Articles on Working-Class Literature
Florence S. Boos
Working-Class Women Poets of the Victorian Period: An Anthology. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, 2008.
"Working-Class Poetry." The Blackwell Companion to Victorian Literature, eds. Dino Felluga, Linda K. Hughes and Pamela Gilbert. Forthcoming, London: Blackwell's, 2015.
Introduction and ed., special issue of Philological Quarterly, "Working-Class Writing in Victorian Britain," 91.3 (2013; actual appearance 2014), 131-45.
"Under Physical Siege: Early Victorian Working-Class Women's Autobiographies." Special issue of Philological Quarterly, "Working-Class Writing in Victorian Britain," 91.3 (2013; actual appearance 2014), 251-69.
"The Education Act of 1870: Before and After," BRANCH (Britain: Representation and Nineteenth-Century History), ed. Dino Felluga. forthcoming spring 2015.
“Women and Education: Women and the Education Acts,” Berg Cultural History of Women in the Age of Empire, edited by Teresa Mangum, Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2013.
“Teaching the Poetry of Victorian Working-Class Women Poets,” Approaches to Teaching Working-Class Writing, edited Kevin Binfield and William Christmas, forthcoming Modern Language Association, 2015.
"Janet Hamilton as Cultural Critic," Edinburgh Companion to Scottish Women's Writing, ed. Glenda Norquay, Edinburgh UP, 2012.
“Not So Lowly Bards: Victorian Working-Class Women Poets and Middle-Class Expectations,” special issue “Retrieval and Beyond: Labouring-Class Studies” edited by John Goodridge, Key Words: A Journal of Cultural Materialism 8 (2010), 21-37.
“’A Plea for the Doric’ by Janet Hamilton,” Victoria Review, special feature on “key texts,” 35.1 (2009): 41-45.
“Shards of Ordinary Life: Life Writings of the Victorian Poor,” in Erfaring og Forstaelse (Experience and Understanding), ed. Oystein Hide, National Department of Higher Education, Oslo, Norway, 2005, 233-57.
“Class and Victorian Poetics,” Blackwell’s Literary Compass, Winter 2005.
“Queen of the Far-Famed Penny Post: Ellen Johnston, ‘The Factory Girl’ and Her Audience,” Women's Writing, special issue on Scottish authors, ed. Dorothy McMillan, 10:3 (2003): 503-26.
“Janet Hamilton.” Dictionary of National Biography, ed. Colin Matthews, Oxford University Press, 2004.
“Working-Class Poetry,” Companion to Victorian Literature, eds. Alison Chapman, Richard Cronin and Anthony Harrison. Oxford: Blackwell’s, 2002, 204-28.
“Nurs’d Up Amongst the Scenes I Have Describ’d’: Poetry of Working-Class Victorian Women.” The Functions of Victorian Culture at the Present Time, ed. Christine Krueger, Ohio University Press, 2002, 137-156.
“Poetics of the Working-Classes,” ed. and intro. special issue, Victorian Poetry, 39.2 (2001), 103-109.
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“The ‘Homely Muse’ in her Diurnal Setting: “Marie,” Janet Hamilton, and Fanny Forrester in the Periodical Press,” Victorian Poetry 39.2 (2001), 255-85.
Pdf. version
“Ellen Johnston.” Nineteenth Century Women Writers, ed. Abigail Bloom. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2000, 231-234.
“'We Would Know Again the Fields. . . ': The Rural Poetry of Elizabeth Campbell, Jane Stevenson, and Mary Macpherson.” Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 17.2 (Fall 1998), 325-347.
“Janet Hamilton.” Victorian Women Poets, ed. William Thesing. Dictionary of Literary Biography. Columbia, S. C.: Bruccoli, Clark, Layman, 1998, 149-58.
“'Oor Location’: Victorian Women Poets and the Transition from Rural to Urban Scottish Culture.” Victorian Urban Landscapes, edited by Debra Mancoff and Dale Trela. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1996, 133-56.
“Cauld Engle-Cheek: Working Class Women Poets in Victorian Scotland,” special issue on women poets, edited by Linda Hughes, Victorian Poetry, 33 (1995): 51-71.
Rev. Michael Sanders, The Poetry of Chartism: Aesthetics, Politics, History. Cambridge UP, 2009. Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net, nos. 57-58, February-May 2010.
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