Full Data
ID Brief Description Description (tab-delimited)
mortality Deaths by age and year for the United States, 1933-2010 [html]   *
gvhd Time until graft vs. host disease in bone marrow transplant recipients [html] [txt]
Hoel1972 Time until death for mice exposed to radiation [html] [txt]
Pike1966 Days to vaginal cancer mortality in rats [html] [txt]
Nahman1992 Time to exit-site infection in dialysis patients [html] [txt]
Freireich1963 Clinical trial of 6-MP in children with acute leukemia [html] [txt]
parkinsons Genetic association study of age-at-onset in patients with Parkinson's disease [html] [txt]
Byar1980 Clinical trial of estrogen for treatment of prostate cancer [html] [txt]
7210f15 Final project data set [html] [txt]
tdap Study of Tdap vaccine and premature birth [html] [txt]
Podzielinski2012 Mortality and recurrence in medically operable endometrial cancer [html] [txt]

* Unfortunately, I do not have permission to publish this data online; data is available only to enrolled students