Classes taught at the University of Iowa

12:175 Mineral and Petroleum Exploration Geology
This course will present fundamentals of resource exploration philosophy and methods, followed by a project based presentation of techniques and strategies for mineral and petroleum exploration. Half of the course will cover exploration philosophy and mineral exploration; Dr. Finzel will cover hydrocarbon systems in the other half. Mineral exploration will focus on integration and evaluation of geological, geophysical, and geochemical techniques. Petroleum exploration will focus on hydocarbon systems and seismic interpretation. The class will take a five-day field trip. 3 s.h.
next offering: Spring 2015
12:191 Tectonics and Basin Analysis
Students will become familiar with the fundamentals of global plate tectonics, tectonic processes, and development of orogenic belts and sedimentary basins. The course focuses on synthesis of data and concepts to understand theoretical and applied aspects of global tectonics and application of tectonic principles to addressing basin evolution and other regional geological problems. The class will take a five-day field trip to examine the surface expression of tectonic elements as a critical component in visualizing 4-D tectonic models. Co-taught with Dr. Finzel. 3 s.h.
next offering: Spring 2016
12:113 Geologic Field Analysis
The course addresses structural, stratigraphic, and regional analysis of geology in the Rocky Mountains of Montana with an emphasis on making reasonable geologic interpretations from field relationships. The course is co-taught with Dr. Gilotti, Dr. Ukstins Peate, and Dr. Finzel. The third week involves a capstone experience dedicated to synthesizing the geology of a fold-and-thrust belt near Glacier National Park. 3 s.h.
12:112 Geologic Field Methods
Students are introduced to basic principles and techniques of field geology with an emphasis placed on making fundamental geologic observations. The course is co-taught with Dr. Gilotti, Dr. Ukstins Peate, and Dr. Finzel. The field course takes place in the Rocky Mountains of southwest Montana. 3 s.h.
12:257 Tectonics and Petrology Seminar
This class is taught on rotating basis with five other "hard rock" faculty members. The goal is to provide a forum for senior undergraduate and graduate students (and faculty) to discuss topics of interest in Tectonics, Petrology and Geochemistry on a regular basis. It is an opportunity for students to read and critique current literature, as well as to improve their presentation skills. The format of the class is a presentation of papers by a student, followed by a discussion of the papers lead by the presenter; all students are expected to participate in the discussion. 1 s.h.
12:003 Introduction to Earth Sciences
This course is taught on rotating basis with other faculty members. The class examines the basics of plate tectonics, geologic time, the rock cycle, volcanoes, igneous-sedimentary- metamorphic rocks, fossils, radioactive isotopes, landscape evolution, mountain building, natural resources, and the impacts of Earth processes on civilization. 3-4 s.h.
12:008 Introduction to Environmental Science
This class is taught on rotating basis with other faculty members. The course explores the biological and physical character of the Earth, interaction of humans with the environment 0 including impacts on ecosystems, climate, natural processes and resources, and alternative options including sustainability, waste management, energy and land reform. 3-4 s.h.