lead: IQ levels for children who lived near or far (within 1 mile) from a lead smelter in El Paso, Texas
alcohol: Alcohol metabolism in male and female alcoholic/non-alcoholics
hills: Winning times, distance, and climb for 1984 Scottish hill races
puromycin: Reaction velocity versus substrate concentration for the enzyme galactosyltransferase
beetles: Beetles killed by exposure to carbon disulphide at various doses
roots: Roots produced by shoots of the apple cultivar "Trajan" under various growth conditions
brunner: Return rates for brown trout in Lake Brunner, New Zealand
donner: Survival, age, and sex of the members of the ill-fated Donner party
radon: Radon measurements from the State Residential Radon Survey
radon-county: County-level soil uranium measurements
cd4: CD4 counts over time in HIV-positive children
flight: Flight simulator study of pilot responses to aircraft upsets
earnings: Income and demographic variables from the Work, Family, and Well-Being in the United States study, 1994
nes2000: Voting intentions and demographic information from the National Election Study carried out prior to the 2000 presidential election
birthweight: Relationship between low birthweight and exposure to high THM levels from the UK National Births Register