January 18th Wednesday
January 23rd Monday
Hamlin Garland, Main Travelled Roads, “Up the Coolly,” “A 'Good Fellow''s Wife," “Mrs. Ripley’s Trip,”
January 25th Wednesday
Garland, "Under the Lion's Paw," early Native American poems
January 30th Monday
Early Native American poems
February 1st Wednesday
Discussion of 2 essays from The American Midwest: A Regional History, ed. Cayton and Gray;
Mark Twain, "The War Prayer," "Man's Place in the Animal World"
Icon post due Friday the 3rd
At least one of your 7 ICON posts should comment on one of the handouts from The American Midwest
February 6th Monday
Mark Twain if needed; begin Ole Rolvaag, Giants in the Earth
February 8th Wednesday
Ole Rolvaag, Giants in the Earth
February 13th Monday
Rolvaag, Giants in the Earth
February 15th Wednesday
Susan Glaspell, “Trifles” and “A Jury of Her Peers”
February 20th Monday
Glaspell, “The Verge,” “The Inheritors”
February 22nd Wednesday
February 27th Monday
Theodore Dreiser, Sister Carrie
February 29th Wednesday
Dreiser, Sister Carrie
March 5th Monday
Dreiser, Sister Carrie
Topic of first paper with bibliography due
March 7th Wednesday
Poets: Edgar Lee Masters, Carl Sandburg
Friday 9th outline of first paper due
Spring break
March 19th Monday
Aldo Leopold, Sand County Almanac
First paper due
March 21st Wednesday
Leopold, Sand County Almanac
March 26th Monday
Sinclair Lewis, Main Street
March 28th Wednesday
Lewis, Main Street
April 2nd Monday
Poets: Paul Laurence Dunbar, Fenton Johnson, possibly begin Brooks
April 4th Wednesday
Gwendolyn Brooks, selections from Collected Poems
April 9th Monday
Jane Smiley, A Thousand Acres
April 11th Wednesday
Smiley, A Thousand Acres
April 16th Monday
Winona La Duke, Last Standing Woman
April 18th Wednesday
La Duke, Last Standing Woman
April 23rd Monday
Toni Morrison, Beloved
April 25th Wednesday
Morrison, Beloved
April 30th Monday
Marilyn Robinson, Gilead
May 2nd Wednesday Robinson, Gilead
Exam: class meeting for presentations and take-home exam/essay May 7th 3:30 p. m.
Copyright © 2009 Florence Boos, The University of Iowa • Updated January 23, 2012