"The House of Life," a paraphrase
Tenses are congruent with Rossetti's usage.
0. Untitled--A sonnet sequence records the fulness of a specific and unchangeable
portion of time, whether revelatory of life or death.
Youth and Change
- Love Enthroned--Love, unlike all other desired experiences, is changeless,
superior, unaffected by loss.
- Bridal Birth--The Lady, conscious of love quickening within her, felt
like a mother gazing at her newborn. Yet the mature love prepares the
lovers' sleeping couch, and his death will leave behind presences and
signs to enligthen and comfort them.
[This is an odd sonnet, as surely the death of love could not be described
as a "nuptial change" or apt to leave behind only shared and pleasant
Till to his song our bodiless souls in turn
Be born his children, when Death's nuptial change
Leaves us for light the halo of his hair.
[If it is the lovers who die, retaining love's psiritual children (that
is, a spiritual love) to lighten physical decay, then the analogy of the
growing child is ruptured; still this seems a probable reading.]
- Love's Testament--You who embody to me love and merge with my identity,
what honor to you and gain to me when you have drawn my unhappy soul up to
your own.
- Lovesight--Do I see you most when your features are revealed by daylight
or when I sense your soul quietly while sitting with you in shadow? If there
were no images of you anywhere in the world, I should be conscious only of
despair and death.
- Heart's Hope--By what unknown wisdom shall I express our union, so intense
and sacred that I cannot distinguish your spiritual and physical natures
from each other, nor our love from a divine force? I desire to convey to
all this inclusive emotion, as tender and strong as the memory of past happiness.
- The Kiss--To kiss my lady compensates for future decay and degradation
of the body. I felt a child when touched by her, a man when embracing her,
a spirit when perceived by her, and a divinity when united to her physically,
in a conjoining of passion and deity.
- Nuptial Sleep--After a long kiss the lovers reluctantly fall apart,
still reaching toward each other. They sleep and their minds wander elsewhere;
he wakes and is surprised and awed that she is still beside him.
- Supreme Surrender--After waiting years for this to happen, the longing
lover lies beside the woman who inspired this desire, her conquering heart
itself conquered ("Lies the queen-heart in sovereign overthrow.")
- Love's Lovers--Some women prefer trival or fickle accoutrements of love;
the lady loves its essence, and therefore she creates its immortality.
- Passion and Worship--The lady acknowledges two modes of love, a daylight
passion and a moonlight worship, presumably a quiet, sad, reverent emotion.
- The Portrait--Love, let me completely reveal my beloved in this picture.
It is done, her physical and spiritual capacities are portrayed, so that
in future time she can be known only through my presentation.
- The Love-Letter--Letter, reveal her silent and musical soul. I would
wish to have seen her in the moment of writing when her soul reached out
to mine for words to express the fullest love.
- The Lovers' Walk--As all blends in a perfect summer day, so the lovers
lean on each other and love, as the blue sky rests on a placid sea.
- Youth's Antiphony--Happy the lovers who spend hours remote from worldly
duties and interests, discussing their love and kissing, united in a rapturous
- Youth's Spring-Tribute--At this border between winter and spring respond
to my kiss, for those who in this ambivalent moment are cold are love's rejects.
- The Birth-Bond--Just as children of an earlier marraige feel mutual,
silent affinity within a family, so I feel you are closer to me than mere
physical life, my soul's other self.
- A Day of Love--Her presence in this usually lovely place dispels misery;
we talk, kiss, and sit silently remembering the past.
- Beauty's Pageant--What alterations in nature can excel the beloved
woman's moods? Her movements clothed love, creating joy for one all the more
unhappy in her absence, and sorrow for those that cannot see her.
- Genius in Beauty--No other gift of genius or natural beauty can excell
her human beauty. As in a poet the yearnings of youth are preserved for life,
so her beauty will not be wronged by the years. This may mean either that
the beloved does not age or that the picture will preserve her beauty.
- Silent Noon--As we are silent together in the grass, we appropriate
to ourselves this hour of shared love.
- Gracious Moonlight--As night reveals the moon, my unhappiness emphasizes
your worth, gathering all beauty to itself and dispelling grief.
- Love-Sweetness--What sweeter than her physical characteristics, except
her earnest and fervent perception of spiritual kinship?
- Heart's Haven--We seek refuge from our distresses and ills, answering
to each other's spirits; love rests and protects us.
- Love's Baubles--What from the hands of others were shameful or soporific
baubles of love, from her were the bearers of passionate and serene love.
- Pride of Youth--Just as children sorrow lightly for the dead, so a
new love has no pity for old passions. Alas for change and for Youth's casual
neglect of past love!
- Winged Hours--The hours before we meet are as a singing bird approaching
my soul, in your presence his love notes are clear, yet sometimes we are
distracted from hearing them by our many happinesses. What will it be when
I cannot hear that songbird, and know that she also watches for it in vain?
- Mid-Rapture--You are the beloved cause of joy and comfort to my tired
spirit; how can I answer worthily your word or your gaze, in which I am mirrored
and overshadowed?
- Heart's Compass--At times you seem to embody the meaning of all things;
this is love, and yourself. Love stakes your essence gainst the powers of
- Soul-Light--Your are an incomparable object for love; after rapture
something still yearns within you silently from the inner presence of love.
Even as a traveller enjoys the progressive shifts of day, so my soul is moved
to love the varying aspects of your love.
- The Moonstar--Lady, as a star is overshadowed by the moon, your loveliness
only reveals the superiority of my beloved.
- Last Fire--Love, what is the evening glowing through our spirits with
the happiness of all possession? Heave your breast more quietly as we rest,
free from care, and dream of past happiness. Many are the days of bleakness;
at least this one day was filled with love and peace.
- Her Gifts--Her qualities are grace, simplicity, a shadowed glance,
pallid face, a mouth suggesting silence and music, golden hair, a columnar
neck, kind hands and soft feet; yet her name is more significant than these.
- Equal Troth--Since I am less worthy than you, I must necessarily love
you more, but your love is the more worthy because of its source.
- Venus Victrix--When you respond lovingly, you have the stateliness
of Juno or Pellas and the beauty of Venus. I ask them if they claim the prize
meant for you, but love grants it instead to your sweetest name, the Venus
Victrix or Helen of my heart.
- The Dark Glass--I cannot understand the range of my own love. Shall
I, after birth and death and darkness, experience love at the end of all
existence? I am insignificant to love, but through you even my temporal,
limited self is granted his presence and power.
- The Lamp's Shrine--At times I seek a fault in you to forgive, but love
does not permit this; I can only seem unworthier in comparison to your excellence,
which my heart delights to emphasize by revealing its own poverty.
- Life-in-Love--Your life, which otherwise would be a continual unhappiness
and regret, is revived in this woman. Similarly half-alive is the hair which
reminds of past passion and that life in death's darkness which is lightened
by preserved golden hair.
[Unless one imports biographical knowledge, the identity of the "you"
of the octet with the dead body in the darkness is unclear. The analogy
is odd, beacause the first "even so" seems to imply "even so little"
and the second "even so" seems to mean "even so much." The
first "even so" couldn't plausibly be read as "even so much"
since Rossetti emphasizes that it is a "poor" tress of hair, a minimal
token of a more important past. But perhaps he is saying that the only
surviving love token is preferable to nothing, just as the first love
should prefer survival in another to total extinction, and as the corpses's
hair retains a form of attentuated but impressive life. On the other hand,
to read the second "even
so" as "even so little" contradicts the sonnet's final affirmative
- The Love-Moon--How can you look into her eyes without guilty remembrance
of the dead who was once all to you, for whom you now scarcely weep? Be pitiful,
love; I confess that you have come to me in two forms, but cannot these be
two phases of the final and complete experience of love?
- The Morrow's Message--I asked if tomorrow could be worse than today;
when the answer was yes, I asked for death. Silence spoke, stating that my
lady's triple greeting had dispelled death.
- Sleepless Dreams--Why do I feel the desire of my youth again, so that
I cannot sleep? Would love pretend to give solace? No, I know that the lonvely
night is filled with mockery and grief.
- Severed Selves--Two who could love and unite deeply are sundered. May
we hope for the one brief hour of love together, which leaves only a weakened
- Through Death to Love--We see death's terrors, yet what better presence
can accompany my heart in death than the power of love?
- Hope Overtaken--I had lost hope, then learned that I had reason to
hope again. Had I not been wavering, we might have joined our paths all this
while. Oh hope, lean close to me for now our time is passing--Your voice
and name are hope--alas, it is too late.
- Love and Hope--One good hour has come to us at last; do not ask whether
after death we shall awake to love or find our hope scorned at the last.
- Cloud and Wind--Should I fear your death or mine most? If after your
death I followed after your soul, might I not find farewell and bleakness
in your eyes? And if I die before you, shall I watch helpless as you weep,
or worse, not even perceive your own final disllusionment at death?
- Secret Parting--As we talked of our uncertain future, she faltered
in kissing and looked abstracted, then kissed more earnestly, her mouth expressing
her inner being. Of our future, our attempts to be reunited in spirit, only
those may know for whom love is a silent secret.
- Parted Love--How can this time of desolation without her be described?
Remain the passive victim of memory, until your emotions tear at you while
your body submits.
- Broken Music--As a mother eagerly doubting and hoping to hear again
her child's first word, my soul has awaited love's sound. But however desirous,
the soul is only permitted an entreaty to hear it again.
[This sonnet seems syntactically confusing. Are the "song," "moan,"
"sweet music" and "sweet tears" the expressions of the beloved,
or merely metaphoric qualities of the song of love?]
'Mid doubts and fears
Thus oft my soul has hearkened; till the song,
A central moan for days, at
length found tongue,
And the sweet music welled and the sweet tears.
But now, whatever while the
soul is fain
To list that wonted murmur, as it were
The speech-bound sea-shell's low importunate
No breath of song, thy voice alone is there,
O bitterly beloved! and all her
Is but the pang of unpermitted prayer.
[Literally line 12 laments the presence of the beloved's voice in contrast
to the song of love--one would assume these two synonymous. Perhaps these
lines regret the absence of any breath of song--that is, her voice alone--so
that the soul's reward is only an unanswered prayer. The "she" reference
to the soul is also confusing, as it suggests the persona of the beloved.
One of Rossetti's traits is an obsesion with introducing intermediary
presences and personae between himself, his own emotions, and the beloved;
sometimes these are emphasized above the lovers themselves, who seem
merely servants and pawns of imagined deities and metaphysical agencies.
It is a courtly love conventon to speak of the worship of love, with
the lady merely that individual whom love has chosen and destined for
the lover's attention, but Rossetti applies this conceit so literally
that a personified abstraction, not a person, often seems the principal
object of emotion and hope.]
- Death-in-Love--An image seeming to be love overpowered me; a woman
appeared revealing his identity with death and with herself.
- Willowwood I--Love and I looked at each other silently across a
well; his song was her voice, and I wept. He cleared the waters to reveal
her face and, as I stooped, her lips.
- Willowwood II--Love sang, but a painful song of memory, summoning
our silent and repressed past. We recognized our past and it us; as we
kissed we moaned in pity for ourselves, "For once alone!" Then love sang.
- Willowwood III--All you in Willowwood, how much you will suffer
before any relief! Alas, if only those in this condition could die, and
not be held perpetually unsatisfied!
- Willowwood IV--As petals slowly drop away, her face fell back,
and I know not if love knows whether I may meet it again. As I drank
from the water, love leaned over me in pity, and I and she were covered
in his halo.
- Without Her--Her absence renders her mirror, dress, pathways, and
pillow desolate, but the heart's desolation cannot be conveyed, that
of the benighted struggler up a steep hill.
- Love's Fatality--Love and desire are bound together, one serene,
one fiery with mad hope. Desire bemoans love's lost freedom and his own
enchainment as love's ill fate.
- Stillborn Love--Where abides the hour that could have been yet
was not? As a child its parents, it will greet its creators on an immortal
- True Woman: Herself--How strange to be a being more desired than
the seasons, flowers, wine or music! How strange to be unfathomable to
man, possessed of a secret character veiled by heaven.
- Her Love--She embodies love, therefore she loves him, responding
to his passionate fervour, yet to a stranger's passion returning brittle
coldness. They unite, her spirit answering to his ardour, yet perhaps
at dawn or dusk she desires most to hold his hand.
- Her Heaven--If heaven rejuvenates, he who acknowledges her as heaven
will have perpetual youth. All on earth passes, but the promise of one
form of heaven remains to lovers perpetually conscious of the beginning
and end of physical love.
- Love's Last Gift--Love told the singer that he had given him many
gifts, all of which will pass; he then gives a final and deathless gift,
to have sung the praise of love.
Change and Fate
- Love's Last Gift--As a separate person results from the blending
of two parents, loe and pain are transformed by art to create abundant
- The Song-Throe--Singer, your song must result from your own pain, self-revelation,
and passion; pride produces an empty utterance. Apollo is not your servant
but the hunter who wounds you; your cry when pierced may similarly affect
- The Soul's Sphere--The soul envisions an infinite array of images--of
beauty, love, and the compressed memories of an agonized death.
- Inclusiveness--As guests at an inn change, and each in turn experiences
new phenomena, or as people age and change roles, so that the young father
will die mourned by what had been his infant son, and the woman sought in
marriage appears to her child only as a mother, so the same environment
may be remembered by persons who have led opposite lives; the virtuous
will remmber from heaven what the lost, in vain, remembers from hell.
- Ardour and Memory--Ardour loves the qualities of spring and summer,
the shifting of clouds or streams, the dawn, the growing rose; but when
the season has altered and the rose fallen, the rose tree stem will still
flush with remembered emotions of happiness and regret.
- Known in Vain--As two who are suddenly struck silent in realizing
the awesomeness of their love, so are ambition and will silently astounded
to see that life has passed, misspent; who can follow their painful path
to death?
- The Heart of the Night--Man passes through cycles to death; alas,
how soon the sprit returns to its original condition and the flesh to dust.
Oh Lord, renew my fainting will, that despite past omissions I may yet
work and see your face.
- The Landmark--Was the obscure, low well the point of turning for
my life? I had thought it would be clearly, formally marked. I must return
thirsting through the night, yet in the blackness I'll thank God that I
can still journey towards this goal and walk the same pathway.
- A Dark Day--Today's darkness may presage new trouble or merely hold
memories of the night on which I lost you. Sharp shrubbery sheds smooth
leaves on the pathway, and the thistle, gleaned, produces down for a soft
marriage bed.
- Autumn Idleness--In autumn fulness the hours pass from morning into
night; I walk at noon beside my shadow, restlessly yearning, not knowing
my proper path.
- The Hill Summit--At sunset I pause in the vale, too late to worship
at the sun's mountain altar. Yet in journeying toward him I saw at intervals
his glorious face. I must now descend through confused paths, but for an
hour I may watch the fading of the golden and silver light, the disappearance
of the last bird.
- The Choice: I--Enjoy our revels, love, for your singing will dispell
all sense of time. Kiss me, and think how strange are those who gather
weatlth or learning in preference to our sensual harmony. They labour but
cannot die, for their lives were empty and repulsively self-contained.
- The Choice: II--Fear God and await his return to earth; perhaps he
comes now. Don't trust human achievements or he will not deliver you.
- The Choice: III--Reflect and achieve; while you lie lazily waiting
to benefit from the labors of others, realize that you are no worthy recipient
of others' earnings. Rise and look outwards to the sea; reality extends
far beyond your power to attain or imagine it.
- Old and New Art: St. Luke the Painter--Honor St. Luke, the legendary
inaugurator of religious art; at first Chrsitian art feared to deviate
from stereotyped symbols, but then it realized it could convey the presence
of God in colour. After a decadence, religious art became empty artifice,
but in these last days she might still regain her original purpose.
- Old and New Art: Not As These--The poet-painter feels proud contempt
for the unintellectual and those limited only to one ability, since he
is not like them; instead, look to what might be done, compare yourself
with the great artists of the past--you are not like them either.
- Old and New Art: The Husbandmen--Although God's first laborers cannot
be equalled in the present, do not be slack, for perhaps you are the one
who may be first through faith and will, giving to their past efforts a
worthy future.
- Soul's Beauty--I gazed upon beauty, encircled by all metaphysical
powers, and whose eyes draw all to her. This is that lady Beauty, whom
all of your life you have eagerly pursued and praised as she fled from
- Body's Beauty--Lilith reportedly drew men to her by the mysteries
of her webbed, golden hair. Whom cannot she ensnare? As young Adam looked
at her, he was smitten and succumbed, one of her golden hairs encircling
possessively his heart.
- The Monochord--What power is drawing my life to it, watching my struggles,
progression and shifts? It comforts me, then casts me upon dismay.
- From Dawn to Noon--As a child cannot analyze his parents' qualities
until later life, so often after a completed action one wonders whether
the original motivation had been the desire for clear knowledge or instead
an attraction toward the unknown's mysterious quality.
- Memorial Thresholds--What can compare in strangeness to the scenes
of memory? I return to the immortalized place, amid alien crowds. If a
door is not again opened to me, filled with the former presence, I will
be totally destroyed.
- Hoarded Joy--I said, Wait to pluck life's fruit, there is time; it
fell--hurry to pick the last clusters before autumn overwhelms us with
- Barren Spring--In the year's cycle spring comes to me again but my
life is bound with the dead life of a past season. I turn from the new
flowers and wait until last year's last lily is totally shrivelled.
- Farewell to the Glen--Why should I say farewell to you, whose future
will be smooth and undisturbed, while mine will be more bitter than it
was once by other streams. You will be better off hearing the sounds of
children and lovers than the sighs of a lonely man listening to the trees
whisper frightening prophecies.
- Vain Virtues--What is hell's most pathetic conquest? Virtues superseded
by a sin are like virgins, now herded together shuddering into the pollution
of the pit. Once they were beloved of God, but not even their conquerer
watches them now as they sink defiled, for he intently awaits his own lust's
object, the sin which corrupted them.
- Lost Days--What embodies the lost days of my life? Are they nourishment
turned to clay, squandered coins to be repaid as debts, drops of blood
on the murderer's feet, or water which torments but never moistens the
wretchedly thirsting throats of the damned? I cannot see them but after
death they will appear to me as murdered selves, announcing that I am trapped
forever in my own inadequacies.
- Death's Songsters--When Helen sang temptingly to the Greeks within
the Trojan hourse, Ulysses held the mouths of his comrades. Similarly,
lashed to the mast, he listened to the Sirens until their voices died away.
Soul, do you not also find heaven in the songs of death, and is not victory
under such conditions a disgrace?
[This is a very ambiguous sonnet. The last lines,
Say, soul--are the songs of Death no heaven to thee,
Nor shames her lip the cheek of Victory?
could mean that for a man to resist such allure reveals a shamefully mean
spirit, or contrariwise, that the beautiful song is shamed by the cruelly
predatory motives of the singer. The couplet seems a loose inversion of "Death, where
is thy sting, grave, where is they victory?"]
- Hero's Lamp--Hero, the lamp you are lighting for passion will tomorrow
be an unlighted offering for the dead Leander. The sun will rise on an
ebbing storm and your dead bodies; to the sunless skies of the afterlife
your love will be relegated, the pale proselyte to death. The lamp will
remain unlit until a happy lover can light it, which may be never--for,
brother, what did love bring to you or to those two?
- Trees of the Garden--You who have passed through death and the deaths
of others, is death an emptiness, an unknowable mystery of ill? No, ask
the earth instead, the felled trees or transient sapling, under what powers
the stars will travel still when they are shrivelled.
- "Retro Me, Sathana!"--Do not tempt me, Satan, since the temporal
order and universe will be totally destroyed. You can destroy and win
praise on earth; leave me to walk the narrow paths of virtue. On your broader
path you will await the coming of wrath until time ends.
- Lost on Both Sides--As the death of a mutually loved woman may unite
two antagonists, so the warring ambitions which have destroyed a soul's
happiness now share peaceably its vacant recesses.
- The Sun's Shame: I--When I see the mockery and confusion of all good
things, the frustration of longing, the rewards of evil, then I notice
also that the morning and evening are ashamed of the intervening day.
- The Sun's Shame: II--As an old chieftain might view the young and
vow to use fully the added years if he could only regain youthfulness,
but is aware that death and nothingness will come instead, so the spirit
of the world views the natural world's green rebirth with a lament, saying,
I feel shame for my old desires while you, despite your spiritual bleakness,
are returning happy into spring.
- Michelangelo's Kiss--Old Michelangelo confided to one other that
his deepest grief was his failure to kisss Colonna's face as she died.
O great artist! Often the soul which struggles earns little, for its claim
was so humble. Yet do not complain; what may not death hold for the lowly
soul? And do you expect that it will hold better for yourself?
- The Vase of Life--Life has not experienced a slow human progression
of successive fates, but already understands all that is and will be--effort,
gaitety, sorrow, pale death, as though he had turned a vase around to reveal
its various pictures. He has filled the vase with blood, tears, and emblems
of promise and love, and would have destroyed it ruthlessly had not fate
decreed it for his burial urn.
- Life the Beloved--As you remember a dead friend in his prime, so
life presents hopeful images even though in fact your life's hope is buried
under winter frost.
- A Superscription--Look at me, I am what might have been, what life
once promised. What once was the shape of life and love is now only a shadow
threatening final misery. I am quiet now, but should you experience the
brief advent of peace, I will smile and draw your attention to my cold,
unceasing destruction of your emotions.
- He and I--How can this alien presence live within me; what is his
source; why does he interpret everything mournfully? How can I perceive
him and intuitively understand his silent, negative judgement? How can
the things which have comforted me appear to him lifeless? Or am I confusing
myself and him? This new self laments everything in my life, weeping in
my place, or rather, it is I who weep.
- Newborn Death: I--Today death seems a child to me, not frightening,
so that I might lose my resentments in its mild eyes. Will you still be
a child as you accompany me into death, or a grown daughter to stand beside
the waters of death with me, so that I may drink oblvion from your hand?
- Newborn
Death: II--Life, you were a joyful woman with whom I wandered and whom
I loved, oblivious of death. Do you now only bring me death as a child?
Our child was once love, song, and art; did these die that you might
instead bear me death?
- The One Hope--When even regret has died and all is empty, what can
soothe the still-continuing grief? Will peace be unattainable, or will
my soul pass to a new and green land where it may pluck the flower of comfort?
When the soul seeks grace in that golden air, let it find one name only,
that of hope.