Medieval Feminist Forum Bibliography

Winter 2006



Bennett, Judith. History matters: patriarchy and the challenge of feminiism. University of
            Pennsylvania Press, 2006.


Blamires, Alcuin. Chaucer, ethics, and gender. Oxford University Press, 2006.


Butler, Sara M. “Women, suicide, and the jury in later medieval England,” Signs 32:1 (Autumn


Byzantine women: varieties of experience, 800-1200, edited by Lynda Garland. Publications.
            King’s College (University of London) Centre for Hellenic Studies; 8. Ashgate, 2006.


            Judith Herrin, “Changing functions of monasteries for women during Byzantine
            iconoclasm”; Anna M. Silvas, “Kassia the nun c. 810-c. 865: an appreciation”;
            Timothy Dawson, “Propriety, practicality and pleasure: the parameters of women’s
            dress in Byzantium, A.D. 1000-1200”; Leonora Neville, “Taxing Sophronia’s son-in-law:
            representations of women in provincial documents”; Lynda Garland and Stephen Rapp,
            “Mary ‘of Alania’: woman and empress between two worlds”; Dion C. Smythe, “Middle
            Byzantine family values and Anna Komnene’s Alexiad”; Corinne Jouanno, “Women in
            Byzantine novels of the twelfth century: an interplay between norm and fantasy”;
            Lynda Garland, “Street life in Constantinople: women and the carnivalesque”; Lynda
            Garland, “Imperial women and entertainment at the Middle Byzantine court.”


Les cantiques Salemon: the Song of Songs in MS Paris BNF fr. 14966, edited by Tony Hunt.
            Medieval women: texts and contexts; 16. Brepols, 2006.


Caraffi, Patrizia. “Il mito di Medea nell’ opera di Christine de Pizan,” in Magia, gelosia, vendetta:
            il mito di Medea nelle lettere francesi, a cura di Liana Nissim e Alessandra Preda.
            Quaderni di Acme; 78. Cisalpino, 2006.


Chibnall, Marjorie. “The Empress Matilda as a subject for biography,” in Writing medieval
            biography 750-1250: essays in honour of  Professor Frank Barlow, edited by David
            Bates, Julia Crick, and Sarah Hamilton. Boydell Press, 2006.


Cluzel, Jean. Jeanne d’Arc: la politque par d’autres moyens: essai. Collection Campagnes &
            stratégies; 56. Economica, 2006.


Collette, Carolyn P.  Performing polity: women and agency in the Anglo-French tradition, 1385-
            1620. Medieval women: texts and contexts; v. 15. Brepols, 2006.


Cortese, Delia and Calderini, Simonetta. Women and the Fatimids in the world of Islam.
            Edinburgh University Press, 2006.


Crosland, Margaret. The mysterious mistress: the life and legend of Jane Shore. Sutton
            Publishing, 2006.


Daybell, James. Women letter-writers in Tudor England. Oxford University Press, 2006.


Des Roches de Chassay, Arnaud. Yolande d’Aragon ou l’unité de la France: 1379-1442. Herissey,


Desmond, Marilyn. Ovid’s art and the wife of Bath: the ethics of erotic violence. Cornell
            University Press, 2006.


Dijk, Mathilde van. “Being Saint Barbara in England: shifting patterns of holiness
       in the later Middle Ages,” in Transforming holiness: representations of
       holiness in English and  American literary texts
, edited by Irene Visser and
       Helen Wilcox. Groningen studies in cultural change; v. 20. Peeters, 2006.


Downie, Fiona. She is but a woman: queenship in Scotland, 1424-1463. John Donald
            Publshers, 2006.


Edwards, Robert R. The flight from desire: Augustine and Ovid to Chaucer. The new
            Middle Ages. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006


Flachenbecker, Helmut. “. . . unser wesen und womunge an der stät ein nuweheit es [CHECK]:
            Zu den Begarden und Beginen im mittelalterlichen Würzburg,” in Geschichte in Räumen:
            Festschrift für Rolf Kießling zum 65. Geburtstag, hg. von Johannes Burkhardt, Thomas
            Max Safley, und Sabine Ullmann. UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, 2006.


Frauen und Geschlechter, hrsg. von Christoph Ulf und Robert Rollinger


Robert Rollinger, “Einleitung: Von ethnographischen Topoi, Frauen-Rollen
und Frauen-Bildern, von Geschlechtern, Gender und Diskurs. Zur Geschichte
eines Projekts und seiner Publikationen”; Almut-Barbara Renger, “βασάνους
ήνεγκεν άνδρείως (Klemens von Alexandrien): Die Mannhaftigkeit der
athenischen Hetäre Leania. Zur Überlieferung einer Tyrannenmord-Geschichte
in den ersten vier Jahrhunderten n. Chr.”; Udo Hartmann, “Spätantike
Philosophinnen in den Philosophenviten von Porphyrios bis Damaskios”;
Sabine Grebe, “Traditionelles und Unkonventionelles in den Geschlechter-
rollen bei Martianus Capella”; Raphaela Czech-Schneider, “Geschlechter-
rolle und Geschlechteridentität in der Autobiographie des Paulinus von Pella”;
Sabine M. E. Fick, “’Denn auch Frauen ... steigen in die Arena der Tugend
hinab’. Das Frauenbild in Theodorets Historia religiosa”; Roland Steinacher,
“Geschlecterrollen bei Hydatius”; Timo Stickler, “ Das Bild Melanias der
Jüngeren in der Vita Melaniae Iunioris des Gerontius”; Tankred Howe,
“Glaubenszeugnis und Gleichheit der Geschlechter bei Victor von Vita”;
Helmut Berneder, “Väter und Töchter in der Historia Apollonii Regis Tyri”;
Judith W. George, “Venantius Fortunatus: aspects of gender in Merovingian
Gaul”; Julia Hörmann, “Die Historiae Gregors von Tours als Quelle für
Geschlecterrollen und Geschlechterbeziehung im frühen Mittelalter
dargestellt am Verhältnis der Eltern zu ihren Söhnen und Töchtern”;
Christoph Schäfer, “Tereotypen und Vorurteile im Frauenbild der Prokop”;
Linda-Marie Günther, “Frauenbild und Geschlecterrollen bei Theophylaktos
Simokates”; Maximilian Diesenberger, “Weibliches Schreiben, weibliches
Lesen, weibliche Heiligkeit: Geschlechterrollen in der fränkischen
Hagiographie (vom Anfang des 6. bis zum Ende des 9. Jahrhunderts)”;
Helmut Reimitz, “Geschlecterrollen und Genealogie in der fränkischen
Historiographie”; Walter Pohl, “Geschlecterrollen und Frauenbilder bei
Paulus Diaconus.”

Härtel, Helmar. “Lamspringe: ein mittelalterliches Skriptorium in einem Benediktinerinnenkloster,”
            in Kloster und Bildung im Mittelalter, herausgegeben von Nathalie Kruppa und Jürgen
            Wilke. Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte; Bd. 218/Studien zur
            Germania Sacra; 28. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006.


Hearne, K. Michelle. “Le voyage de Gênes: the Queen’s perspective,” in Art et littérature: le voyage
            entre texte et image
, dir. by Jean-Loup Korzilius. Faux titre; 288. Rodopi, 2006.


Hill, Carole. “Julian and her sisters: female piety in late medieval Norwich,” in Identity and
            insurgency in the late Middle Ages, edited by Linda Clark. Fifteenth century; 6.
            Boydell, 2006.


Hill, T. E. “She, this in blak”: vision, truth, and will in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde.
            Studies in medieval history and culture. Routledge, 2006/


Klein-Braslavy, Sara. “Maimonides’ strategy for interpreting ‘woman’ in the Guide of the
            perplexed,” in Écriture et réécriture des textes philosophiques médiévaux: volume d’
            hommage offert à Colette Sirat
, edité par J. Hamesse et O. Weijers. Fédération
            Internationale des Instituts d’ Études Médiévales Textes et Études du Moyen Âge; 34.
            Brepols, 2006.


Kruse, Britta-Juliane. Witwen: Kulturgeschichte eines Standes in Spätmittelalter und Früher
            Neuzeit. Degruyter, 2006.


Leppin, Volker. “Jenseits der Häesie: zur Stellung der Beginen im sozialen Beziehungsgeflecht
            der spätmittelalterlichen Mainz,” in Zwischen Konflikt und Kooperation: religiöse
            Gemeinschaften in Stadt und Erzstift Mainz in Spätmittelalter und Neuzeit, hrsg. von
            Irene Dingel und Wolf-Friedrich Schäufele. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für
            Europäische Geschichte Mainz. Abteilung für abendländischen Religionsgeschichte;
            Beiheft 70.


Lovell, Mary S.  Bess of Hardwick: empire builder. Little Brown, 2005.


Mager, Inge. “Reformatorische Klosterpolitik im Dienste der Bildung. Unter besonderer
            Berücksichtigung der Herzogin Elisabeth von Calenberg-Göttingen und des Herzogs
            Julius von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel,” in Kloster und Bildung im Mittelalter.


Mantovani, Adriana Colombini. “Un’ altra Medea: la Medea fancioulla di Benoît de
            Sainte-Maure,” in Magia, gelosia, vendetta.


Mieszkowski, Gretchen. Medieval go-betweens and Chaucer’s Pandarus. The new Middle Ages.
            Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.


Milland-Bove, Bénédicte. La demoiselle arthurienne: écriture du personnage et art du
            récit dans les romans en prose du XIIIe siècle
. Nouvelle bibliothèque du Moyen
            Âge; 79. Honore Champion, 2006.


Pallarés Méndez, María del Carmen, La Reina Urraca. Nerea, 2006.


Pancer, Nira. “La vengeance féminine revisitée,” in La vengeance, 400-1200, sous la
            direction de Dominique Barthélemy, François Bougard et Régine Le Jan. Collection
            de l’ École française de Rome; 357. École française de Rome, 2006.


Pirckheimer, Caritas. Caritas Pirckheimer: a journal of the reformation years, 1524-1528,
            translated from the German with introduction, notes and interpretive essay by Paul
            A. Mackenzie. Library of medieval women. Boydell & Brewer, 2006.


Reichert, Michelle. Between courtly literature and al-Andalus: matière d’Orient and the
            importance of Spain in the romances of the twelfth-century writer Chrétien de
. Studies in medieval history and culture. Routledge, 2006.


Reuter, Timothy. “Sex, lies and oath-helpers: the trial of Queen Uota,” in Medieval polities &
            modern mentalities [collected essays], edited by Janet L. Nelson. Cambridge University
            Press, 2006.


Rogers, Mary and Tinagli, Paola. Women in Italy, 1350-1650: ideals and realities: a sourcebook,
            selected, translated and introduced by Mary Rogers and Paola Tinagli. Manchester
            University Press, 2005.

Russell, Camilla. Giulia Gonzaga and the religious controversies of sixteenth-century Italy.
            Late medieval and early modern studies; 8. Brepols, 2006.

Schlotheuber, Eva. “Sprachkompetenz und Lateinvermittlung. Die intellektuelle Ausbilding der
             Nonnen im Spätmittelalter,” in Kloster und Bildung im Mittelalter.


Schultz, James A. Courtly love, the love of courtliness, and the history of sexuality.
            University of Chicago Press, 2006.


Stafford, Pauline. “Writing the biography of eleventh-century queens,” in Writing medieval


Steinke, Barbara. Paradiesgarten oder Gefängnis? Das Nürnberger Katharinenkloster
            zwischen Klosterreform und Reformation. Spätmittelalter und Reformation, n.r.;
            30. Mohr Siebeck, 2006.


Sweet, Victoria. Rooted in the earth, rooted in the sky: Hildegard of Bingen and premodern
            medicine. Studies in medieval history and culture. Routledge, 2006.


Timelli, Maria Colombo. “Entre magie du savoir et magie de la parole: Médée dans l’
            Histoire de Jason de Raoul Lefèvre (vers 1460),” in Magia, gelosia, vendetta.


Ward, Jennifer. Women in England in the Middle Ages. Hambledon Continuum, 2006.


Writings on love in the English Middle Ages, edited by Helen Cooney. Studies in Arthuriana
            and courtly cultures. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.


Helen Cooney, “Introduction”; Bernard O’Donoghue, “The reality of courtly
            love”; Helen Cooper, “Love before Troilus”; Corinne Saunders, “Love and
            loyalty in Middle English romance”; John Scattergood, “’The unequal scales of
            love’: love and social class in Andreas Capellanus’s De amore and some later
            texts”; Barry Windeatt, “Troilus and Criseyde: love in a manner of speaking”;
            Alastair Minnis, “The wisdom of old women: Alisoun of Bath as auctrice”;
            Neil Cartlidge, “’Nat that I chalange any thyng of right’: love, loyalty, and
            legality in the Franklin’s tale”; Helen Cooney, “Some new thing: The floure
            and the leafe and the cultural shift in the role of the poet in fifteenth-century
            England”; Martha W. Driver, “Romancing the Rose: the readings of Chaucer
            and Christine”; Carol M. Meale, “Entrapment or empowerment? Women and
           discourses of love and marriage in the fifteenth century”; Priscilla Bawcutt,

“Writing about love in late medieval Scotland.


Yorke, Barbara. “’Carriers of the truth’: writing the biographies of Anglo-Saxon female
            saints,” in Writing medieval biography.


Youngs, Deborah. The life cycle in Western Europe, c. 1300-c. 1500. Manchester medieval
            studies. Manchester University Press, 2006.









Fisher, Will. Materializing gender in early modern English literature and culture. Cambridge
            Studies in Renaissance literature and culture. Cambridge University Press, 2006.


Johnsen, Rosemary Erickson. Contemporary feminst historical crime fiction [chs. 1:
            “Contemporary women’s historical crime fiction” and 2: Medieval women in context”].
            Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.