One can think about decomposing a vector into two separate pieces of information: its direction and its length. This idea can be extended to matrices as well, and this is the idea behind eigenvalues and eigenvectors, which are defined according to this equation:

\[\tag{$\dagger$} \A\v = \lambda\v.\]

Any vector (of unit length) \(\v\) which satisfies this equation is special to \(\A\): when \(\A\) operates in that direction, it acts merely to elongate or shrink (and not rotate, thereby preserving direction), and the amount which it elongates or shrinks is \(\lambda\). The \(\v\)’s which satisfy this equation are called eigenvectors, and the \(\lambda\)’s are the eigenvalues.

Note: We deal here only with symmetric matrices; it is possible to extend the concept to non-symmetric and non-square matrices via the spectral decomposition theorem.

Below are a number of helpful facts about eigenvalues.

  1. Number of solutions
  2. Spectral radius
  3. Characteristic equation
  4. Eigenvalues and traces
  5. Eigenvalues and determinants
  6. Positive definite matrices
  7. Eigendecomposition
  8. Inverses
  9. Rank
  10. Eigenvalues of idempotent matrices
  11. Extremal values

Number of solutions

Suppose \(\A\) is an \(n \times n\) matrix. Then it has exactly \(n\) solutions to (\(\dagger\)). The \(n\) eigenvalues are called the spectrum of \(\A\).

Spectral radius

The largest eigenvalue of \(\A\) is called the spectral radius of \(\A\), often denoted \(\kappa(\A)\). It follows that \(\lim_{k \to \infty} \A^k = \zero\) if and only if \(\kappa(\A) < 1\).

Characteristic equation

Any value \(\lam\) satisfying (\(\dagger\)) also satisfies


and vice versa. This equation is called the characteristic equation.

Eigenvalues and traces

If \(\A\) has eigenvalues \(\{\lam_1,\ldots,\lam_n\}\),


Eigenvalues and determinants

If \(\A\) has eigenvalues \(\{\lam_1,\ldots,\lam_n\}\),


Positive definite matrices

\[\A \href{positive-definite.html}{\text{ positive definite}} \Leftrightarrow \text{all eigenvalues of $\A$ are positive}.\]


\[\A \href{positive-definite.html}{\text{ positive semidefinite}} \Leftrightarrow \text{all eigenvalues of $\A$ are nonnegative}.\]


If \(\A\) is a symmetric matrix, its eigenvalues are orthonormal. Such a matrix can thus be factored into:


where \(\bL\) is a diagonal matrix containing the eigenvalues of \(\A\), and the columns of \(\Q\) contain its orthonormal eigenvectors (i.e., \(\Q \Q \Tr = \Q \Tr \Q = \I\)).


Suppose \(\A\) has eigenvectors \(\Q\) and eigenvalues \(\{\lam_i\}\). Then \(\A^{-1}\) has eigenvectors \(\Q\) and eigenvalues \(\{\lam_i^{-1}\}\). In other words, if \(\A=\Q\bL\Q^T\),



Suppose \(\A\) has rank \(r\). Then \(\A\) has \(r\) nonzero eigenvalues, and the remaining \(n-r\) eigenvalues are equal to zero.

Eigenvalues of idempotent matrices

If \(\A\) is idempotent, all its eigenvalues are equal to either 0 or 1.

Extremal values

Let the eigenvalues \(\{\lam_1,\ldots,\lam_n\}\) of \(\A\) be ordered from smallest to largest. Over the set of all vectors \(\x\) such that \(\norm{\x}=1\),

\[\al{minmax}{\min \x^T\A\x = \lam_1, \qquad \max \x^T\A\x = \lam_n}\]