Two More Big Stories:

Sustained Population Growth

Sustained Economic Growth 







Population Growth


Why Does Population Grow?

Higher Birth Rates?

History of Intimacy

Christian Marriage

Pre-Marital Sex Tolerated if Followed by Marriage.

Chesterfield Parish Church






Fertility Control





Death Rates?


Age of Marriage: earlier. Why?







Thomas Malthus





Growth of Agricultural Output















 Application of Inanimate Power (coal/steam)


Spinning Jenny

James Watt link

Power Spinning/Factories









The Industrial City: Manchester








Who Gets the Money?

New Elites





Who Does the Work?

Labor Theory of Value

Working People (Working Class)







Pattern of Work

Relationship to Superiors







Technology (more bottlenecks)






Questions for Review


What were the primary forms of family limitation in eighteenth century Europe?

What were some possible reasons for changes in the birth rate, or the death rate?

Why was agricultural output growing in the eighteenth century?

Why did the first major technological breakthrough of the industrial revolution occur in the spinning industry?

Why did the owners of the industrial and commercial "means of production" believe that they deserved their wealth?

What is the "labor theory of value?"

What were the most important changes in the character of work in industrial districts?