Henry James's "Daisy Miller: A Study" (1878)
Henry James (1843-1916) was born into a prosperous and cultivated family;
his father was a philosopher of mystical leanings, hiséé sister
Alice a gifted observer and author of an admired diary, and his brother William
an influential psychologist, author of The Will to Believe, and founder
of a school of American "pragmatism." Unlike the other writers
studied in this course, James could afford to write until he became self-sustaining,
and during a period in which commerical interests seemed increasingly to dominate
American society, his works portrayed with some scepticism a class of wealthy
Americans, their hangers-on and their European allies and counterparts. James
lived with his family in Europe during his adolescence, and later resided
for periods in France and Italy before moving to England in 1876. He wrote
stories and essays for periodicals, then turned to novels and novellas; The
Passionate Pilgrim and Roderick Hudson were published in 1875,
followed by The American (1877), Daisy Miller (1878) and--among
others, The Portrait of a Lady (1881), The Bostonians (1886),
The Princess Casmassima (1886), The Wings of the Dove (1902),
The Ambassadors (1903), and The Golden Bowl (1904). He died
in England in 1916 after becoming a British citizen during the first World
War. His prefaces to his novels lay out his artistic ideals for narrative
point of view, description, plotting, and characterization. He also wrote
several quasi-autobiographical stories exploring psychological themes, among
them "The Beast in the Jungle" (1903). Though interested in the
social movements of the time (e. g., anarchism, feminism), several of his
works provide biting satires of would-be reformers. "Daisy Miller"
may be seen as an early example of the "new woman" genre; and
its heroine's death as an authorial "punishment" on the
woman who oversteps familiar bounds, even if she remains technically "innocent."
Many of James's novels explore the ideals, illusions, and failures of
manners and morals which lay behind confident exteriors. His observers are
usually slightly detached, and often preoccupied with "the American
personality," but also removed from it. Aspects of the pattern of "Daisy
Miller" are sometimes repeated--an innocent narrator or character meets
Europeans whose slightly sinister sophistication and guile is too much for
the bumptuous (The American), trusting (The Golden Bowl),
or sexually inexperienced (The Ambassadors) protagonist/observer.
The device of using a narrator who is neither entirely American nor entirely
European enables James's narrator to criticize several cultures from
a seemingly neutral position. Sexuality and love are viewed through a veil
of innuendo and scepticism. Much of the plot interest turns on the narrator's
effort at understanding the puzzle of others's lives, determining the
degree to which the characters understand their own fate, and deciding on
the extent to which he (always he) should mete out or withhold judgment on
them, and less often, on himself. His characters are cultured, comfortably
off, and free to devote their lives to affairs of the emotions or heart, and
they often use this leisure for unwise or disappointing ends.
- What forms of pride might this story have evoked in American readers
of James's time? What anxieties about the nature of their own society might
it have evoked?
- To which aspects of the plot and characterization do you think James's
British readers might have responded favorably?
- What are the implications of the story's subtitle, "A Study"?
Of the names "Winterbourne" and "Daisy"?
- To what degree do you think the character of Daisy Miller might have
embodied traits of a wealthy American girl of her day? Are there unrealistic
or uncharacteristic aspects of her character, and if so, do these matter?
- What does the story mean by "innocence"? Why is Daisy Miller's
relative "innocence" of importance to all who meet her?
- To what extent is this story organized around stereotypes? Are these
stereotypes still current? Would they have bothered readers of the time?
- What themes does this story share in common with those by Irving, Hawthorne
and Melville we have read? What are some major contrasts?
- To what extent is the plot determined by the fact that the title
character is a young, attractive woman? Would the attitudes conveyed
by Winterbourne have been relatively tolerant, restrictive, or typical
for his day? How did contemporary novels treat themes of pre-marital
sex and adultery?
- What effect is created by opening the story in a Swiss hotel frequented
by expatriates? Do some aspects of the opening description predispose
the reader to expect some of what follows?
- What do we learn about the narrator in the opening sections--and
what don't we learn? How is his "character" useful in permitting the
unwinding of the plot?
- How would you characterize James's style? His descriptions?
What are some instances of irony in his descriptions? (e. g., Winterbourne's
response to Randolph's description of his father, the constant references
to Schenectady)
- What do we learn about Daisy, her brother and mother from their first
meetings with Winterbourne? What are his first judgements
of Daisy? ("in her bright,
sweet, superficial little visage there was no mockery, no irony").
What seems unusual to Winterbourne about her manner
of greeting him and her reaction to his invitation
to the Castle of Chillon?
- To what degree is Daisy intelligent? Interested in
other cultures? Perceptive about other people? What are
her social preferences? Does she seem to have friends of
her own sex? What are her motivations in Europe? Which
aspects of her portrayal seem critical? (e. g., "her light, slightly monotonous smile").
Can you tell when she makes mistakes of language?
- Can this story be read as a comment on the expectations
for wealthy young women of the period? On the lack of formal
education or active endeavors for women?
- Are Daisy and Winterbourne temperamentally well-suited to become friends?
- How is Mrs. Costello characterized? Mrs. Walker? Whose opinions do
they represent? To what extent are their opinions founded
on evidence? What does Mrs. Costello mean by saying, "But she is very
- In what sense is Mrs. Costello correct/or incorrect when
she warns Winterbourne, "You have lived too long out of the country. You will be sure to make
some great mistake. You are too innocent"?
- How is Daisy's mother portrayed? To what
extent is Daisy the victim of unusual circumstances?
What can you infer from this novel about the
lives and health of prosperous middle-aged women
of the period (or the author's view thereof)?
Had Daisy lived, what do you think would have
become of her?
- How does Daisy react to the news of the varied stages of her social
rejection? To what extent does it distress her? ("You needn't be afraid. I'm
not afraid!")
- Which events in the first section parallel
Daisy's ill-omened nighttime tryst with Giovanelli?
Can Winterbourne be viewed as a possible admirer
of Daisy? Why doesn't she accept his offer of a
nighttime boat ride?
- According to the values of his society, should Winterbourne have accompanied
Daisy to Chillon? Is their trip a sign of
flirtation? How does Daisy react to the news that he must return to Geneva?
- What is ominous about the ending of the story's first section?
The opening of the second? What is the symbolism of the shift from "Les Trois
Couronnes" to Rome? How is the
story's progression aided by
the division into two sections?
- To what extent are manners and
morals conflated in the society represented
in this story? Is it possible to separate
these two within the plot--or does
the narrator also see them as nearly
- What opinions and acts reveal Randolph's and Mrs. Miller's failure
to adjust to life in Europe?
- What are some signs of ignorance or failure
to sense danger in Mrs. Miller's reactions to Daisy's
behavior? ("Of course, it's a great deal
pleasanter for a young lady if she knows plenty of gentlemen.")
- Under what circumstances
is Daisy warned that she may
contract a fever? What symbolism
or indirection seems to surround
such concerns? In your opinion,
to what degree were their concerns
- What are some humorous moments in their conversation with Mrs. Walker?
- What moments in Daisy's conversation foreshadow her death? ("We
are going to stay all winter if we don't die of the fever; and I guess
we'll stay then.")
How would you characterize
her conversation--artless?
honest? simple? naive?
- What is the reader
supposed to think of Giovanelli's
character and intentions?
("He had practised the idiom upon a great many American heiresses")
Why is Winterbourne annoyed that she is content to accompany
both men?
- What drives Winterbourne's
concern with Daisy's sexual behavior,
in your view? What is the author's
purpose in presenting his narrator
as much more tolerant than either
of the older women who judge Daisy?
- Why does Daisy reject Mrs. Walker's invitation/demand that she enter
the latter's carriage? Over
what do Mrs. Walker and Winterbourne quarrel? Why does Winterbourne not
return later to accompany Daisy and her attendant? How does Daisy offend
Mrs. Walker by her behavior at the latter's party, and how does the latter
- What is Daisy's definition of "flirtation"? ("Did
you ever hear of a nice girl that was not [a flirt]?") On what grounds
does she criticize Winterbourne? Does she seem sincere? What advice does Winterbourne
give her? ("When you deal with natives you must go by the custom of the
- Why do you
think she is offended
at the mention
of a possible love
for Giovanelli?
What does Winterbourne
seem to mean when he
says that she seemed
a person who would never
be jealous? of whom he
could never be afraid?
What personal lack does
he regret in himself
("his want of instinctive certitude")?
- What are some symbolic elements of Daisy's night in the Colesseum?
role does Winterbourne play in prompting her departure? How does he judge
- What
surrounds her death?
What is the significance
of the message she sends him
before her death, and what motivates
- What to-him important recognition comes to Winterbourne at the grave
site? What role is assigned
Giovanelli in her death?
- What effect is created by ending the story
with Winterbourne's final conversation with his
aunt? What mistake has he made? Has he indeed lived
too long in foreign parts?
- What is the significance of our final piece of knowledge, that Winterbourne
continues to live
in Geneva without known occupation as before? What has he learned, if anything,
from this encounter? What has the reader learned? Are we expected to
judge him, or her, or Europeans and Americans, or all of the above?
- May there be some autobiographical aspects of this story?