Likelihood Theory and Extensions
BIOS 7110
Fall 2020
8-14: Welcome to the website for Likelihood Theory and Extensions. On the menu above are links to the syllabus, lecture notes, assignments, and proofs.
Notable corrections:
10-13 (Assignment 6, problem 3): The original version of this problem had a typo in the pdf of the gamma distribution. This is fixed now, but please make sure that the final term in your density is e-β x.
9-9 (9-02 notes, slide 14): In the original version of these notes, Σ was missing an inverse sign in the equation for the density of a multivariate normal.
9-6 (Assignment 2, problem 4): The summation should be over n, not over x. Thank you Tabitha for pointing this out.
9-5 (8-31 notes, slides 12-14): I accidentally forgot to include the 1/n! term in front of the second- and third-order Taylor series expansion terms! This is fixed online now, but please correct any paper copies of the notes that you may have taken or printed out!
Current version of syllabus: September 9, 2020