Note that for all of the corrections below, the mistakes have been fixed on the online versions of the notes/assignments. I am just compiling a record here in case you printed off a hard copy prior to the correction.


4-23: 4-18 notes, slides 7 and 9. In the table, RSS should be R2.

4-16: 3-19 notes, slide (22). This slide is incorrect and has been removed (the previous slide 23 is now slide 22).

3-22: 3-21 notes, slide 6. Equation for αj was missing a uj.

3-7: 3-5 notes, slide 21: ρ2 should just be ρ.

2-8: 2-7 notes, throughout: Made μ, Ω bold throughout.

2-6: Slide 9, 1-31 notes: typo in definition of the odds ratio; θ2 should be θ1. Also removed superfluous bullet point on slide 37.

1-31: Fixed notation for slides 8 and 22 of the 1-24 notes to be consistent with previous slides, where ω is the precision

1-25: On Assignment 1, problem 4a), "weighted average of the prior and posterior means" should be "weighted average of the prior and sample means". (Thank you David for pointing this out)

1-8: Welcome to the website for BST 701, Bayesian Modeling in Biostatistics. Above are links to the syllabus and lecture notes. There are also a few data sets available in a tab-delimited format; more will come as the semester progresses. Soon, assignments will be posted as well.