Full Data
ID Brief Description Description (tab-delimited)
mortality Deaths by age and year for the United States, 1933-2010 html txt
gvhd Time until graft vs. host disease in bone marrow transplant recipients html txt
Hoel1972 Time until death for mice exposed to radiation html txt
Pike1966 Days to vaginal cancer mortality in rats html txt
Nahman1992 Time to exit-site infection in dialysis patients html txt
Freireich1963 Clinical trial of 6-MP in children with acute leukemia html txt
parkinsons Genetic association study of age-at-onset in patients with Parkinson's disease html txt
Byar1980 Clinical trial of estrogen for treatment of prostate cancer html txt
tdap Study of Tdap vaccine and premature birth html txt
Podzielinski2012 Mortality and recurrence in medically operable endometrial cancer html txt
7210f18 Final project data set html txt