Room 208 EPB, 1:05-2:25
Instructor: Florence Boos (
Office: 319 English-Philosophy Building
Office hours: most days, informally before
class; Thursdays 2:45-3:45 and Wednesdays by appointment
Since this is a one-hour course, the assignments will be less strenuous than would usually be required. Still, you need to contribute steadily to the course, and come to each session prepared to discuss.
Final Essay: William Morris’s News from Nowhere (3+ pages)
Some articles on News from Nowhere may be found at
Write an essay in which you discuss one of the following topics, using historical background and passages from the text to reinforce your points. You will also be asked to give a brief oral account of your essay.
Morris's Views in his Essays and News from Nowhere (e. g. "The Beauty of Life," “The Lesser Arts,” “Art and Socialism," "How We Live and How We Might Live," "The Society of the Future")
The Roles of Women/Education/Family Ties in News from Nowhere
The Blending of Genres in News from Nowhere: Pastoral, Dream Vision, Utopia, and Romance
“How The Change Came" and Late Nineteenth-Century Socialism (Morris's activities for the Socialist League, Bloody Sunday, “Monopoly,” “The Society of the Future,” the Socialist League Manifesto)
Geography and Spacial Arrangments in News from Nowhere/ The Transformation
of London/
The Greening of London
Guest as Time-Traveller
The Use of the Narrator in News from Nowhere
Pleasure and Work in News from Nowhere
Morris’s Views on Education in News from Nowhere
The Past and the Future in News from Nowhere (the uses of history; the time-travel frame; or you might look at Morris's writings on the past, such as the essay on medieval times in Socialism: Its Growth and Outcome)
A Dream of John Ball and News from Nowhere
Art, Craftwork and Economic Arrangments in News from Nowhere (for art, you might look at his essays "The Lesser Arts" and "The Beauty of Life")
Buildings as Social Art in News from Nowhere (Morris's essays on architecture, his discussion of architecture in Socialism: Its Growth and Outcome)
Art, Labor, and Creativity: Ruskin's "The Nature of Gothic" and Morris's News from Nowhere
News from Nowhere and the Utopian Tradition (Thomas More’s Utopia, Bellamy’s Looking Backward, Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland, etc.)
News from Nowhere as a Critique of Nineteenth-Century Industrialism
Nineteenth-Century Mutualist Anarchism and the Society of News (Kropotkin, Mutual Aid)
A Common Pattern: Morris's Artwork and News from Nowhere
Copyright © 2005 Florence
Boos. All rights reserved.
Last update
November 16, 2005 18:45