1. The painting on the cover, John Pettie's "Disbanded," is a late-nineteenth century treatment of its subject. To what extent does it convey the ethos of Scott's novel?
2. In chapter 10, what do we learn about the character and tastes of the Baron of Bradwardine? What may be significant about his French mode of dress? (86) Do you think he will make a suitable father-in-law for the hero, and why? (also chapters 13, 109)
3. Why does the author record so many of the Baron's quotations from classical texts and old legal terminology? (87) What do you think the reader is expected to think of such legal language? (lso chapters 15, 130) About his pride in the historic antecedents of the name "Bradwardine"?
4. What do we learn about the character, manners and habits of Rose Bradwardine? In what ways does she represent a nineteenth-century ideal of middle- or upper-class womanhood?
What traits of sensibility and taste does she exhibit? How may these be revealed in her mode of singing? (chapters 13, 111) What do you make of her choice of song, "St. Swithin's Chair"? (112-113)
5. What do you think of Rose' practical judgment? (e. g. 124)
6. In chapter 11, "The Banquet," what is shown about Edward's social and drinking behavior? From the scene at the Baron's and the nearby inn, what do you surmise may have been the author's attitude toward contemporary drinking customs?
7. What is referred to by the title of Chapter 12, "Repentance and a Reconciliation"? What is Edward's attitude towards "contests of honor," and what level of combativeness does the narrative seem to expect of him?
8. What effect is created by the frequent inclusion of Scottish/Highland songs in the narrative?
9. What atitudes on the part of Rose and her father (and the narrator) are shown in her account of his defense of a condemned witch? (114)
10. Though they share a taste for romantic poetry, why does Edward not reciprocate Rose's affection?
11. In chapter 14, what do you think of the advice Colonel Gardiner sends Edward by letter? What is revealed about Edward by his answer?
12. How may the reader be influenced in viewing Highland clan behavior by the fact that we first meet Donald Bean Lean/Fergus MacIvor and their compatriots through the effects of a cattle-raid on a lowland estate? Why can't the Baron's tenants reclaim his cattle?
13. What does Waverley learn from "the creagh" about Highland governance? What is his reaction? (127, 130) How may this response foretell his future choices and allegiances?
14. On what real-life occasions does Edward Waverley recall his romance reading? (129, 138) What purpose may these associations serve for the reader?
15. What attitudes toward Highland descent are shown by the Baron as he describes the chiefs' claim to rule? (130-131) Do you think Scott agreed with his preference for land held "in a sheep's skin"? What effect might different interpretations of property have had on the development of the Highlands in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?
16. Why does Waverley become a friend of Evan Dhu? Do you think his visit to the Highlands a likely or safe excursion for an English soldier of the king? How does the plot present his motives for visiting the home of cattle-thieves?
17. What are some important aspects of the habits and values of Donald Bean Lean and Fergus MacIvor Vich Ian Vhor which Waverley learns of from conversation with Evan Dhu? From his visit to Bean Lean's caeve? (some issues to consider: character, skills, quality of life, natural environment, use of food and alcohol, respect for law, use of retainers, grounds of pride [150], roles of women, proable anticipated death [148]).
18. How valid do you think is the claim that Scott romanticizes his portrayal of the Highland clans? Do you think he has much sympathy for the Stuart cause--and how can you tell?
19. From the narrator's first description of Fergus, what can the reader anticipate of this future? (154) What are features of the Highland banquet at his home? What features of Gaelic bardic singing does the narrator identify?
20. Do you see similarities or differences between Johnson and Scott's view of the Highlands?
21. What historical figure would the name "Flora" have suggested? How is Flora MacIvor presented, and what features of her manner and character draw Edward to her?
22. What elements of character are revealed by her musical preferences? How does the narrator contrast her with Rose Brandwardine? Do you think the narrator finds her a suitable mate for his landed English hero?
23. What personal emotions and sudden changes in his family's fortunes and sentiments induce Edward to resign his commission and consider suporting the Stuart cause? To what extent is the reader expected to approve his decision?
24. What are Fergus's motives in supporting the match? On what grounds does Flora reject Edward's proposal? What might her remarks on his character and that of Rose Bradwardine have suggested to the nineteenth-century reader about appropriate marriage roles?