Syllabus • Assignments • ICON
We will examine a century of poetry, fiction, drama and autobiographical works set in or written by authors from the upper Midwest, and consider some ways in which their subjects and preoccupations mirrored the region’s history, culture and geography.
Writers whose works we will sample include Hamlin Garland, Mark Twain, Theodore Dresier, Susan Glaspell, Edgar Lee Masters, Carl Sandburg, Fenton Johnston, Winona La Duke, Gwendolyn Brooks, Aldo Leopold, Marilyn Robinson, Jane Smiley, Rita Dove and others.
As assignments, I will ask students to bring in questions for class discussion, post brief web-responses to the texts, prepare class-presentations on one or more of the course’s authors, and write two six-page critical essays, one due midway through the course and the other at the end.
Copyright © 2012 Florence Boos, The University of Iowa