Journal Articles
Shen, H. H., Zhou, Y., & Gao, G. (2020). Oral Reading Miscues and Reading Comprehension by Chinese L2 Learners. Reading in a Foreign Language, 32(2), 143-168.
Helen H. Shen (2019). An Investigation on Instructional-Level Reading Among Chinese L2 Learners, Journal of Second Language Teaching and Research, 7, 184-211.
Helen H. Shen (2019). Morphological awareness of separable words among Chinese L2 learners, Chinese as a Second Language Research, 8 (2), 167-195.
Helen H. Shen(2017). .Lexical Accessing for Ambiguous Words among Advanced Chinese L2 Learners. Chinese as a Second Language, 52 (3), 209–231.
Helen H. Shen (2015). L1 Semantic transfer in the acquisition of L2 Chinese.Chinese Teaching in the World, 29 (2), 221–241.
Helen H. Shen and Wenjing Xu (2015). Active learning: Qualitative inquiries into vocabulary instruction in Chinese L2 classrooms. Foregin Language Annals, 48 (1), 82-99.
Helen H. Shen (2013). Chinese L2 Literacy Development: Cognitive Characteristics, Learning Strategies, and Pedagogical Interventions. Language and Linguistics Compass 7 (7), 371–387.
Helen H. Shen & Xin Jiang (2013). Character reading fluency, word segmentation accuracy, and reading comprehension in L2 Chinese. Reading in a Foreign Language, 25 (1), 1–25.
Helen H. Shen & Chen-Hui Tsai (2010). A Web-Based Extensive Reading Program and its Assessment System. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 45 (2) 19-47. Program website:
Helen H. Shen (2010). Imagery and verbal coding approaches in Chinese vocabulary instruction. Language Teaching Research.,14,485-499.
Helen H. Shen (2009). Size and Strength: Written vocabulary acquisition among advanced learners. Chinese Teaching in the World ,世界汉语教学 23 (1), 74-85.
Helen H. Shen (2008). Cognitive theories and their application in Chinese vocabulary instruction认知理论及其在汉语作为二语的字词教学中的应用,Studies of Chinese Characters[中国文字研究], 10 (1), 149-158.
Helen H. Shen (2008). An analysis of word decision strategies among learners of Chinese, Foreign Language Annals, 41, 501-524.
Helen H. Shen & Chuanren Ke (2007). An investigation of radical awareness and word acquisition among non-native learners of Chinese, The Modern Language Journal, 91, 97-111.
Helen H. Shen (2005). Linguistic complexity and beginning-level L2 Chinese reading, Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 40, 1-28.
Helen H. Shen (2005). An investigation of Chinese character learning strategies among non-native learners of Chinese, System, 33, 49-68.
Helen H. Shen (2004). Level of cognitive processing: Effects on character learning among non-native learners of Chinese as a foreign language, Language and Education, 18, 167-182.
Chuanren Ke & Helen H. Shen (2003).
[Research and Theory Building in Teaching Chinese in the U.S.: A Comprehensive Review and Critique],Yuyan Jiaoxue yu Yanjiu [Language Teaching and Studies], No. 3, 1-17.
Helen H. Shen (2003). A Comparison of written Chinese achievement among heritage learners in homogeneous and heterogeneous groups, Foreign Language Annals, 36, 258-266.
Helen H. Shen & Donald R. Bear (2000a). Development of orthographic skills in Chinese children, Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 13, 197-236.
Helen Helen H. Shen (2000b). The interconnections of reading-text-based writing and reading comprehension among college intermediate learners of Chinese as a foreign language, Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 35, 29-48.
Helen H. Shen (2000c). Radical knowledge and character learning among learners of Chinese as a foreign language, Yuyan Yanjiu [Linguistic Studies] June issue, 85-93.
Books and Book Chapters
Helen H. Shen, Chen-Hui Tsai, Lisha Xu, & Shu Zhu (2011). Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: Vocabulary Acquisition and Instruction 汉语字词教学. Beijing University Press. This book is accompanied by three Character/word Teaching DVDs.
Ordering information: www.
Helen H. Shen, Yunong Zhou, Xiaoyuan Zhao (2013). Intermediate Chinese Reader. New York: Routledge.
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Helen H. Shen, Ping Wang, & Chen-hui Tsai (2009). Learning 100 Chinese Radicals 汉语部首教程 (Textbook, Wordbook, website). Beijing University Press.
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Helen H. Shen, Chen-Hui Tsai, & Yunong Zhou (2006). Introduction to Stardard Chinese Pinyin System (Textbook, Wordbook, CD, website). Beijing Language and Culture University Press.
Ordering information:; Order from the U.S.
Book Chapters
Helen H. Shen (2018). Chinese as a second language reading: Lexical access and text comprehension. In Chanren Ke (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Second Language Acquisition, pp. 134-150. New York: Routledge.
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Helen H. Shen (2014). Chinese L2 Literacy Debates and Beginner Reading in the United States. In Martha Bigelow & Johanna Ennser-Kananen (Eds.), The Routlege Handbook of Educational Linguistics, pp. 276-287. New York: Routledge.
Ordering information:
Helen H. Shen (2010). Analysis of Radical Knowledge Development Among Beginning CFL Learners. In M.E.Everson& H.H.Shen (eds.), Research Among Learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language, pp.45-65. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i, National Foreign Language Resource Center.
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Helen H. Shen (2007). Learning Vocabulary through Independent Reading: Evidence from Advanced Chinese
Learners. In Jiang, X. J. Wan, Y. & Guder, A. (eds.), The Cognition, Learning and Teaching of Chinese Characters[ 对高年级学生独立阅读中词汇习得的调查研究]pp.228-250. Beijing Language and Culture University Press.Ordering information:
Helen H. Shen (2004). Brush reveals heart: Analysis of the artistic features of Su Shi's calligraphy, In Chin, T, and Li, W (eds.) East Asian Calligraphy Education. pp. 341-356. Bethesda, MD: University Press of Maryland.
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Michael. E. Everson & Helen H. Shen Eds(2010). Research Among Learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language. Published by the National Foreign Language Resource Center, University of Hawaii.
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Li Yu & Helen H. Shen (2015) Book Review for 500 Common Chinese Proverbs and Colloquial Expressions: An Annotated Frequncy Dictionary by Jiao, Liwei, & Benjamin Stone. New York: Routledge. The Modern Language Journal, 99, 618-619. DOI: 10.1111/modl.12258
Helen H. Shen (2011). Book Review for The Way of Chinese Characters by Jianhsin Wu, Boston: Cheng & Tsui Company and A New Multimedia Course for Learnimg Chinese Characters by Der-Lin Chao, Chinese Literacy Development Project. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 46, 117-122.
Helen H. Shen (2007). Book Review for Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar by Claudia Ross and Jing-heng S. Ma. New York: Routledge. The Modern Language Journal, 91,710-711.
Helen H. Shen (2006). Textbook Review for Connections I & II: A Cognitive Approach to Intermediate Chinese by Jennifer Li-Chia Liu. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. The Modern Language Journal, 90,435-436.
Helen H. Shen (2005). Textbook Review for Developing Writing Skills in Chinese by Boping Yuan and Kan Qian. London: Routledge. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 40, 111-116.
Helen H. Shen (2003). Textbook Review for Chinese Language and Culture: An Intermediate Reader by Weijia Huang and Qun Ao. Hongkong: The Chinese University Press. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 38, 119-122.
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