33rd Annual Meeting of the Bertrand Russell Society

The University of Iowa



Friday 26 May

3:00-5:00 pm:  Registration   EPB 255 (Near Office of Department of Philosophy)

5:30 pm:  Dinner & Business Meeting at Old Capitol Cafe


8:00-9:00  Gregory Landini        University of Iowa                               

 Solving the Russell Paradoxes    (EPB 107)


Saturday 27 May

Coffee & Rolls & Fruit  in 105 EPB for light Breakfast

9:00-9:40:   Peter Stone               Stanford University                             

 Russell, Mathematics, and the Popular Mind  (EPB 107)


 9:50-10:30  Tim Madigan             St John Fisher College                        

 Arthur James Balfour: The Anti-Russell  (EPB 107)


10:40- 11:20 Emilio Reyes Le Blanc    University of Toronto                      

 Russell on Acquaintance and de re belief  (EPB 107)

11:30- 12:10
  Dorothea Lotter     University of Central Arkansas

Frege Russell on the Justification of a Logical Theory (EPB 107)


Lunch Downtown

2:00-2:40 Matt McKeon                                                                     

A Plea for Logical Objects  (EPB 107)

2:50-3:30        Christopher Pincock    Purdue University                              

 The Scientific Basis for Russell’s External World Program (EPB 107)

Max Belaise              University of Martinique                    

 Russell on Science and Religion (EPB 107)
 4:30-5:10 Francesco Orilia        Università di Macerata                        

On Denoting with denoting concepts (EPB 107)


6:30 Dinner downtown at the restaurant One Twenty Six


8:00-9:00 David Blitz                Central Connecticut State University    

Bertrand Russell Audio-Visual Project: the Andrew Wyatt Interviews
 Gerber Lounge (EPB 107)


Sunday 30 May      

Coffee & Rolls & Fruit   in 105 EPB for light Breakfast


 9:00- 10:00         Chad Trainer            Independent Scholar                            

 In Further Praise of Idleness (EPB 107)

10:10-11:10  Allan Hillman               Purdue University                            

 Russell on Leibniz and Substance (EPB 107)


11:30-12:30 Master Class Series 
 Alan Schwerin (Monmouth University)

Russell, Hume and the Idea of the Self  (EPB 107)