Victorian Literature: Assignments
M W 6:00-7:15, Room 212 EPB
Instructor: Florence Boos florence-boos@uiowa.edu
Office: 319 EPB, office phone 335-0434 (answering machine)
Office hours: most evenings after class until 8:30 p. m.; Fridays 3-4 p. m.
Textbooks at UI Bookstore:
Also selections prepared in Zephys coursepack (cp).
Ruskin, John. The Genius of John Ruskin, ed. John Rosenberg.
Lang, Cecil. The Pre-Raphaelites and Their Circle.
Leighton, Angela and Margaret Reynolds. Victorian Women Poets: An Anthology.
Wilde, Oscar. The Soul of Man Under Socialism.
Malet, Lucas. Richard Calmady.
Pater, Walter. The Renaissance.
Morris, William. News from Nowhere.
Course Requirements:
1. contributions to class discussion: please read the assignment carefully and come prepared to ask questions and comment on unusual features of the text.
2. From time to time, I will ask students to prepare information on an author or text or lead class discussion.
3. journal/reading responses: please prepare 7 reading responses, the equivalent of two double-spaced typed pages each, to be posted on Icon so that your fellow students may read them. Of the seven, two should comment on some aspect of Victorian art or book design.
You should follow an informal schedule of posting at least one entry each two weeks.
4. In addition to posting these responses to the class web site, you will be asked to write a twelve-fifteen page critical/research paper, to be due December 18th. However you should choose a tentative topic by Thanksgiving and give me a first rough draft sometime in early December.
5. You will be asked to present a precis of the substance of your essay in class December 9th or 14th.