Medieval Feminist Newsletter Bibliography
Spring 1999
Cohen, Elizabeth S., "Seen and known: prostitutes in the cityscape of late-sixteenth-century Rome," Renaissance Studies 12:3
(1998), 392-409.
Dunn-Lardeau, Brenda, "Prodigious births and death in childbirth in Le palais des
nobles dames (Lyons, 1534)," Renaissance and Reformation/Renaissance et Reforme, n.s. 21:3 (1997), 43-62.
French, Katherine L., "'I leave my best gown as a vestment': women's spiritual interests in the late medieval English parish,"
Magistra 4:1 (1998), 57-77.
Fradenburg, Louise O., "Troubled times: Margaret Tudor and the historians," in The rose and the thistle: essays on the culture of
late medieval and Renaissance Scotland, edited by Sally Mapstone and Juliette Wood (Tuckwell, 1998), 38-58.
Giangrosso, Patricia A., "A community's voice: omissions and additions in the Friedenspring Rule of St. Benedict," Magistra 4:1
(1998), 27-43.
Gray, Douglas, "The royal entry in sixteenth-century Scotland," in The rose and the thistle: essays on the culture of late medieval
and Renaissance Scotland, edited by Sally Mapstone and Juliette Wood (Tuckwell, 1998), 10-37.
Hale, Rosemary Drage, "The 'silent' virgin: Marian imagery in the sermons of Meister Eckhard and Johannes Tauler," in Medieval
sermons and society: cloister, city, university, edited by Jacqueline Hamesse, Beverly Mayne Kienzle, Debra L. Stoudt, Anne T. Thayer, Textes et etudes du moyen age, 9 (Federation Internationale des Insitutes d'Etudes Medievales,1998), 77-94.
Hamburger, Jeffrey F., The visual and the visionary: art and female spirituality in late medieval Germany (Zone Books, 1998).
Hildegard of Bingen: the context of her thought and art, edited by Charles Burnett and Peter Dronke, Warburg Institute Colloquia 4
(The Warburg Institute, 1998).
Contents: Peter Dronke, "The allegorical world picture of Hildegard of Bingen: revaluations and new problems," 1-16; Albert Derolez, "The manuscript transmission of Hildegard of Bingen's writings: the state of the problem, " 17-28; Madeline Caviness, "Hildegard as the designer of the illustrations to her works," 29-63 [20 b&w plates]; Charles Burnett, "Hildegard in England: a note on Hildegard's texts in the Library of the Austin Friars in York," 63-64; Angela Carlevaris, "Ildegarda e la patristica," 65-80; Robert Murray, "Prophecy in Hildegard," 81-88; Constant J. Mews, "Hildegard and the schools," 89110; Charles Burnett, "Hildegard of Bingen and the science of the stars," 111-120; Danielle Jacquart, "Hildegarde et la physiologie de son temps," 121-134; Laurence Moulinier, "Abesse et agronome: Hildegarde et le savoir botanique de son temps," 135-156; Walter Berschin, "Eine Offiziendichtung in der Symphonia": Hildegards von Bingen, Ursula und die Elftausend Jungfrauen (carm. 44)," 157-162; John Stevens, "The musical individuality of Hildegard's songs: a liturgical shadowland," 163-188; Barbara Newman, "Three-part invention: the Vita S. Hildegardis and mystical hagiography," 189-210; Jos`e Carlos Santos Paz, "Aspetti della ricezione dell'opera di Ildegarda nel duecento," 211-223.
Hildegard von Bingen, 1098-1179, herausgegeben von Jürgen Kotzur ; bearbeitet von Winfried Wilhelmy und Ines Koring (von Zabern,
Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Bischöfliches Dom- und Diözesanmuseum Mainz including short essays by : Ines Koring, "Hildegard von Bingen 1098-1179," 2-24; Helmut Hinkel, "Hildegard von Bingen: Nachleben," 148-165; Barbara Stü hlmeyer, "Musik im 12. Jahrhundert," 178-181; Scholastika Steinle OSB, "Visio bei Hildegard," 196-200; Peter Walter, "Die Theologie Hildegards von Bingen," 204-210; Winfried Wilhelmy, "Hildegards natur- und heilkundliches Schrifttum," 284-303.
 Kenaan-Kedar, Nurith, "Aliènor d'Aquitaine conduite en captivité.Les peintures
murales commémoratives de Sainte-Radegonde de Chinon," cahiers de civilisation médiévale 41 (1998), 317-330.
 Kunigunde--eine Kaiserin an der Jahrtausendwende, hrsg. Ingrid Baumgartner (Furore, 1997).
 Lesbian historiography before the name? GLQ Forum in GLQ: a journal of lesbian and gay studies 4 (1998), 557-630.
Comments on Bernadette J. Brooten's Love between women: early Christian responses to female homoeroticism (University of Chicago Press, 1996) by David M. Halperin, Ann Pellegrini, Ken Stone, Natalie Boymel Kampen, and Deirdre Good, introduced by Elizabeth A. Castelli and with a response from Bernadette J. Brooten.
Lochrie, Karma, Covert operations: the medieval uses of secrecy, Middle Ages series (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999).
Maguire, Joanne, "The paradox of unlikeness in Achard of St. Victor and Marguerite Porete," Magistra 4:1 (1998), 79-105.
Michalove, Sharon D., "The education of aristocratic women in fifteenth-century England," in Estrangement, enterprise and education
in fifteenth-century England, edited by Sharon D. Michalove and A. Compton Reeves, The fifteenth-century series no. 5 (Sutton Publishing, 1998), 117-139.
Renaissance culture and the everyday, edited by Patricia Fumerton and Simon Hunt (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999)
Contents: Patricia Fumerton, "Introduction: a new new historicism," 1-7; Debora Shuger, "The 'I' of the beholder: Renaissance mirrors and the reflexive mind," 21-41; Karen L. Raber, "'Reasonable creatures': William Cavendish and the art of dressage," 42-66; Don E. Wayne, "'Pox on your distinction!': humanist reformation and deformations of the everyday in The Staple of News," 67-91; Patricia Fumerton, "Homely accents: Ben Jonson speaking low," 92-111; Judith C. Brown, "Everyday life, longevity, and nuns in early modern Florence," 115-138; Shannon Miller, "Constructing the female self: architectural structures in Mary Wroth's Urania," 139-161; Richard Helgerson, "The buck basket, the witch and the Queen of Faries: the women's world of Shakespeare's Windsor," 162-182; Lena Cowen Orlin, "Three ways to be invisible in the Renaissance: sex, reputation, and stitchery," 183-203; Frances E. Dolan, "Household chastisements: gender, authority, and 'domestic violence'," 204-225; Ann Jensen Adams, "Money and the regulation of desire: the prostitute and the marketplace in seventeenth-century Holland," 229-253; Stephanie H. Jed, "Reorganizing knowledge: a feminist scholar's eveyday relation to the Florentine past," 254-270; Richard Corum, "'The catastrophe is a nuptial': Love's Labor's Lost," 271-298; Simon Hunt, "'Leaving out the insurrection': carnival rebellion, English history plays, and a hermeneutics of advocacy," 299-314; Juliet Fleming, "Graffitit, grammatology, and the age of Shakespeare," 315-351.
Smith, Alison, "Gender, ownership and domestic space: inventories and family archives in Renaissance Verona," Renaissance
Studies 12:3 (1998), 375-391.
Weed, Stanley E., "My sister, bride, and mother: aspects of female piety in some images of the Virgo inter virgines," Magistra 4:1
(1998), 3-26.
Helen King, Hippocrates' women: reading the female body in ancient Greece (Routledge, 1998).