"The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge."



** Please spread the word to your students and colleagues.**
                                              Deadline:   April 30, 2006.

(i)  Call for Papers for next Annual Meeting.
(ii)  Call for Paper submissions for the annual BRS Prizes for Papers competition.

(i)        The Bertrand Russell Society invites any interested person to deliver a paper or talk at our next annual meeting, to be held on May 27, 2006 at The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.   Papers, presented in 20-minute talks, can be on any facet of Russell's life, work, or influence, and should be directed to a general audience consisting not entirely of academics.  The Annual Meeting is an informal weekend gathering of Russell Society members of diverse interests and backgrounds.

           Please submit a title and brief description to Professor Alan Schwerin [] BRS President, Dept. of Philosophy, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ, USA  07764-1898.  Deadline:  April 30, 2006.

(ii)        The Bertrand Russell Society invites papers for our PRIZES FOR PAPERS competition, now in its fifteenth consecutive year.  Deadline:  April 30, 2006.

We award two prizes annually for the best new papers, one by an undergraduate and one by a graduate student or non-academic. The Prize-winners will present their papers at the Society's next Annual Meeting (as above).  Winners receive $200, free registration, lodging and banquet at the Annual Meeting, and a complimentary first-year membership in The Bertrand Russell Society, which includes subscriptions to The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly and to the semi-annual academic journal, Russell, published by the Russell Archives at McMaster University.  Summaries or short versions of the winning papers may also be published in the BRS Quarterly.

Papers can be on any aspect of Russell's life, work, or influence. They must be suitable for presentation to a general audience. They may be broad or narrow in scope and in any of the many fields that interested Russell: logic, mathematics, ethics, history, politics, religion, education, peace, nuclear war, history of ideas, etc., etc., or on Russell's relations with his contemporaries.

Papers should be designed for a presentation of 20 to 30 minutes, that is, a maximum of not much more than about 15 double-spaced pages of text. Submit a complete or nearly complete paper, not an abstract. State that you would, if chosen, attend the BRS Annual Meeting (see above for details). Those who have previously appeared on an Annual Meeting program are not eligible. Submit your paper by April 30, 2006 to Prof. Alan Schwerin, BRS President, Dept. of Philosophy, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ, USA  07764-1898; fax:  732-263-5102.