Portrait of a Lady (Lady with Golden Hair) 1907 Nelson Primus Oil on canvas (1843 - 1916? ) |
The Visitor 1910 Henry Ossawa Tanner Pastel on paper (1859 - 1937 ) |
Portrait of a Woman 1920 Edwin A. Harleston ( 1882 – 1931 ) |
Silence 1920-1930 Nancy Elizabeth Prophet Marble (1890 - 1960) |
Mending Socks 1924 Archibald J. Motley Jr. ( 1891 - 1981 ) |
The Octoroon Girl 1925 Archibald J. Motley Jr. ( 1891 - 1981 ) |
Fétiche et Fleurs (Fetish and Flowers) 1926 Palmer Hayden ( 1893 - 1973 ) |
Alpha Phi Alpha Basketball Team 1926 James Van DerZee Photograph ( 1886 - 1983 ) |
Anne Washington Derry 1927 Laura Wheeler Waring Oil on canvas (1887 - 1948) |
Cover illustration for The Crisis, A Record of the Darker Races February 1929 Vivian Schuyler Key Watercolor wash ( 1905 - 1990) |
The Flight Into Egypt 1930 James Lesesne Wells Oil on canvas (1902) |
Miss X 1930 Dox Thrash ( 1892 - 1965 ) |
Woman Holding a Jug 1932 James A. Porter Oil on canvas ( 1905 - 1970 ) |