Registration fee $35.00

  You may register at the conference in the English-Philosophy Building (Room 107) where the conference will be held or by mail. Or register online at:

If you want to register by mail, please make check to Bertrand Russell Society

and send to:

Gregory Landini

Department of Philosophy

English-Philosophy Building

The University of Iowa

Iowa City, IA 52241-1408


Banquet Reservation $25.00

There will be a Banquet in the evening on 27 May.  We have reservation for 8:00pm. (It was the best time I could arrange for our group. It should be nice. There will be a largely Italian cuisine of 5 courses, and possibilities for vegetarians too. There should be some light entertainment.)

In order to plan for the Banquet, please let me know if you plan to come by sending me an email at

Please make your check for the banquet to "The Center for Conferences". You can send it to The University of Iowa
Center for Conferences
Attn: Bertrand Russell Society Mtg.
116 International Center
Iowa City, IA 52242

You can also pay by credit card online at: