BIOS 5710: Biostatistical Methods I

Fall 2014

Note: There is a newer version of this course (Fall 2016) available here.


12-12: Fixed and clarified question 1f) on assignment 12. I meant to ask about the time where S(t)=0.75, which would be the 25th percentile of survival time, not the 75th. Thank you to Ryan for pointing this out.

12-4: Fixed missing / in the denominator on page 19. This is a major typo, so please be sure to fix it in your notes! Thank you to Youwei for pointing this out.

10-30: Fixed missing dependency on qd() function in lab 9 for the tpower function. All the code for the lab should work now.

10-29: Fixed typo on slides 12 and 13 of the 10-29 notes where I forgot to square the (O-E) term in the χ2 statistic.

10-20: Fixed typo on slide 14 of 10-13 notes; exponent on x should be p/2-1, not -p/2-1 (thank you to Ryan for pointing this out).

10-8: Fixed typo on assignment 5, question 5 (thank you to Youwei for pointing this out).

9-24: Fixed typo on slide 9 of 9-24 notes in the definition of the Gamma function.

9-22: We now have a time and place for the final. It will be Monday, December 15, 12:30 to 2:30 in our regular classroom (S025A CPHB).

8-28: Link (Wired magazie) to article on placebos that was the source of some of my placebo anecdotes in class the other day.

8-28: Fixed bug in lab code (Line 43) where I forgot to name the elements of a list, then later refer to them by name.

8-25: Welcome to the website for Biostatistical Methods I. On the menu above are links to the syllabus, lecture notes, assignments, and labs. There are also a number of data sets available in a tab-delimited format. We will discuss these data in class and on homework assignments as the semester goes on.