Classes taught at the University of Iowa

12:001/003 Introduction to Earth Science
I sometimes team teach this introductory geology class. The goal of the course is for students to gain some level of understanding about the Earth and the processes that have shaped its surface and interior. Students should finish the course with a firmer appreciation of why studying the Earth through the Geosciences is important, and also how their daily lives are impacted by geological processes: e.g. natural hazards, mineral resources necessary for modern society, environmental change.
offered: every semester
12:019 First Year Seminar: Catastrophic Geology - Theoretical and Real
This is a course designed for first year students with no previous knowledge of geology who are looking for a small group experience in exploration and learning. We will use Bill Bryson's best selling book, A Short History of Nearly Everything, to examine what happens when a meteor impacts the Earth or a large volcano erupts. Examples of catastrophic events that have impacted Iowa will be discussed. The course will culminate in a weekend camping trip to Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park in eastern Nebraska. 1 s.h.
offered: Spring 2009
12:112 Geologic Field Methods
An introductory 3-week methods class in the Rocky Mountains of SW Montana, based at the University of Montana-Western in Dillon, MT. Students learn basic principles and techniques of field geology including: constructing a stratigraphic section, identifying and mapping geologic units and contacts, constructing cross-sections and developing a complete geologic history of an area based on data acquired through mapping. Students learn techniques for mapping surficial deposits, including glacial deposits, which is especially useful for environmental science tracks. Team taught with Drs. McClelland and Ukstins Peate. 3 s.h.
next offered: Summer 2013
12:113 Geologic Field Analysis
An advanced course in stratigraphic, structural and regional analysis of the geology of the Rocky Mountains in Montana. The emphasis of this course is on making reasonable geologic interpretations from field relationships. The first two weeks involve mapping problems in the vicinity of Dillon, Montana The third week is a capstone experience dedicated to synthesizing the geology of the Montana fold-and-thrust belt south of Glacier National Park. Field Methods and Structural Geology are prerequisites for this course, which is required for the Geoscience B.S. Team taught with Drs. McClelland and Ukstins Peate. 3 s.h
next offered: Summer 2013
12:132 Structural Geology
This is a required course for Geoscience B.S. and Environmental Science Brown track undergraduates. The goals of the course threefold: 1.) to introduce the geometric, kinematic and dynamic aspects of structures in the Earth's crust; 2.) to understand the basic mehtods of structural geology, especially techniques that employ 2d representations of 3d structures; and 3.) to exercise the right side of the brain. The course introduces the concepts of rock deformation, from descriptive terminology to earth processes. We start by describing earth structures, such as joints, faults, folds, fabrics and fault systems before tackling stress, strain and rheology. Students solve a variety of problems in the weekly lab. The course includes a weekend field trip to Baraboo, Wisconsin - usually with spectacular fall colors. 4 s.h.
next offered: Spring 2013
12:293 Advanced Structural Geology - Microstructures
This is a graduate level course aimed a providing an overview of modern microstructural analysis of deformed rocks. Students become familiar techniques and learn to make informed interpretations of microstructures in deformed and metamorphosed rocks, with the ultimate goal of interpreting the deformation history of rocks. Topics include: deformation mechanisms, flow laws, crystallographic preferred orientations, elements of planar and linear fabrics, deformation features in common minerals, and kinematic analysis. Undergraduates who have had Structural Geology and Petrology are welcome to join this class. 3 s.h.
next offered: Fall 2014
12:257 Tectonics and Petrology Seminar
I teach this class on rotating basis with five other tectonics and petrology oriented faculty members. I last taught the course in Fall 2012 and the topic was "Ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism of continental crust." The goal is to provide a forum for senior undergraduate, graduate students and faculty to discuss topics of interest in Tectonics, Petrology and Geochemistry on a regular basis. It is an opportunity for students to read and critique current literature, as well as to improve their presentation skills. The format of the class is a presentation of papers by a student, followed by a discussion of the papers lead by the presenter; all students are expected to participate in the discussion. 1 s.h.
next offered: Fall 2013 by Mark Reagan
