Boris Eichenbaum (1886-1959), “The Theory of the Formal Method” (1926)
- What does Eichenbaum claim to mean by “the theory of the formal
method”? Are his definitions self-evident from the choice of the words
“theory” and “formal method”? (1062-63)
- What does it mean to investigate “what the subject matter of literature
really is”? (historical as well as linguistic)
- What types of literature would be most attractive as subjects of study
for critics with this aim? (self-referential works; fantasies, utopias and other heavily structured works; nonsense poetry; anything anti-realist)
- Do Eichenbaum’s views show the influence of Saussure? Of Marx?
- What does Eichenbaum believe to be the value of overarching or abstract
theories of literature? (seeks to study concrete problems) Would many present-day literary critics agree with
- From what varieties of formalism does Eichenbaum take care to differentiate
himself and his fellow critics of the Opoyaz school? (dislikes romanticizing journalism, 1065; believes symbolists outmoded, 1065; wishes to deal with specifics of art, 1065)
- How do the preoccupations of Eichenbaum and the Russian formalists differ
from those of predecessors such as Coleridge or James? To what do you attribute
some of these differences?
- What is the effect of Eichenbaum’s point of view as the spokesperson
for a group? Does this make his essay more effective?
- What do Eichenbaum and his cohorts believe have been the flaws of aesthetics?
(1063) What would they find limiting about a study of “problems of
beauty, the aims of art, etc.”? What would have been their reaction
to Kant’s aesthetics?
- What does he see as a difference between modern German and Russian studies
of aesthetics? (1063)
- Under what historical circumstances had the Opoyaz school developed?
What types of art and poetry accompanied the rise of post-revolutionary
Russian literary criticism? (1064)
- What types of poetry and fiction were being written in the U. K. and
the U. S. before and at the time of Eichenbaum’s essay?
- What does Eichenbaum find limited in the work of academic critics of
the early twentieth-century? (1064-65) In that of “journalistic”
symbolists such as Bely?
- What had been the relationship of his generation to symbolist poetry?
(1065) How may this have affected their choice of “problems”
to solve?
- What does Eichenbaum see as the aims and qualities of the Futurists?
(1065) What were some aims of their generation?
- In section 2, “The Independent Value of Poetic Sound,” what
is meant by a study of “literariness” rather than literature?
(must study purely literary qualities, 1065-66; literature as language) What is its relationship to linguistics, and in particular, which
aspects of linguistics?
- What does it mean to say that poetic language has “an independent
value”? (1066-67)
- From this perspective, what was the value of nonsense verse? Dadaism?
Sounds without ascribable meaning? (1067-68, his definition of impressionism provides a rather haphazard commentary) Which writers of the time created
works of this type? Of ours?
- Could “nonsense” poetry evoke Freudian interpretations?
- What role does sound and articulation play in literary experience? (1067)
Do these observations anticipate any present-day forms of literary study?
(words may lack "meaning"; performance is important)
- What does Eichenbaum find erroneous in onomatopoeic explanations of the
origin of words? (1068; sounds as well as images have significance)) Would Saussure have agreed with him?
- What does Eichenbaum find incorrect in the notion that poetry is based
on a series of images? (1068) Which other features should be taken into
account? (sound, basic euphony)
- Which modern schools of poetry/poets had centered on the creation of
images or symbols?
- What do the Formalists find objectionable in the view that form should
express content? (1069; form is a complete phenomenon--a "content")
- What constitutes the unique quality of a work of art? (1069) How do we
experience this quality? To what degree would prior critics such as Kant
or Aristotle agreed with this view?
- How is “form” defined in this context? (1069) How does it
differ from “aestheticism” as he defines it? (1070)
- How did the Formalists seek to understand form? (1070-71) In particular,
what became the new object of their study in its second phase? (technique,
- What is meant by “defamiliarization,” and what are its uses?
(1070) For those who believe this is an important feature of literature,
what types of texts would have seemed attractive? (poetry, highly symbolic works, works in exotic settings)
- What features of prose fiction were the object of Formalist study? (plot composition) What
were some of the conclusions reached?
- What does it mean to say that plot is a compositional rather than a thematic
concept? (1072) What functions of plot were studied by his colleagues? (impedes
action, etc.,1072-73) [note "fabula" vs. "syuzhet"; the "fabula" or story consists of raw events; the "syuzhet" is its meaningful arrangement)
- Are there features of fiction which are not subsumed under the notion
of “plot”? If so, could these have been studied using the formalist
- Why does Eichenbaum object to “genetic” or historical explanations
for features of literature, such as the repetiton in oral poetry? (1073)
In his view, what is wrong with “syncretism,” or the view of
earlier critics that forms and beliefs coexist in primitive poetry?
- In opposition to the view that a new content creates a new form, what
process does Eichenbaum suggest may lead to literary change and innovation?
(1073-74; form of art is related to earlier versions--“the purpose of the new form is not to express new content,
but to change an old form which has lost its aesthetic quality.” Here he anticipates Jauss and reception theory, 1074)
- What does Eichenbaum think in general about the effort to subject literary
works to systems of classification? (1074)
- What is meant by “motivation” and “exposed structure”
in fiction? What examples did the formalists select to illustrate these
- Based on these examples, what types of literary works would the Formalists
have admired? Which types of literature would have seemed to them least
worthy of study?
- Did such preferences affect which kinds of texts have been studied and
admired by twentieth-century critics?
- What distinction do the Formalists make between notions of plot and subject/story?
Why is this distinction important?
- What new features are introduced by the idea of the skaz (traditional
oral tale)?
- What does Eichenbaum find troubling about the blending of genres? (1077)
Is a strict attention to genre distinction favored by most critics today?
- What to the Formalists is limiting about the identification of poetry
solely with meter? What are some concepts which he wishes to substitute?
- What would be an advantage of defining poetry through its rhythms? Its
“melody”? What value does he place on the unit of the line?
- What does he see as three fundamental styles of lyric poetry? (1078 declamatory,
lyric (melodic), and conversational) Are these categories at all useful?
- What does it mean to say that “speech without meter may sound like
poetry? (1079)
- Do these views reflect changes in the practice of poetry at the time?
(free verse) Do you think that present-day critics of poetry would generally agree with
his views?
- What does Eichenbaum believe to be the more adequate notion of “form”
which the Formalists have promulgated? (form not contrasted with anything
outside itself, but is the genuine content of poetic speech, 1080; emphasis on line) Is this
the definition of “form” commonly in use today?
- How do Marxist structuralists such as Eichenbaum account for the presence
of historical change within their theories?
- To what extent are they Marxists? Are they concerned with literature
as the reflection of/expression of social conditions for the worker?
- To what degree have “formalists” such as Eichenbaum and those
influenced by them affected the practice of twentieth-century literary study?
Of criticism today?
Selection from The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism, 2001
edition, 1062-1080