We will be working with the flicker/eye color dataset from the class website. An individual’s critical flicker frequency is the highest frequency at which the flicker in a flickering light source can be detected. At frequencies above the critical frequency, the light source appears to be continuous even though it is actually flickering. This study recorded critical flicker frequency and iris color for 19 subjects.
flick <- read.delim("http://myweb.uiowa.edu/pbreheny/data/flicker.txt")
The first step of the ANOVA analysis is to create a linear model using the lm() function. The lm() function takes a parameter Y ~ X which is similar to other functions we have used in the past. We will use the lm() function to examine the relationship between eye color and flicker, where flicker is our outcome of interest (Y) and eye color is our explanatory variable (X). Once we have saved the linear model, we will use the anova() function to understand how much of the total variation in “flicker” is explained by our model.
model1 <- lm(flick$Flicker ~ flick$Color)
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: flick$Flicker
## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## flick$Color 2 22.997 11.4986 4.8023 0.02325 *
## Residuals 16 38.310 2.3944
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Note: You must calculate variability differently than what was explained in class because the output does not give you RSS0.
The output is giving you:
RSS0-RSS1 = 23
RSS1 = 38.31
To find RSS0 you need to find RSS1 + (RSS0-RSS1)
From this output, we can find how much variability is explained by eye color using: 23 / (38.31 + 23) = 0.3751.
If this confuses you, find RSS1 and RSS0 using this code to calculate variability the same way we did in class:
model1 <- lm(flick$Flicker ~ flick$Color) # Full model
model0 <- lm(flick$Flicker ~ 1) # Model with just the intercept (reduced model)
RSS1 <- sum(model1$residuals^2)
RSS0 <- sum(model0$residuals^2)
# formula used in class to find explained variability:
## [1] 0.3751145
Thus, eye color explains 37.5% of the variability in critical flicker detection.
Note: the R^2 can also be calculated using the summary function:
## Call:
## lm(formula = flick$Flicker ~ flick$Color)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -2.7200 -0.8771 0.1125 1.1462 2.3125
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 28.1667 0.6317 44.588 < 2e-16 ***
## flick$ColorBrown -2.5792 0.8357 -3.086 0.00708 **
## flick$ColorGreen -1.2467 0.9370 -1.331 0.20200
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1.547 on 16 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.3751, Adjusted R-squared: 0.297
## F-statistic: 4.802 on 2 and 16 DF, p-value: 0.02325
Could this variability explained by eye color be due to chance? The p-value is 0.02, so it is quite unlikely that variability explained by eye color is due to chance alone. If you are curious, this p-value is based on the F statistic of 4.8023. Overall, do you think eye color impacts flicker detection? Can we determine how eye color impacts flicker from the ANOVA test?
The low p-value provides evidence that flicker detection differed by eye color. However, we do not know how eye colors compare to one another. Which eye color tends to detect flicker the best? Do all eye colors make a significant impact on flicker? First, let’s compare flicker detection by eye color using a boxplot.
boxplot(flick$Flicker~flick$Color, col=c("blue", "brown", "green"))
This boxplot indicates that those with blue eyes have the best flicker detection, while those with brown eyes have the worst; green is somewhere in between.
However, we cannot say whether this difference is significant enough to conclude that blue eyes are better at detecting flicker than brown eyes (as well as other comparisons with green eyes) without performing pairwise tests.
We learned in class why it’s important to account for each separate comparison you make, in order to avoid making too many type I errors. For ANOVA, the most common method for adjusting for multiple comparisons (and the method you’ll have to use on the homework) is called the “Tukey” correction (or “Tukey’s Honest Significant Differences”). R makes this relatively easy to accomplish with the TukeyHSD() function.
fit <- aov(flick$Flicker~flick$Color)
## Tukey multiple comparisons of means
## 95% family-wise confidence level
## Fit: aov(formula = flick$Flicker ~ flick$Color)
## $`flick$Color`
## diff lwr upr p adj
## Brown-Blue -2.579167 -4.7354973 -0.422836 0.0183579
## Green-Blue -1.246667 -3.6643959 1.171063 0.3994319
## Green-Brown 1.332500 -0.9437168 3.608717 0.3124225
From the output we get an average difference and a lower and upper difference. Interpret what these intervals tell us
Another way is to use Bonferroni adjustment and in R we use the pairwise.t.test() function.
pairwise.t.test(flick$Flicker, flick$Color, p.adj = "bonf")
## Pairwise comparisons using t tests with pooled SD
## data: flick$Flicker and flick$Color
## Blue Brown
## Brown 0.021 -
## Green 0.606 0.451
## P value adjustment method: bonferroni
Here, R automatically scales your p-value so you can compare it to 0.05 like usual. If you ran the code above with the argument p.adj = “none”, you would have to calculate the Bonferroni-adjusted alpha level (here it would be .05/3 = .017) and compare results to 0.017 as a threshold for rejection.
pairwise.t.test(flick$Flicker, flick$Color, p.adj = "none")
## Pairwise comparisons using t tests with pooled SD
## data: flick$Flicker and flick$Color
## Blue Brown
## Brown 0.0071 -
## Green 0.2020 0.1504
## P value adjustment method: none
From the p-values we can see flicker detection is significantly better for blue eyes compared to brown eyes. However, there is not sufficient evidence to conclude that flicker significantly differs between brown and green, and green and blue eyes.
Be able to create a contingency table with the outcome as the columns and the groups as the rows. Know how to compute a Chi-squared test. The formula for the chi-squared statistic is the sum of \(\frac{(observed-expected)^2}{expected}\). Then find the value on a chi-squared table and find the area to the right (always take the complement of the probability you find on the table to compute p-value for observing something as extreme or more extreme than expected).
Know Fisher’s tests the same hypothesis as a chi-squared test, but is an exact test, not an approximation (chi-square). Especially useful when any expected cell count is below 5, and is necessary when the expected counts are lower than 1.
Remember from a contingency table this is ad/bc. It is important you know how to interpret the odds. If the odds ratio > 1, for example 1.5, then we would say “The odds for (group 1) experiencing (outcome”Y”) is 1.5 times the odds of (group 2) experiencing (outcome “Y”).”
If the odds ratio is < 1, for example 0.6, we would say “The odds for (group 1) experiencing (outcome”Y”) is 0.6 times the odds of (group 2) experiencing (outcome “Y”). OR “The odds for (group 1) experiencing (outcome”Y”) are 40% lower than the odds of (group 2) experiencing (outcome “Y”).”
The CI for the log odds ratio is \(ln(OR) \pm Z*\sqrt{\frac{1}{a} +\frac{1}{b} + \frac{1}{c} + \frac{1}{d}}\), where Z for a 95% CI is 1.96. To get the CI for the odds ratio, exponentiate the bounds \((e^{L}, e^{U})\).
Recall, this test is used to determine whether the means of two groups from and unpaired dataset are significantly different. We can either use Welch’s (computer only) or Student’s test (can compute by hand). Know the difference between the two and why it would be appropriate to use one test over the other.
Review methods for handling outliers and poor skews. We can log transform the data, use a Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon rank sum test (or the Wilcoxon signed rank test), or use a permutation test. Know the difference between parametric and non-parametric.
Understand the differences between retrospective, prospective, and cross-sectional studies.
A study examined 793 individuals who were in bike accidents. It was found that of 147 riders that wore helmets, 17 of them had a head injury. Of the rest of the bikers who did not wear helmets, 428 did not get a head injury.
Make a contingency table for the data
Without running any tests, does there appear to be a benefit to wearing a helmet? (hint: odds ratio)
Make a 95% CI for this odds ratio
What are the expected counts for the contingency table?
Calculate chi-squared statistic and interpret
If we used a computer to help answer this question, what is a more exact test we could use?
A study compared the miles per gallon of American cars (sample 1) to Japanese cars (sample 2). The sample size for American cars was 249 with a sample mean of 20.145 and sample standard deviation of 6.415. Japanese cars had a sample size of 79, sample mean of 30.481, and sample standard deviation of 6.108. (pooled standard deviation is 6.343)
If we assume data is normal what test do we run? What else might we consider to determine what test is most appropriate?
Conduct a t-test comparing the two group means and interpret the results
Further analysis shows that two of the American cars in the sample were getting less than 5 miles per gallon. How might this affect the test results? How might you remedy this issue?
The Predators (a hockey team) just reached the second round of playoffs. Suppose we were curious if the Predators experienced any benefit to playing at home this season, so we gathered the data on how many goals they scored each game and whether they were home or away (regular season only). In home games they scored an average of 3.098 goals in 41 games with a sd of 1.841. In away games (41) they scored 2.237 with a sd of 1.43. The pooled sd is 1.650.
Which test would you use to examine the association between location and goals scored?
It seems they did better at home could this be a difference explained by chance alone?