The University of Iowa College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Department of English

Articles and Other Publications on William Morris

Florence S. Boos

History and Poetics in the Early Writings of William Morris. Forthcoming Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2015.

Socialist Aesthetics and ‘‘The Shadows of Amiens.” London: William Morris Society, 2011. 64 pp.

The Design of William Morris’s ‘The Earthly Paradise.’ Lewiston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1991.


The Artist and the Capitalist: William Morris and Richard Marsden, ed. with John Walsdorf, Kirkwood, Missouri: The Printery, 2010. [small illustrated fine-press book, 41 pp.]

Our Country Right or Wrong, by William Morris. London: William Morris Society, 2008.
Reviewed in the Morning Star (December 2007) and Socialist Standard (October 2008,

The Earthly Paradise by William Morris. Vols. I and II. Routledge, New York, 2001. 1639 pages. For introductions, see

Reviewed in the Times Literary Supplement, June 6th, 2003, 1-3, by Clive Wilmer;
in Victorian Poetry 41.3 (Fall 2003), 450-55 by Norman Kelvin [pdf]; in Journal of William Morris Studies 16. 2 and 3 (2005): 111-13 by Rosie Miles,

“William Morris: 1896-1996.” Guest editor for special issue, Victorian Poetry 34.3 (Winter 1996).  With an introduction, “Morris’s Poetry and the Fin de Millénaire.”
Reviewed William Morris Society Journal 12.4 (1998): 43-45.

History and Community: Essays in Victorian Medievalism, edited and introduction.
With an article, “Victorian Alternative Futures: ‘Historicism,’ Past and Present, and A Dream of John Ball,” in History and Community: Essays in Victorian Medievalism, ed. Florence Boos. New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 1992, 3-37, and “Bibliography of Victorian Historicism and Medievalism.” New York: Garland Publishing, 1992.

Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris, edited with Carole Silver. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 1990.
I contributed the introduction and an article, “Narrative Design in The Pilgrims of Hope.”

“William Morris’s ‘Socialist Diary’,” edited and annotated with introduction and  biographical notes, History Workshop, Issue 13 (Spring 1982): 1-75.
Reissued under separate cover, London History Workshop Center series, The Journeyman Press, London, 1985.

The Juvenilia of William Morris, edited with checklist and introduction, New York: William Morris Society, 1982. See revised version, "The Early Poems of William Morris,"

The Socialist Diary by William Morris, edited with introduction. Iowa City: The Windhover Press, 1981.


General editor of the William Morris Archive, 2005-to the present. Included in NINES (the Networked Interface for Nineteenth-Century Electronic Scholarship), 2009. The Archive may be found at

The Life and Death of Jason, by William Morris. One of the works edited for the William Morris Archive, 2008. Contains about 2600 images, “pages,” and files, now entered into the NINES databases. Includes introduction, editorial headnote, footnotes, collations, images, maps and supplementary criticism.

The Early Poems of William Morris.  William Morris Archive, 2012.

In Manuscript and Print: The Poems of William Morris with Locations and Transcriptions, 2012,
William Morris Archive,
(350 pp.; the first attempt to locate all unpublished as well as published poems, with transcriptions of drafts and unpublished poems)

A Dream of John Ball, edited with Peter Wright.

Gothic Architecture.

Illustrated on-line edition of William Morris’ News from Nowhere, with Louisa Efner, Karla Tonella et alia,, 2003, 2011, 2013.


"Empires and Scapegoats: The Pre-Raphaelites and the Near East," Victorian Orientalisms, ed. Eleonora Sasso and Sandro Jung. Forthcoming Lehigh: Lehigh University Press, 2015.

"William Morris." The Blackwell Companion to Victorian Literature, eds. Dino Felluga, Linda K. Hughes and Pamela Gilbert. Forthcoming London: Blackwell's, 2015.

Review of Ingrid Hanson, William Morris and the Uses of Violence. London: Anthem Press, 2013. Forthcoming Victorian Studies 57.3 (2015).

"The Year's Work in Victorian Poetry, 2014: Pre-Raphaelitism." Forthcoming, Victorian Poetry 51.3 (fall 2015).

"Morris's Lesser Arts and the 'Commercial War.'" William Morris and the Embodiment of Dreams, ed. Michelle Weinroth and Paul Leduc Browne. Montreal: McGill University Press, 2014. Chapter 1, 35-55, 296-302.

"Attributions of Authorship in the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine," Notes and Queries 61.4 (November 2014): 561-63. ijkey=Z0jRMedGb7bNNpw&keytype=ref

"The Socialist League," BRANCH: Britain, Representation, and Nineteenth-Century History), ed. Dino Felluga. April 2015.

"The First Morris Society: Chicago 1903-1905," Journal of William Morris Studies 22.2 (2014): 35-48.

"The Year's Work in Victorian Poetry, 2013: Pre-Raphaelitism," Victorian Poetry 50.3 (fall 2014): 570-80.

"A Holy Warfare Against the Age,' Essays and Tales in The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine." Victorian Periodicals Review 46 (2014): 344-68.

"Morris's Truest Follower': Charles J. Faulkner." William Morris Society Newsletter-US, Summer 2014, 18-21.

Review of Wendy Parkins, Jane Morris: The Burden of History. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 2013. William Morris Society Newsletter-US, Winter 2015, 20-21.

Review of Fiona MacCarthy, The Last Pre-Raphaelite: Burne-Jones and the Victorian Imagination. William Morris Society Newsletter-US, Winter 2014, 22-23.

“William Morris,” entry for Encyclopedia of Modern Political Thought, Washington, D. C.: CQ Press, 2013.

“Morris’s Socialism and the Devonshire Great Consols,” with Patrick O’Sullivan, Journal of William Morris Studies, 19.4 (Spring 2012): 11-39.

"The Year's Work in Victorian Poetry, 2012: Pre-Raphaelitism," Victorian Poetry 51.3 (fall 2013): 402-17.

"The Year's Work in Victorian Poetry, 2011: Pre-Raphaelitism," Victorian Poetry 50.3 (fall 2012): 382-89.

"The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2010: Pre-Raphaelitism," Victorian Poetry 49.3 (fall 2011): 398-410.

“William Morris’s ‘Equality’: A Critical Edition,” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, no. 20 n. s. (Spring 2011): 51-70.

“William Morris’s ‘Commercial War’: A Critical Edition,” edited, Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, no. 19 (winter 2010): 45-65.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2009: Pre-Raphaelitism, Victorian Poetry 48.3 (fall 2010): 405-13.

“‘Socialism’ and ‘What We Have to Look For’: Two Unpublished Morris Essays,” edited, Journal of the William Morris Society, 19.1 (Winter 2010): 18-56.

Gothic Architecture and the Kelmscott Press,” William Morris Society-US Newsletter, Summer 2010, 29-32.

“The Defence of Guenevere: Morris’s Critique of Medieval Violence,” Journal of William Morris Studies, 18.4 (Summer 2010), 8-21.

“The Critique of the Empty Page: The Kelmscott Press and William Morris’s Theories of Book Design,” William Morris and Everyday Life, ed. Wendy Parkins, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Press, 2010, 65-85.

Boos, Florence S. "The Ideal of Everyday Life in William Morris' News from Nowhere." The Literary Utopias of Cultural Communities, 1790-1910. (DQR Studies in Literature, vol. 46, 2010): 141-170.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2008: Pre-Raphaelitism, Victorian Poetry 47.3 (fall 2009): 587-94.

“From the Archive: William Morris’s ‘Communism—i. e. Property: A Partly Unpublished Essay,” William Morris Society U. S. Newsletter, Summer 2009, 16-21.

“May Morris’s Talk on Her Father,” edited, William Morris Society U. S. Newsletter, Winter 2009, 16-17.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2007: Pre-Raphaelitism, Victorian Poetry 46.3 (fall 2008):356-365.

“Memoir of William Morris by R. W. Dixon,” edited, William Morris Society U. S. Newsletter, Winter 2008, 19-24.

“A Morris Speech on Women’s Trade Unions,” edited, William Morris Society U. S. Newsletter, Summer 2008,  21-23.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2006: Pre-Raphaelitism, Victorian Poetry 45.3 (fall 2007:321-330.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2005: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 44.3 (fall 2005, issued 2006): 364-75.

“Jason’s ‘Wise’ Women: Gender and Morris’s First Romantic Epic.” Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, edited David Latham. University of Toronto Press, 2007. 41-58. pdf

“Dystopian Violence: William Morris and the Nineteenth-Century Peace Movement,”  Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 14 (Spring 2005):  20-41.

Reprinted with “Our Country Right or Wrong” as a separate booklet by the William Morris Society in the UK, London, 2008.

 “William Morris’s ‘Our Country Right or Wrong: A Critical Edition,’” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 14 (Spring 2005): 42-61.

Reprinted by the William Morris Society in the UK, London, 2008.

“’Our Country Right or Wrong’: A Little Noticed Essay by William Morris.” William Morris Society in the United States Newsletter, Fall 2005, 11-12.

 “The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2004: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 43.3 (2005): 371-83.

“The Personal and Political as Lieux d’Anticipation in News from Nowhere,” in William Morris’ News from Nowhere, ed. Beatrice Laurent, Editions du Temps: Nantes, France, 2004, 93-107. [pdf version available]

 “The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2003: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 42:3 (2004): 390-401.

 “The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2002: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 41:3 (2003): 424-35.

“Morris and Scottish Modernism: The Prose Romances and Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s A Scots Quair.The International Morris, ed. Thomas Tobin, SUNY Albany Press, 2004, 145-70.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2001: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 40:3 (2002), 333-340.

“Ten Journeys to the Venusberg: Morris’s Drafts for ‘The Hill of Venus.’” Victorian Poetry 39.4(2002), 597-615.

pdf, "Ten Journeys"

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 2000: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 39.3(2001), 478-90. [pdf]

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1999: Pre-Raphaelitism.” Victorian Poetry 38.3(2000), 437-47. [pdf]

“'The Banners of the Spring to Be’: The Dialectical Pattern of Morris’s Later Poetry.” English Studies 81 (2000): 1-27.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1998: Pre-Raphaelitism.” Victorian Poetry 37.3 (1999), 55-64.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1997: Pre-Raphaelitism.” Victorian Poetry 36.3 (1998): 353-362.

News from Nowhere and Garden Cities: Morris’s Utopia and Nineteenth Century Town Design," Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 7, new series (fall 1998): 4-27.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1996: Pre-Raphaelitism.” Victorian Poetry 35.3 (1997): 408-22.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1995: Pre-Raphaelitism.” Victorian Poetry 34.4 (1996): 604-13.

An Aesthetic Ecocommunist: Morris the Red and Morris the Green, ed. with Peter Faulkner and Peter Preston, University of Exeter Press. William Morris Centenary Essays: Papers from the Morris Centenary Conference organized by the William Morris Society at Exeter College Oxford, 1996, 21-44.

“William Morris, Robert Bulwer-Lytton, and the Arthurian Poetry of the 1850’s,” Morris special issue of Arthuriana, edited by Debra Mancoff, 6.3 (Fall 1996): 30-51.

“Morris’s Poetry at the Fin de Millénaire.” Introduction to Morris centenary special issue, Victorian Poetry 34.3 (Winter 1996), 285-98.

“The Socialist New Woman in William Morris’s The Water of the Wondrous Isles,” Victorian Literature and Culture, Vol. 23(1995): 159-75.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1994: Pre-Raphaelitism.” Victorian Poetry, 33.3-4 (Fall-Winter 1995): 554-65.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1993: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 32.3 (Winter, 1994): 275-82.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1991-92: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 31.2 (Fall, 1993): 321-29.

“Victorian Alternative Futures: ‘Historicism,’ Past and Present, and A Dream of John Ball,” in History and Community: Essays in Victorian Medievalism, ed. Florence Boos. New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 1992, 3-37.

“Gender Division and Political Allegory in The Sundering Flood.” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies I.2 (1992): 12-23.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1990: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 29.2 (Summer, 1991): 300-308.

Boos, Florence S. "An (Almost) Egalitarian Sage: William Morris and Nineteenth-Century Socialist-Feminism." Victorian Sages and Cultural Discourse: Regnegotiating Gender and Power, ed. Thais E. Morgan, New Brunswick and London: Rutgers University Press, 1990, 187-206; 296-301.

Boos, Florence and William Boos. "Orwell's Morris and 'Old Major's' Dream," English Studies 71.4 (1990), 361-71.

"News from Nowhere and Victorian Socialist Feminism," with William Boos. Nineteenth-Century Contexts 14.1(1990): 3-32.

“Justice and Vindication in ‘The Defence of Guenevere’,” King Arthur Through the Ages, ed. Valerie Lagorio and Mildred Day, Boston: Garland Publishing Inc., 1990, 83-104.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1989: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 28.2 (Summer, 1990): 218-24.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1988: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 27.3 (Winter, 1989): 210-15.

“The Year’s Work in Victorian Poetry, 1987: Pre-Raphaelitism,” Victorian Poetry 26.3 (Winter, 1988): 468-73.

“Narrative Design in The Pilgrims of Hope,” Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris, co-edited with Carole Silver. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 1990, 147-66.

“Elizabeth Barrett Browning,” Charlotte Wilson,” “William Morris,” entries for Victorian Britain, ed. Sally Mitchell, New York: Garland Press, 1988, 100-101, 512-14, 862-63.

Love Is Enough as Secular Theodicy,” Papers on Language and Literature 24.4 (Winter, 1988): 53-80.

“Reformism vs. ‘The Social Revolution’: Eight Letters from Morris to James Mavor in the University of Toronto Library,” William Morris Society Newsletter, January, 1988: Supp 1-6.

“The Structure of Morris’s Tales for The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine,” Victorian Periodicals Review 20.1 (Spring, 1987): 2-12.

Boos, Florence and William. "The Utopian Communism of William Morris." History of Political Thoguht 7.3 (1986): 489-510.

“Sexual Polarization in William Morris’s The Defence of Guenevere,” Browning Institute Studies 13 (1985): 181-200.

“The Argument of William Morris’s The Earthly Paradise,” Victorian Poetry 23.1 (1985): 75-92.

"Prologue: The Wanderers’,” Papers on Language and Literature 20.1 (Fall, 1984): 397-417.

“Morris’s German Romances as Socialist History,” Victorian Studies 27.3 (Spring, 1984): 321-42.

“The Sources of Morris’s ‘Wanderers’ Prologue’,” American Notes and Queries 22.5-6 (January/February, 1984): 73-78.

“History as Fellowship in Morris’s Literary Writings,” in William Morris Today, London: Institute for Contemporary Arts, 1984: 26-31.

“Victorian Response to Earthly Paradise Tales,” Journal of the William Morris Society 5.4 (Winter, 1983-84): 16-29.

“William Morris’s Radical Revisions of the Laxdaela Saga,” Victorian Poetry 21.4 (Winter, 1983): 415-20.
Reprinted in Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism 67, Gale Group, 2004.

“Orpheus’s Failed Search for Resurrection: An Omitted Earthly Paradise Tale,” The Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 4.1 (November, 1983): 58-86.

“Dislocation of Personal Identity in the Narratives of William Morris,” The Pre-Raphaelite Review 4.1 (November, 1980): 49-65.

“The Medieval Tales of William Morris’s The Earthly Paradise,” Studies in Medievalism 1.1 (1979): 45-54.

“Medievalism in Alfred Tennyson and William Morris,” Victorians’ Institute Journal 7 (1978): 19-24.


Review of William Morris in the Twenty-First Century, eds. Phillippa Bennett and Rosie Miles. Cahiers victoriens et edouardiens no.  73, 2012.

Review of Norman Kelvin, ed. The Letters of William Morris, vols. 3 and 4, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996. Victorian Studies 40.4 (Summer, 1997): 314-16.

Review of Norman Kelvin, The Letters of William Morris, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987, volume 2 (Parts I & II). Victorian Poetry 29.2 (1991): 185-91.

Review of Gary Aho, William Morris: A Reference Guide, New York: G.K. Hall, 1985. Victorian Poetry 28.2 (Summer, 1990): 171-75.

Review of Peter Stansky, William Morris; William Morris, A Book of Verse; William Morris, The Ideal Book, ed. William Peterson; and Linda Parry, William Morris Textiles. Victorian Studies 30.4 (Summer, 1987): 552-54.

Review of Norman Kelvin, The Letters of William Morris, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984, vol. 1. Victorian Studies 28.4 (Summer 1985): 684-87.


“Letter from Florence Boos,” William Morris Society-US Newsletter, Winter, 2008, 2-3.

“Letter from Florence Boos,” William Morris Society-US Newsletter, Summer, 2007, 2-3.

“Letter from Florence Boos,” William Morris Society-US Newsletter, Winter, 2007, 2-3.

“Letter from Florence Boos,” William Morris Society-U. S. Newsletter, Summer, 2006, 2-3.

“Letter from Florence Boos, William Morris Society-U. S. Newsletter, Spring 2006, 2-3.  Editorial remarks as President of the William Morris Society in the United States.

“Letter from Florence Boos,” William Morris Society in the United States Newsletter, Winter 2006, 1.

“Letter from Florence Boos,” William Morris Society in the United States Newsletter,  Fall, 2005, 2-3.

 “Letter from Florence Boos,” William Morris Society in the United States Newsletter, Summer 2005, 1-2.

“Letter from Florence Boos,” William Morris Society in the United States Newsletter, Winter 2005, 1-2.

“Letter from Florence Boos,” William Morris Society in the United States Newsletter, Summer 2004, 1-2.

“With William Morris in Iceland: The First Week,” U. S. William Morris Society Newsletter, April, 1987, 5-12; “The Second Week”; July, 1987, 7-14.

“With William Morris in Iceland: The Second Week,” U. S. William Morris Society Newsletter, October, 1987.

“Some Impressions of Iceland,” U. S. William Morris Society Newsletter, April, 1986, 3-5. Reprinted in University of Iowa Spectator, June, 1986, 8.

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  Copyright © 2010 Florence S Boos, The University of Iowa. All rights reserved.
  Page updated: May 21, 2015 18:26