Professional and academic positions

2007-present Professor of Chinese & Chinese Applied Linguistics. Department of Asian Languages and Literature, The University of Iowa.

2007-present Professor of Second Language Acquisition. Foreign Language Acquisition, Research, and Education (FLARE) -- Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Second Language Acquisition. The University of Iowa.

2006-present Director. The Confucius Institute at The University of Iowa.

2005-2009 Director. The University of Iowa Center for Asian and Pacific Studies.

2003 Faculty. 2003 LSA (Linguistic Society of America) Summer Institute. Michigan State University. Course title: Chinese Language Teaching, a three-week course, June 2003.

2002 Faculty. Ohio State University Summer Program in Chinese and Japanese Teacher Training. Columbus, Ohio. Teaching a three-week course on teaching and testing Chinese and Japanese as a foreign language. June, 2002.

2001-2004 Chair. Department of Asian Languages and Literature, The University of Iowa.

2000-2007 Associate Professor of Second Language Acquisition. Foreign Language Acquisition, Research, and Education (FLARE) -- Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Degree Program in Second Language Acquisition. The University of Iowa.

1999-2007 Associate Professor of Chinese & Chinese Applied Linguistics. Department of Asian Languages and Literature, The University of Iowa.

1993-1999 Assistant Professor of Chinese & Chinese Applied Linguistics. Department of Asian Languages and Literature, The University of Iowa.

1993-2004 Chinese Language Program Coordinator, Department of Asian Languages and Literature, The University of Iowa.

1993 Head Instructor of Beginning Chinese. Middlebury College Summer Chinese School.

1992-1993 Instructor of Chinese. Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Oregon.

1991-1992 Language Pedagogy Project Coordinator. East Asian Studies Center, Indiana University.

1990-1992 Head Instructor of Beginning Chinese. East Asian Summer Language Institute, Indiana University.

1990-1991 Visiting Lecturer of Chinese. Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Indiana University.

1988-1989 Instructor of Chinese. East Asian Summer Language Institute, Indiana University.

1986-1989 Associate Instructor of Chinese. Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Indiana University.

1985-1986 Instructor of English. Evening School, Indiana University.

1983-1984 Instructor of English. Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Shantou University, China.

1982-1983 Instructor of English. Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Beijing Normal University.