Medieval Feminist Forum Bibliography

Winter 2008



Amer, Sahar. Crossing borders: love between women in medieval French and Arabic literatures. The
                Middle Ages. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008.


Barr, Beth Allison. The pastoral care of women in late medieval England. Gender in the Middle Ages;

                v. 3. Boydell Press, 2008.


Barratt, Alexandra. “English translations of didactic literature for women to 1550,” in What nature does
                not teach: didactic literature in the medieval and early-modern periods, edited by Juanita
                Feros Ruys. Disputatio 15. Brepols, 2008.


Bates, David. “The representation of queens and queenship in Anglo-Norman royal charters,” in
                Frankland: the Franks and the world of the early Middle Ages: essays in honour of Dame
                Jinty Nelson, edited by Paul Fouracre and David Ganz. Manchester University Press, 2008.


Boydston, Jeanne. “Gender as a question of historical analysis.” Gender & history 20:3 (November
                2008), 558-583.


Bridget of Sweden. The revelations of St. Birgitta of Sweden, volume 2: Liber caelestis, Books IV-V,
                translated by Denis Searby with introductions and notes by Bridge Morris. Oxford University
                Press, 2008.


Broomhall, Susan. “Gendering the culture of honour at the fifteenth-century Burgundian court,” in
                Women, identities and communities in early modern Europe, edited by Stephanie Tarbin and
                Susan Broomhall. Women and gender in the early modern world. Ashgate, 2008.


Brunner, Horst. “Hie ist diu âventiure geholt-/wâ ist nu der minne solt? Die Rolle der Frau des Helden
                in einigen nachklassischen Artusromanen,” in Annäherungen: Studien zur deutschen Literatur
                des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit. Philologische Studien und Quellen; 210. Erich
                Schmidt Verlag, 2008.


_____   “Minnesangs Ende: Die Absage an die Geliebte im Minnesang,” in Annäherungen.


Burton, Janet. “Looking for medieval nuns,” in Monasteries and society in the British Isles in the

                later Middle Ages, edited by Janet Burton and Karen Stöber. Studies in the history of

                medieval religion.; v. 35. Boydell Press, 2008.


Cartwright, Jane.  Feminine sanctity and spirituality in medieval Wales. University of Wales
                Press, 2008.


Classen, Albrecht. “Thomasin von Zerclaere’s Der welsche Gast and Hugo von Trimberg’s
                Der Renner: two Middle High German didactic writers focus on gender relations,” in
                What nature does not teach.


A companion to Julian of Norwich, edited by Liz Herbert McAvoy. Boydell & Brewer, 2008.


                Liz Herbert McAvoy, “Introduction: “’God forbede ... that I am a techere’: who,
                or what, was Julian?”; Kim M. Phillips, “Femininities and the gentry in late
                medieval East Anglia: ways of being”; Cate Gunn, “’A recluse atte Norwyche’:
                images of medieval Norwich and Julian’s Revelations”; Alexandra Barratt,
                “’No such sitting’: Julian tropes the Trinity”; Denise N. Baker, “Julian of Norwich
                and the varieties of Middle English mystical discourse”; Diane Watt, “Saint Julian
                of the Apocalypse”; E.A. Jones, “Anchoritic aspects of Julian of Norwich”; Annie
                Sutherland, “Julian of Norwich and the liturgy”; Harry Windeat, “Julian’s second
                thoughts: the long text tradition”; Marleen Cre, “’This blessed beholdying’:
                reading the fragments from Julian fo Nowich’s A revelation of love in London,
                Westminster cathedral Treasury, MS 4”; Elisabeth Dutton, “The seventeenth-
                century  manuscript tradition and the influence of Augustine Baker”; Elizabeth
                Robertson, “Julian of Norwich’s ‘modernist’ style and the creation of audience”;
                Laura Saetveit Miles, “Space and enclosure in Julian of Norwich’s A revelation
                of love”; Liz Herbert McAvoy, “’For we be doubel of God’s making’: writing,
                gender and the body in Julian of Norwich”; Ena Jenkins, “Julian’s Revelation of
                love: a web of metaphor”; Vincent Gillespie, “”[S]he do the police in different
                voices’: pastiche, ventriloquism and parody in Julian of Norwich”; Sarah Salih,
                Julian’s afterlives.”


Coon, Lynda L. “Somatic styles of the early Middle Ages.” Gender & history 20:2 (November 2008),


Constantinou, Stavroula. “Women teachers in early Byzantine hagiography,” in What nature does
                not teach.


Cox, Virginia. Women’s writing in Italy 1400-1650. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.


Crown and veil: female monasticism from the fifth to the fifteenth centuries, edited by
                Jeffrey F. Hamburger and Susan Marti; translated by Dietlinde Hamburger. Columbia
                University Press, 2008. [Translation of Krone und Schleier. Kunst aus mittelalterlichen
                Frauenklöster; hrsg. von der Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik
                Deutschland, und dem Ruhrlandmuseum Essen. Hirmer, 2005.]


                Caroline Walker Bynum, “Foreword”; Jeffrey F. Hamburger, “Introduction:
                Histories of female monasticism”; Jan Gerchow with Katrinette Bodarwé, Susan
                Mart, and Hedwig Röckelein, “Early monasteries and foundations (500-1200):
                an introduction”; Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Petra Marx, and Susan Marti, “The time
                of the Orders, 1200-1500: an introduction”; Jeffrey F. Hamburger and Robert
                Suckale, “Between this world and the next: the art of religious women in the
                Middle Ages”; Carola Jäggi and Uwe Lobbedey, “Church and cloister: the
                architecture of female monasticism in the Middle Ages”; Jan Gerchow and
                Susan Marti, “’Nuns’ work,’ ‘caretaker institutions,’ and ‘women’s movements’:
                some thoughts about a modern historiography of medieval monasticism”;
                Barbara Newman, “The visionary texts and visual worlds of religious women”;
                Caroline Walker Bynum, “Patterns of female piety in the later Middle Ages”;
                Gisela Muschiol, “Time and space: liturgy and rite in female monasteries of the

                Middle Ages”; Hedwig Röckelein, “Founders, donors, and saints: patrons of nuns’
                convents”; Klaus Schreiner, “Pastoral care in female monasteries: sacramental
                services, spiritual edification, ethical discipline”; Werner Rösener, “Household and
                prayer: medieval convents as economic entities”; Gabriela Signori, “Wanderers
                between worlds: visitors, letters, wills, and gifts as a means of communication in
                exchanges between cloister and the world.”


D’Arcens, Louise. “’Nee en Ytale’: Christine de Pizan’s migrant didactic voice,” in What nature
                does not teach.


Delogu, Daisy. Theorizing the ideal sovereign: the rise of the French vernacular royal
. University of Toronto Press, 2008.


Desireuse de plus avant enquerre . . .: Actes du VIe Colloque international sur Christine de
                Pizan (Paris, 20-24 juillet 2006): volume en hommage à James Laidlaw
, études
                réunies par Lilian Dulac, Anne Paupert, Christine Reno et Bernard Ribémont.
                Champion, 2008.


                Angus J. Kennedy, “Le thème l’atemperance dans le Livre du corps de police
                et le Livre de paix”; Tracy Adams, “Isabeau de Bavière et la notion de régence
                chez Christine de Pizan”; Wilfrid Besnardeau, “La représentation des Anglais
                dans le Ditié de Jehanne d’Arc  de Christine de Pizan”; Daisy Delogu, “Advocate
                et moyenne: Christine de Pizan’s elaboration of female authority”; Nicole
                Hochner, “Claude de Syessel lecteur du Corps de policie? Une filiation
                politique?”; Thierry Lassabatere, “Le mythe littéraire de Bertrand Du Guesclin:
                écriture, diffusion et lecture des oeuvres de Christine de Pizan et de ses
                contemporains”; Christine McWebb/Earl Jeffrey Richards, “New perspectives
                on the debate about the Roman de la rose”; Lori Walters, “The figure of the
                ‘seulette’ in the works of Christine de Pizan and Jean Gerson”; Earl Jeffrey
                Richards, “les enjeux du culte marial chez Christine de Pizan”; Benjamin
                Semple, “L’ erreur et la morale: le dualisme de la ‘loi païenne’ selon Christine
                de Pizan”; Andrea Tarnowski, “Christine’s selves”; Liliane Dulac, “De l’arbre
                au jardin, de la pastorale à la politique: quelques transpositions métaphoriques
                et allégoriques chez Christine de Pizan”; Mark Aussems, “Christine de Pizan
                et la main X: quelques questions”; Claire Le Ninian, “Les formules proverbiales,
                leur réécriture et leurs usages dans le Livre de paix”; Marie-Héléne Marques
                Antunes, “Le dialogue intratexuel dans l’Epistre Othea”; Jean-Claude
                Mühlethaler, “La poétique de la fragmentation ou de la bonne utilisation des
                figures exemplaires: Énée dans Le chemin de long estude de Christine de
                Pizan”; Shigemi Sasaki, “Fontaine de Pégase et ‘chappel’ de la poétesse dans
                le Livre de la mutacion d fortune”; Julia Holderness, “Christine, Boèce et Saint
                Augustin: la consolation de la mémoire”; Anna Loba, “’En chascun estat on se
                puet sauver qui veult’: réflexion sur le mariage dans l’oeuvre de Christine de
                Pizan et de Philippe de Mézières”; Bernard Ribemont, “Christine de Pizan,
                Isidore de Séville et l’astrologie: compilation et ‘mutacion’ d’un discours sur
                les arts libéraux”; Anna Slerca, “L’ Advision Cristine, Guillaume De Machaut,

                Boccace et le thème de la rétractation”;  Katherine Roussos, “Universalité

                et création féminine: le Livre de la cité des dames comme processus

                transcendant”; Geri L. Smith, “Claiming a voice: the feminine speaking subject

                in Le dit de la rose, Le dit de la pastoure, and L’Epitre a Eustache Mourel”;

                Xiangyun Zhang, “L’ancien royaume féminin et la nouvelle communauté des
                femmes”;  Stephanie Downes, “Debating Christine in Victorian England”;
                Hope Johnston, “How le Livre de la cité des dames first came to be printed in
                England”; Julia Nephew, “Christine and Judy Chicago’s The dinner party”;
                Sara Rodrigues de Sousa, “Reflets dans un miroir: la deuxième traduction
                portugaise du Livre des trois vertus”; Margarete Zimmermann (conference
                plénière), “L’oeuvre de Christine de Pizan à la croisée des cultures.”

                “Contributions hors volume: Susan Groag Bell, “Christine de Pizan in her
                study,”; Inès Villela-Petit, “ À la recherche d’
                Anastaise, CRM, 16, 2008.


Famille et parenté dans la vie religieuse du Midi (XIIe-XVe siècle): Colloque de Fanjeaux
                (43; 2007), introd. Julien Thery. Cahiers de Fanjeaux; 43. Privat, 2008.

                Julien Théry, “Introduction”; Claude Carozzi, “Familia-domus: étude sémantique
                et historique”; Jean-Loup Lematire, “Famille et parenté dans la chronique de Geoffroy

                de Vigeois. . . Geoffroy généalogiste”; Eliana Magnani, “Parenté et fraternité
                monastique dans les miracles posthumes de saint Honorat (Vita sancti Honorati,
                BHL 3976, fin du XIIIe s.)”;  Denis Collomp, “Reconquête de l’espace, mariage et

                parenté spirituelle dans le cycle des Narbonnais”; Germain Butaud, “Généalogie et

                histoire des rois mages: les origines légendaires de la famille des Baux (XIIIe-XVe s.)”
                Huguette Taviani-Carozzi, “Hérésie et conception du mariage au XIIe siècle”; Paul
                Payan, “Famille du Christ et pastorale familiale dans la Vita Christi de Francesc
                Eiximenis”; Xavier Renedo, “De l’education des filles (et des épouses” aux mères
                comme éducatrices des enfants selon Francesc Eiximenis”; Anne-Laure Lallouette,
                “Les personnes âgées et leurs familles d’après quelques prédicateurs méridionaux
                des XIIIe et XIVe siècles”;  Louis Stouff, “le mariage dans la société arlésienne du

                bas Moyen Âge”; Anne-Marie Hayez, “Liens familiaux à l’heure de la mort: les

                testaments avignonnais au siècle des papes”; Jacques Verger, “Les Méridionaux
                face aux études universitaires, entre choix personnels et stratégies familiales”;
                Daniel Le Blévec, “Sans famille: orphelins et enfants abondonnés”; Jacques Paul,
                Famille et hérésie”; Danièle Iancu-Agou, “Vie privée et réussite sociale dans
                l’aristocratie juive et néophyte aixoise à la fin du Moyen Âge.”

Fenton, Kirsten A. Gender, nation and conquest in the works of William of Malmesbury. Gender in the
                Middle Ages. Boydell Press, 2008.


Findon, Joanne. “Dangerous siren or abandoned wife? Gloss versus text on an early Irish
                manuscript page,” in Signs on the edge: space, text and margin in medieval manuscripts,
                edited by Sarah Larratt Keefer and Rolf H. Bremmer, Jr. Mediaevalia Groningana; n.s., v. 10.
                Peeters, 2007.


Francomano, Emily C. Wisdom and her lovers in medieval and early modern Hispanic literature. The
                new Middle Ages. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.


Green, Dennis Howard. Women readers in the Middle Ages. Cambridge University Press, 2008.


Green, Monica H. “Gendering the history of women’s health care.” Gender & history 20:3
                (November 2008), 487-518.


Gunn, Cate. Ancrene Wisse: from pastoral literature to vernacular spirituality. Religion and culture in

                the Middle Ages. University of Wales Press, 2008.


Hay, David J. The military leadership of Matilda of Canossa, 1046-1115. Gender in history. Manchester
                University Press, 2008.


Haywood, Louise M. Sex, scandal, and sermon in fourteenth-century Spain: Juan Ruiz’s Libro de
                Buen Amor. The new Middle Ages. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.


Hicks, Leonie V.  Religious life n Normandy, 1050-1300: space, gender and social pressure. Studies in

                the history of medieval religion; v. 33. Boydell Press, 2007.


Howell, Martha. “The gender of Europe’s commercial economy, 1200-1700.” Gender & history 20:3
                (November 2008), 519-538.


Jung, Marc-René. “Hélène dans le Roman de Troie du XIIe et XVe siècle,” in Hélène de Troie dans les
                lettres françaises, Gargnano del Garda (13-16 giugno 2007), a cura di Liana Nissim e Alessandra
                Preda. Università degli Studi di Milano Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia. Quaderni di Acme; 99.
                Cisalpino, 2008.


Lionarons, Joyce Tally. “Women’s work and women’s magic as literary motifs in Icelandic sagas,” in
                Constructing nations, recontructing myth: essays in honour of T.A. Shippey, edited by Andrew

                Wawn, with Graham Johnson and John Walter. Making the Middle Ages; v. 9. Brepols, 2007.


Lutter, Christina.  “Ways of knowing and meanings of literacy in twelfth-century Admont,” in Strategies
                of writing: studies on text and trust in the Middle Ages: papers from “Trust in Writing in the
                Middle Ages” (Utrecht 28-29 November 2002),
edited by Petra Schulte, Marco Mostert and
                Irene van Renswoude. Utrecht studies in medieval literacy; 13. Brepols, 2008.


MacLean, Simon. “Making a difference in tenth-century politics: King Athelstan’s sisters and
                Frankish queenship,” in Frankland: . . . essays in honour of Dame Jinty Nelson.


Maddern, Philippa. “’In myn own house’: the troubled connections between servant marriages,
                late-medieval English household communities and early modern historiography,” in Women,
                identities and communities in early modern Europe.


Men and masculinities in Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde, edited by Tison Pugh and Marcia Smith
                Marzec. Chaucer studies XXXVIII. D.S. Brewer, 2008.


                Tison Pugh, Michale Calabrese, and Marcia Smith Marzec, “Introduction: the myths of

                masculinity in Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde”;  John M. Bowers, “’Beautiful as
                Troilus’: Richard II, Chaucer’s Troilus, and figures of (un)masculinity”; Robert S.
                Sturges, “The state of exception and sovereign masculinity in Troilus and Criseyde”;
                Gretchen Mieszkowski, “Revisiting Troilus’s faint”; Marcia Smith Marzec, “What
                makes a man? Troilus, Hector, and the masculinities of courtly love”; James J.
                Paxson, “Masculinity and its hydraulic semiotics in Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde”;
                Holly A. Crocker and Tison Pugh, “Masochism, masculinity, and the pleasures of
                Troilus”; Kate Koppelman, “’The dreams in which I’m dying’: sublimation and
                unstable masculinities in Troilus and Criseyde”; Angela Jane Weisl, “’A mannes
                game’: Criseyde’s masculinity in Troilus and Criseyde”; Molly A. Martin, “Troilus’s
                gaze and the collapse of masculinity in romance”; Richard Zeikowitz, “Sutured looks
                and homoeroticism: reading Troilus and Pandarus cinematically”; Michael Calabrese,
                “Being a man in Piers Plowman and Troilus and Criseyde”; R. Allen Shoaf, “’The
                monstruosity in love’: sexual division in Chaucer and Shakespeare.”


Norrman, Lena Elisabeth. Viking women: the narrative voice in woven tapestries. Cambria
                Press, 2008.


Overbey, Karen Eileen. “Female trouble: ambivalence and anxiety at the Nuns’ Church,” in

                Law, literature and society, edited by Joseph F. Eska. CSANA yearbook 7. Four Courts

                Press, 2008.


Perkins-Curran, Kimm. “’Quhat say ye now, my lady priores? How have ye usit your office? can ye

                ges?’: politics, power and realities of the office of a prioress in her community in late

                medieval Scotland,” in Monasteries and society in the British Isles in the late Middle Ages.


Pigaillem, Henri. Anne de Bretagne: epouse de Charles VIII et de Louis XII. Histoire des reines de
                France. Pygmalion, 2008.


Preston-Matto, Lahney. “Derbforgaill’s literary heritage: can you blame her?” in Law, literature and



Rhetoric of the anchorhold: space, place and body within the discourses of enclosure, edited by Liz
                Herbert McAvoy. Religion and culture in the Middle Ages. University of Wales Press, 2008.


                Liz Herbert McAvoy, “Introduction: Place, space and body within anchoritic tradition”;

                Allison Clark, “Spaces of reclusion: notarial records of urban eremeticism in medieval  Siena”;
                E.A. Jones, “Ceremonies of enclosure: rite, rhetoric and reality”; Bella Millett, “’He speaks to
                Me as if Iwas a public meeting’: rhetoric and audience in the works of the Ancrene Wisse
                Group”; Cate Gunn, “Private meditations and public discourse: Ancrene Wisse and sermon
                rhetoric”; Anna McHugh, “Inner space as speaking space in Ancrene Wisse”; Michelle M.
                Sauer, “Privacy, exile and the rhetoric of solitude in the medieval English anchoritic
                tradition”; Liz Herbert McAvoy, “Gender, rhetoric and space in the Speculum Inclusorum,
                Letter to a Bury recluse and the strange case of Christina Carpenter”; Laura Saetveit Miles,
                Julian of Norwich and St Bridget of Sweden: creating intimate space with God”; Fumiko
                Yoshikawa, “Julian of Norwich and the rhetoric of the impersonal”; Anne Savage, “From
                anchorhold to cell of self-knowledge: points along a history of the human body”; Robin
                Gilbank, “The childhood of Christ and the infancy of the soul in Aelred’s De Iesu puero
                duodenni”; Karl-Heinz Steinmetz, “Eremita et latro: discourses of hermits and robbers as
                the ‘rhetoric of the outsider’.”


Roberts, Sara Elin. “Emerging from the bushes: The Welsh law of women in the legal triads,” in Law,

                literature and society.


Scheck, Helene. Reform and resistance: formations of female subjectivity in early medieval

                ecclesiastical culture. SUNY series in medieval studies. SUNY Press, 2008.


Sexuality in the Middle Ages and early modern times: new approaches to a fundamental
                cultural-historical and literary-anthropological theme
, edited by Albrecht Classen and
                Marilyn Sandidge. Fundamentals of medieval and early modern culture; 3. Walter de

                Gruyter, 2008.

                Albrecht Classen, “The cultural significance of sexuality in the Middle Ages,
                the Renaissance, and beyond: a secret continuous undercurrent or a
                dominant phenomenon of the premodern world? Or: the irrepressibility of
                sex yesterday and today”; Albrecht Classen, “Naked men in medieval German
                literature and art: anthropological, cultural-historical, and mental-historical
                investigations”; Asa Simon Mittman and Susan M. Kim, “The exposed body
                and the gendered Blemmye: reading the Wonders of the East”; Eva Parra
                Membrives, “Lust ohne Liebe: Roswitha von Gandersheim und
                geschlectsspezifische Strafen für sündigen Sex”; Molly Robinson Kelly,
                “Sex and fertility in Marie de France’s Lais”; “Christopher R. Clason, “’Good
                lovin’: the language of erotic desire and fulfillment in Gottfried’s Tristan”;
                Siegfried Christoph, “The limits of reading innuendo in medieval literature”;
                Julia Wingo Shinnick, “Singing desire: musical innuendo in troubadour and
                trouvère song”; Christina Weising, “Vision of ‘sexuality,’ ‘obscenity,’ or
                ‘nudity’? Differences between regions on the example of corbels”; Juanita
                Feros Ruys, “Heloise, monastic temptation, and memoria: rethinking
                autobiography, sexual experience, and ethics”; Peter Dinzelbacher,
                “Gruppensex im Untergrund: chaotische Ketzer und kirchliche Keuschheit
                im Mittelalter”; Suzanne Kocher, “Desire, parody, and sexual mores in the
                ending of Hue de Rotelande’s Ipomedon: an invitation through the looking
                glass”; Andrew Holt, “Feminine sexuality and the Crusades”; Jennifer D.
                Thibodeaux, “The sexual lives of medieval Norman clerics: a new perspective
                on clerical sexuality”; Stacey L. Hahn, “Feminine sexuality in the Lancelot-Grail
                cycle”; Sarah Gordon, “Sausages, nuts, and eggs: food imagery, the body, and
                sexuality in the Old French fabliaux”; Paula Leverage, “Sex and the sacraments
                in Tristan de Nanteuil”; Alexa Sand, “Inseminating Ruth in the Morgan Old
                Testament picture book: a romance of the Crusades”; Connie L. Scarborough,
                “The rape of men and other ‘lessons’ about sex in the Libro de buen amor”;
                Rasma Lazda-Cazers, “Oral sex in the songs of Oswald von Wolkenstein:
                did it really happen?”; Jean E. Jost, “Intersecting the ideal and the real,
                chivalry and rape, respect and dishonor: the problematics of sexual
                relationships in Troilus and Criseyde and Sir Tristrem”; “Daniel F. Pigg,
                “Caught in the act: Malory’s ‘Sir Gareth’ and the construction of sexual
                performance”; Albrecht Classen, “Sexual desire and pornography: literary
                imagination in a satirical context. Gender conflict, sexual identity, and
                misogyny in ‘Das Nonnenturnier’”; Sara McDougall, “The prosecution of
                sex in late medieval Troyes”;  Stephanie Fink De Backer, “Prescription,
                passion, and patronage in early modern Toledo: legitimizing illicit
                love at Santo Domingo de Silos ‘el Antiguo,’ Toledo”; Reinier Leushuis,
                Fertilizing the French vernacular: procreation, warfare, and authorship
                in Jean de Meun, Jean Lemaire de Belges, and Rabelais”; Kathleen M.
                Llewellyn, “Deadly sex and sexy death in early modern French literature”;
                Allison P. Coudert, “From the clitoris to the breast: the eclipse of the female
                libido in early modern art, literature, and philosophy.”

Shepard, Alexandra and Garthine Walker. “Gender, change and periodisation.”
                Special issue Gender and change: agency, chronology and
                periodisation, Gender & history  20:3 (November 2008), 453-462.

Snow, Joseph T. “Speaking through many voices: polphony in the writings of Teresa de
                Cartagena,” in Medieval Iberia.


Stjerna, Kirsi Irmeli. Women and the Reformation. Blackwell, 2009.


Thomas of Cantimpré. The collected saints lives: Christina the Astonishing, Lutgard of Aywierès,
                Margaret of Ypres and Abbot John of Cantimpré
, edited and with an introduction by
                Barbara Newman; translations by Margot H. King and Barbara Newman. Medieval women:
                texts and contexts; v. 19. Brepols, 2008.


Twomey, Lesley K. The serpent and the rose: the immaculate conception and Hispanic poetry

                in the late medieval period. Studies in medieval and Reformation traditions; v. 132.

                Brill, 2008.


Van Engen, John. Sisters and brothers of the common life: the Devotio moderna and the world of the
                later Middle Ages.  The Middle Ages series. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008.


Wiesner-Hanks, Merry E. “Do women need the Renaissance?” Gender & history 20:3 (November
                2008), 539-557.


Zhao, George Qingzhi. Marriage as political strategy and cultural expression: Mongolian royal
                marriages from World Empire [1206-1279] to Yuan Dynasty [1279-1368]. Asian thought and
                culture; v. 60. Peter Lang, 2008,