Medieval Feminist Forum Bibliography

Spring 2000



Ashton, Gail, The generation of identity in late medieval hagiography speaking the saint (Routledge,  (2000).

Barone, Giulia, "Society and women's religiosity, 750-1450, in Women and faith: Catholic religious life in Italy from late antiquity to the present, 42-71.

Bestul, Thomas H., "The meditation on Mary Magdalen of Alexander Nequam," Journal of Medieval Latin 9 (1999), 1-45.

Latin text with commentary on Nequam's meditation in the context of the history of the exegesis of sapiential texts.
 Biller, Peter, "Cathars and material women," in Medieval theology, 61-107.

  _____, "Confessors' manuals and the avoiding of offspring," in Handling sin: confession in the Middle Ages, edited by Peter Biller and A.J. Minnis, York studies in medieval theology; vol. 2, 165-187 (Boydell, 1998).

 _____, "John of Naples, quodlibets and medieval theological concern with the body," introduction to Medieval theology, 3-12.

 Blamires, Alcuin, "Paradox in the medieval gender doctrine of head and body," in Medieval theology, 13-29.

Bloch, R. Howard, "Other worlds and other words in the works of Marie de France," in The world and its rival edited by Kathryn Karczewska and Tom Conley, 39-57, Faux titre; no. 172.

Bowers, Terence N., "Margery Kempe as traveler," Studies in philology 97:1 (Winter 2000), 1-28.

Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate, "'Enemies within/enemies without': threats to the body politic in Christine de Pizan," Medievalia et humanistica n.s. no. 26 (1999), 1-15.

Brown-Grant, Rosalind, Christine de Pizan and the moral defence of women: reading beyond gender, Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature; v. 40 (Cambridge University Press, 1999).

Bullough, Vern L. with Gwen Whitehead Brewer, Medieval masculinities and modern interpretations: the  problem of the Pardoner," in Conflicted identities, 93-110.

Campbell, Kim, "The chanson de geste, woman to woman," in Echoes of the epic: studies in honor of Gerard J. Brault, edited by David P. Schenck and Mary Jane Schenck, 49-62 (Birmingham, Ala.: Summa, 1998).

Campbell, Stephen J., "The traffic in Muses: painting and poetry in Ferrara around 1450," in Gendered contexts: new perspctives in Italian cultural studies, edited by Laura Benedetti, Julia L. Hairston, and Silvia M. Ross, 49-68, Studies in Italian culture: Literature in history, vol. 10 (Peter Lang, 1996).

Cannon, Joanna, Margherita of Cortona and the Lorenzetti: Sienese art and the cult of a holy woman in medieval Tuscany (Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999).

Chojnacki, Stanley, "From trousseau to groomgift in late medieval Venice," in Medieval and Renaissance Venice, edited by Ellen E. Kittell and Thomas F. Madden, 141-165, (University of Illinois Press, 1999).

Clin, Marie-Véronique, Isabeau de Bavière la reine calomniée (Perrin, 1999).

Cocaud, Martine, "L'avenir de Perette. Les premiers établissements féminins d'agriculture: les écoles pratiques de laiterie," in Des animaux et des hommes: économie et sociétés rurales en France (XIe-XIXe siècles, 121-135), special issue of Annales de Bretagne et des Pays de l'Ouest 106 (1999).

Conflicted identities and multiple masculinities: men in the medieval West, edited by Jacqueline Murray (Garland, 1999).

Consolino, Franca Ela, "Female asceticism and monasticism in Italy from the fourth to the eighth centuries, " in Women and faith: Catholic religious life in Italy from late antiquity to the present, edited by Lucetta Scaraffia and Gabriella Zarri, 8-30, (Harvard University Press, 1999). [Orig. published as Donne e fede: Santità e vita religiosa in Italia (Laterza, 1994.]

"Constantine the Great, the Empress Helena, and the relics of the holy cross, " edited and translated by Gordon Whatley in Medieval hagiography: an anthology, edited by Thomas Head, 77-95, Garland Reference Library of the Humanities; vol.1942 (Garland, 2000).

"The cult of Mary Magdalen in late medieval France," edited and translated by Raymond Clemens in Medieval hagiography, 655-674 [6 short texts]. 

Davis, Mary Beth L., "'Spekyn for Goddys Cawse': Margery Kempe and the seven spiritual works of mercy," in The man of many devices, who wandered full many ways ...: festschrift in honor of János M. Bak, edited by Balázs Nagy and Marcell Sebok, 250-265 (Central European University Press, 1999).

Dinshaw, Carolyn, Getting medieval: sexualities and communities, pre- and postmodern (Duke University Press, 1999).

Dressler, Rachel, "Steel corpse: imaging the knight in death," in Conflicting identities, 135-167.

"Drogo of Sint-Winoksbergen, Life of St. Godeleive, " translated by Bruce L. Venarde, in Medieval hagiography, 359-361.

East, W.G., "This body of death: Abelard, Heloise and the religious life," in Medieval theology, 43-59.

Elliott, Dyan, "The physiology of rapture and female spirituality," in Medieval theology, 141-173.

Finke, Laurie A. and Martin Shichtman, "Magical mistress tour: patronage, intellectual property, and the dissemination of wealth in the Lais of Marie de France," Signs 25:1 (Winter 2000), 479-503.

Frey, Winifred, "Maria legens--Mariam legere: St. Mary as an ideal reader and St. Mary as a textbook," in The book and the magic of reading in the Middle Ages edited by Albrecht Classen, 277-293, Garland Medieval Bibliographies; vol. 24/Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, vol. 2118 (Garland Publishing, 1998).

Gabriele, Tommasina, "Aspects of nudity in the Decameron," in Gendered contexts: new perspectives in Italian cultural studies, edited by Laura Benedetti, Julia L. Hairston, and Silvia M. Ross, 31-38, Studies in Italian culture: Literature in history, vol. 10 (Peter Lang, 1996.

Garrido, Elisa et al., Historia de las mujeres en España, Parte III: Las mujeres en la España medieval, 115-245 (Síntesis, 1997).

Gautier de Coincy, Miracles of the Virgin Mary," translated by Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski in Medieval hagiography: an anthology, edited by Thomas Head, 627-653, Garland Reference Library of the Humanities; vol.1942 (Garland, 2000).

Giusti, Eugenia L., "The widow in Giovanni Boccaccio's works: a negative exemplum or a symbol of positive praxis?," in Gendered contexts, 39-48.

Gonzalez, Elizabeth, "L' officier, sa femme et le duc: place et role de la femme au sein d' un Hôtel princier," in Saint-Denis et la royauté: études offertes à Bernard Guenée, travaux reunis par Francoise Autrand, Claude Gauvard et Jean-Marie Moeglin, 157-168, Histoire ancienne et mediévale; 59 (Publications de la Sorbonne, 1999).

"Hrotsvit of Gandersheim, The establishment of the monastery of Gandersheim, originally translated by Mary Bernadine Bregman and edited by Thomas Head in Medieval hagiography, 237-254.

"The Jewish martyrs of Blois," edited and translated by Susan Einbinder in Medieval hagiography, 537-560.

Jochens, Jenny, "Triangularity in the pagan North: the case of Bjorn Arngeirsson and Pórdr Kolbeinsson," in Conflicted identities, 111-134.

Karras, Ruth Mazo, "Separating the men from the goats: masculinity, civilization, and identity formation in the medieval university," in Conflicted identities, 189-213.

Kerr, Berenice M., Religious life for women, c. 1100-1350: Fontevraud in England, Oxford historical monographs (Oxford University Press, 1999).

"Life of the holy virgin Samthann," translated by Dorothy Africa, in Medieval hagiography: an anthology, edited by Thomas Head, 97-110, Garland Reference Library of the Humanities; vol. 1942 (Garland, 2000).

Linton, David, "Reading the Virgin reader," in The book and the magic of reading in the Middle Ages, 253-276.

Luscombe, David, "Peter Abelard's carnal thoughts," in Medieval theology, 31-41.

Macdonald, Aileen Ann, "The female tenso: Alamanda's response to Guiraut de Bornelh," in The world and its rival edited by Kathryn Karczewska and Tom Conley, 79-92, Faux titre, no. 172.

Matter, E. Ann, "Mystical marriage," in Women and faith, 31-41.

McGuire, Brian Patrick, "Jean Gerson and traumas of masculine affectivity and sexuality," in Conflicted identities, 45-72.

McLaughlin, Megan, "Secular and spiritual fatherhood in the eleventh century," in Conflicted identities, 25-43.

McNamara, Jo Ann, "Un unresolved syllogism: the search for a Christian gender system," in Conflicted identities, 1-24.

McSheffrey, Shannon, "Men and masculinity in late medieval London civic culture: governance, patriarchy, and reputation," in Conflicted identities, 243-27.

Medieval theology and the natural body, edited by Peter Biller and A.J. Minnis, York studies in medieval theology I (York Medieval Press, 1997). 

Melammed, Renée Levine, "Crypto-Jewish women facing the Spanish Inquisition: transmitting religious practices, beliefs, and attitudes," in Christians, Muslims, and Jews in medieval and early modern Spain; interaction and cultural change, edited by Mark D. Meyerson and Edward D. English, 197-219, Notre Dameconferences in medieval studies; no. 8 (University of Notre Dame Press, 1999).

Meyer, Ulrich, "Recht, soziales Wissen und Familie: Zur Nürnberger Testaments- und Erbschaftspraxis am Beispiel der Tucher (14.-16. Jahrhundert)," in Wissen und Gesellschaft in Nürnberg um 1500, herausg. von Martial Staub und Klaus A. Vogel, 48-67, Pirckheimer Jahrbuch für Renaissance und Humanismusforschung 14 (1999). 

"The Middle-English version of Jacques de Vitry's Life of St. Marie d'Oignes," translated by Sarah McNamer in Medieval hagiography, 709-727.

Minnis, A.J., "De impedimento sexus: women's bodies and medieval impediments to female ordination," in Medieval theology, 109-139.

"The mission of Joan of Arc," edited and translated by Nadia Margolis in Medieval hagiography, 805-834 [short selections from several sources].

Murphy, Caroline, "'In praise of the ladies of Bologna': the image and identity of the sixteenth-century Bolognese female patriciate," Renaissance Studies 13: 4 (December 1999), 440-454.

Murray, Jacqueline,"Gendered souls in sexed bodies: the male construction of female sexuality in some medieval confessors' manuals," in Handling sin: confession in the Middle Ages, edited by Peter Biller and A.J. Minnis, York studies in medieval theology; vol. 2, 79-93 (Boydell, 1998).

_____, "Men's bodies, men's minds: seminal emissions and sexual anxiety in the Middle Ages," Annual Review of Sex Research 8 (1997), 1-26.

_____, "Mystical castration: some reflections on Peter Abelard, Hugh of Lincoln and sexual control," in Conflicted identities, 73-91.

Nirnberg, David, "Religious and sexual boundaries in the medieval crown of Aragon," in Christians, Muslims, and Jews in medieval and early modern Spain; interaction and cultural change, edited by Mark D. Meyerson and Edward D. English, 141-160, Notre Dame conferences in medieval studies; no. 8 (University of Notre Dame Press, 1999).

"Odilo of Cluny, Epitaph of of the August Lady, Adelheid," translated by David A. Warner in Medieval hagiography, 255-259.

"The Old Czech Life of St. Catherine of Alexandria," translated by Alfred Thomas in Medieval hagiography, 763-779.

Parsons, John C., "'Loved him--hated her': honor and shame at the medieval court," in Conflicted identities, 279-298.

_____. "Violence and the queen's body: medieval consorts, statecraft, and disorder in twelfth-century France," in The man of many devices, who wandered full many ways ...: festschrift in honor of János M. Bak, edited by Balázs Nagy and Marcell Sebok, 81-90 (Central European University Press, 1999).

Percival, Florence, Chaucer's legendary good woman, Cambridge studies in medieval literature; vol. 38 (Cambridge University Press, 1998).

Perry, Mary Elizabeth, "Moriscas and the limits of assimilation," in Christians, Muslims, and Jews in medieval and early modern Spain; interaction and cultural change, edited by Mark D. Meyerson and Edward D. English, 274-289, Notre Dame conferences in medieval studies; no. 8 (University of Notre Dame Press, 1999).

Rady, Martyn, "The filial quarter and female inheritance in medieval Hungarian law," in The man of many devices, who wandered full many ways ...: festschrift in honor of János M. Bak, edited by Balázs Nagy and Marcell Sebok, 422-431(Central European University Press, 1999).

Reynolds, Susan, "Carolingian elopements as a sidelight on counts and vassals," in The man of many devices, 340-346 (Central European University Press, 1999).

Rigaux, Dominique, "Women, faith, and image in the late Middle Ages," in Women and faith, 72-82.

Salmón, Fernando and Montserrat Cabré, "Fascinating women: the evil eye in medical scholasticism," in Roger French et al., eds., Medicine from the Black Death to the French disease, 53-84 (Ashgate, 1998).

Stafford, Pauline, "Cherchez la femme. Queens, queens' lands and nunneries: missing links in the foundation of Reading Abbey," History 85, no. 277 (January 2000), 4-27.

Stuard, Susan Mosher, "Gravitas and consumption," in Conflicted identities, 215-242.

Sullivan, Karen, The interrogation of Joan of Arc, Medieval cultures; vol. 20 (University of Minnesota Press, 1999).

Taylor, Andrew, "Chivalric conversation and the denial of male fear," in Conflicted identities, 169-188.

"Three thirteenth-century Lives of St. Margaret of Antioch," edited and translated by Wendy R. Larson in Medieval hagiography, 675-708.

Trindade, Ann, Berengaria : in search of Richard the Lionheart's queen (Four Courts, 1999).

Vitz, Evelyn Birge, "Gender and martyrdom," Medievalia et humanistica n.s. no. 26 (1999), 79-99.

Voaden, Rosalynn, "Beholding men's members: the sexualizing of transgression in The Book of Margery Kempe," in Medieval theology, 175-190.




Bouzrara, Nancy Erickson, "A fall from Thélème: patterns of infidelity in L'Heptaméron," in The world and its rival edited by Kathryn Karczewska and Tom Conley, 171-192, Faux titre no. 172.

Boyarin, Daniel, "Thinking with virgins: engendering Judeo-Christian difference,"in Dying for god, chap. 3, 67-92 (Stanford University Press, 1999).

Brzezinska, Anna, "Female control of dynastic politics in sixteenth-century Poland, " in The man of many devices, who wandered full many ways ...: festschrift in honor of János M. Bak, Marcell Sebok, 187-194.

Literary and linguistic computing 14:2 (June 1999) contains several good articles on using information technology in medieval studies classes.

Norris, Pamela, Eve: a biography (New York University Press, 1999).

Pabel, Hilmar M., "'Feminae unica est cura pudicitiae': rhetoric and the inculcation of chastity in Book 1 of Vives' De institutione feminae christianae," Humanistica Lovaniensia: journal of neo-Latin studies 48 (1999), 70-102.

Petersen, Silke, "Zerstört die Werke der Weiblichkeit!": Maria Magdalena, Salome, und andere Jüngerinnen Jesu in christlich-gnostischen Schriften, Nag Hammadi and Manichaean studies; 48 (Brill, 1999).

Ramey, Lynn Tarte, "Patriarchy and monarchy: François de Billon, the Querelle des femmes, and the rise of French absolutism," in The world and its rival edited by Kathryn Karczewska and Tom Conley, 161-170, Faux titre, no. 172.

Wiesner-Hanks, Merry E., Christianity and sexuality in the early modern world (Routledge, 2000).

Women and Christian origins, edited by Ross Shepard Kraemer and Mary Rose D'Angelo (Oxford University Press, 1999).