Religious Revival

The Evangelical Revival


What is a Christian Church?



Defining the Church of England


"High Church" Anglicans




Irish Church Act 1833





The Oxford Movement


John Henry Newman 1801-1890

John Keble 1792-1866

Hurrell Froude 1803-1836

University Church of St. Mary theVirgin

Tracts for the Times

"The Parting of Friends" 1843

Conversion to Rome 1845

Anglo-Catholicism: Ritualism


Church Parties (Church of England)



Gothic Revival

August Welby Pugin 1812-1852

Contrasts 1836

Parliament (Charles Barry) 

St. Pancras Station (Gilbert Scott)

1 2 3 4 5

Iowa City




Baptists and Congregationalists



Us vs. Them: Nonconformist Identity

Chapel architecture: Matlock, Derbyshire


Nonconformist philanthropy

Temperance movement



Nonconformist politics


1851 Census of Church Attendance


What were the different theories used to justify to privileged position of the Church of England?

Why did many people think this was important?

What did it mean to be a "Nonconformist" in mid-nineteenth century England?