Medieval Feminist Forum Bibliography

Fall 2001


Anderson, Elizabeth A., The voices of Mechthild of Magdeburg (Lang, 2000).

Autour de Marguerite d'Écosse: Reines, princesses et dames du XVe siècle. Actes du colloque de Thouars (23 et 24 mai 1997), éds. Geneviève et
Philippe Contamine, Études d'histoire médiévale; 4 (Honoré Champion, 1999).
Contents: Philippe Contamine, "Présentation," 7-18; Françoise Autrand, "Christine de Pisan et les dames à la Cour," 19-31;
James Laidlaw, "Les belles dames sans mercy d' Alain Chartier," 33-44; Michael Jones, "Entre la France et l'Angleterre:
Jeanne de Navarre, duchesse de Bretagne et reine d'Angleterre (1368-1437)," 45-72; Frédérique Chauvenet,
"Le tombeau de Marguerite d' Écosse," 73-80; Bernard Chevalier, "Marie d' Anjou, une reine sans gloire, 1404-1463,"
81-98; Monique Sommé, "Une mère et son fils: Isabelle de Portugal, après son départ de la cour (1457-1471), et Charles
le Témeraire," 99-121; Florence Trombert, "Une reine de quatre ans á la cour de France: Marguerite d' Autriche, 1484-1485,"
123-161; Jacques Paviot, "Les honneurs de la cour d' Éléonore de Poitiers," 163-179; Sophie Leger, "Gabrielle de Bourbon:
une grande dame de la France de l' Ouest á la fin du Moyen Age. Étude de son cadre de vie à partir de l'inventaire après décès
de ses biens demeurés au château de Thouars (1516)," 181-199; Philippe Contamine, "Dames à cheval," 201-217; Martin Aurell,
"Conclusion," 219-237.
Bensimon, Nella Bianchi, "Voix et images de la femme dans l'oeuvre de Leon Battista Alberti," in Leon Battista Alberti: Actes du Congrès International de
Paris 10-15 avril 1995, edited by Francesco Furlan, v. 1, 327-356, De Pétrarque à Descartes LXVIII, 2 vols., (Nino Aragno Editore/Vrin, 2000).
Bouchard, Constance Brittain, Those of my blood: constructing noble families in medieval Francia, Middle Ages series (University of Pennsylvania Press,
Bullón-Fernández, María, Fathers and daughters in Gower's Confessio Amantis: authority, family, state, and writing, Publications of the John Gower
Society 5 (D.S. Brewer, 2000).
Crane, Susan, "Clothing and gender definition: Joan of Arc," in Inscribing the Hundred Years' War in French and English cultures, edited by Denise N.
Baker, 195-219 (State University of New York Press, 2000).
Elisabeth of Schönau [1129-1165], The complete works, translated and introduced by Anne L. Clark, preface by Barbara Newman (Paulist Press, 2000).


Das Frauenzimmer: Die Frau bei Hofe in Spätmittelalter und früher Neuzeit; Dresden, 26. bis 29 September 1998, hrsg. Jan Hirschbiegel und Werner
Paravicini, Symposium der Residenzen-Kommission der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen; 6; Residenzenforschung; Bd. 11 (Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2000).
Contents: Werner Paravicini, "Das Frauenzimmer. Die Frau bei Hofe in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit," 13-25; Peter Strohschneider,
"Kemenate. Geheimnisse höfischer Frauenräume bei Ulrich von dem Türlin und Konrad von Würzburg," 29-45; Eric Bousmar
and Monique Sommé, "Femmes et espaces féminins à la cour de Bourgogne au temps d'Isabelle de Portugal (1430-1471)," 47-78;
Philippe Contamine, "Espaces féminins, espaces masculins dans quelques demeures aristocratiques françaises, XIVe-XVIe siècle," 79-90;
Susanne Kress, "Frauenzimmer der Florentiner Renaissance und ihre Ausstattung: Eine erste 'Spurensuche'," 91-113; Birgit Franke,
"Bilder in Frauenräumen und Bilder von Frauenräumen: Imaginationen und Wirklichkeit," 115-131; Andrea Langer, "Die visuelle
Repräsentation der Köningin. Zu frühneuzeitlichen Porträts von jagiellonischen Herrschern und Herrscherinnen," 133-150; Stephan
Hoppe, "Bauliche Gestalt und Lage von Frauenwohnräumen in deutschen Residenzschlössern des späten 15. und des 16. Jahrhunderts,"
151-174; Monique Chatenet, "Les logis des femmes à la cour des derniers Valois," 175-192; Cordula Bischoff, "' . . . daß es was artiges
sey zum Plaisir einer Fürstin . . .'. Zum Phänomen der Prunkküche im Schloßbau des 17. und fruhen 18. Jahrhundert," 193-204; Sybille
Oßwald-Bargende, "Der Raum an seiner Seite. Ein Beitrag zur Geschlechtertopographie der barcoken Höfe am Beispiel von Schloß
Ludwigsburg," 205-231; Anja Kircher-Kannemann, "Organisation der Frauenzimmer im Vergleich zu männlichen Höfen," 235-246;
Brigitte Streich, "Frauenhof und Frauenzimmer," 247-262; Katrin Keller, "Kurfürstin Anna von Sachsen (1532-1585):Von Möglichkeiten
und Grenzen einer 'Landesmutter'," 263-285; Barbara Welzel, "Die Macht der Witwen. Zum Selbstverständnis niederländischer
statthalterinnen, 287-309; Paul-Joachim Heinig, "Umb merer zucht und ordnung willen. Ein Ordnungsentwurf für das Frauenzimmer
des Innsbrucker Hofs aus dem ersten Tagen Kaiser Karls V. (1519)," 311-323; Michail Bojcov, "'Das Frauenzimmer' oder 'die
Frau bei Hofe'?," 327-337; Anna-Maria Münster, "Funktionen der dames et damoiselles d'honneur im Gefolge französischer Königinnen
und Herzoginnen (14.-15. Jahrhundert)," 339-354; Beatrix Bastl, "Das Österreichische Frauenzimmer. Zum Beruf der Hofdame in der
Frühen Neuzeit," 355-375; Martin Kintzinger, "Die zwei Frauen des Königs. Zum politischen Handlungsspielraum von Fürstinnen im
europäischen Spätmittelalter," 377-398; Stefan Weiß, "Die Rolle der Damen am päpstlichen Hof von Avignon unter Papst Johannes
XXII. (1316-1334)," 401-409; Claudia Märtl, "Le papesse. Frauen im Umkreis der römischen Kurie nach der Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts,"
411-428; Walter Prevenier, "La stratégie et le discours politique des ducs de Bourgogne concernant les rapts et les enlèvements de femmes
parmi les élites des Pays-Bas au XVe siècle," 429-437; Peter Moraw, "Der Harem des Kurfürsten Albrecht Achilles von Brandenberg-Ansbach,"
439-448; Cordula Nolte, "Verbalerotische Kommunikation, gut schwenck oder: Worüber lachte man bei Hofe? Einige Thesen zum Briefwechsel
des Kurfürstenpaares Albrecht und Anna von Brandenburg-Ansbach 1474/75," 449-461; Gert Melville, "Nachwort: Ausschluß und
Einschluß der Frau bei Hofe," 463-471.
Keller, Hildegard Elisabeth, My secret is mine: studies on religion and eros in the German Middle Ages, Studies in spirituality supplements; 4 (Peeters,

Kempe, Margery, The book of Margery Kempe: a new translation, contexts, criticism, edited and translated by Lynn Staley, Norton critical editions (W.W. Norton, 2001).

Krause, Kathy M., "The dramatization of the heroine in the Miracles de nostre dame par personnages," in European medieval drama - Papers from the Third
International Conference on Aspects of European Medieval Drama, Camerino, 3-5 July 1998, edited by Sydney Higgins and Fiorella Paino, 143-153 (Università degli Studi di Camerino, 1999).
Lutkus, Anne D. and Walker, Julia M., "The political poetics of the Ditié de Jehanne d'Arc," in
Inscribing the Hundred Years' War in French and English cultures, edited by Denise N.
Baker, 177-194 (State University of New York Press, 2000).


Medieval conduct, edited by Kathleen Ashley and Robert L.A. Clark, Medieval
cultures; v. 20 (University of Minnesota Press, 2001).
Contents: Kathleen Ashley and Robert L.A. Clark, "Medieval conduct: texts,theories, practices," ix-xx; Claire Sponsler
"Eating lessons: Lydgate's 'Dietary' and consumer conduct," 1-22; Mark Addison Amos, "'For manners make man': Bourdieu
De Certeau, and the common appropriation of noble manners in the Book of courtesy," 23-48; Roberta L. Krueger, "'Nouvelles
choses': social instability and the problem of fashion in the Livre du Chevalier de la Tour Landry, the Ménagier du Paris,
and Christine de Pizan's Livre des trois vertus," 49-85; Kathleen Ashley, "The Miroir des bonnes femmes: not for women only?,"
86-105; Ann Marie Rasmussen, "Fathers to think back through: the Middle High German mother-daughter and father-son advice
poems known as Die Winsbeckin and Der Winsbecke," 106-134; Anna Dronzek, "Gendered theories of education in fifteenth-century
conduct books," 135-159; Robert L.A. Clark, "Constructing the female subject in late medieval devotion," 160-182; Jennifer Fisk
Rondeau, "Conducting gender: theories and practices in Italian confraternity literature," 183-206; Ruth Nissé, "Grace under pressure;
conduct and representation in the Norwich heresy trials," 207-225.


Medieval women: texts and contexts in late medieval Britain: essays for Felicity Riddy, edited
by Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, Rosalynn Voaden, Arlyn Diamond, Ann Hutchinson, Carol M.
Meale, and Lesley Johnson, Medieval women: texts and contexts; 3 (Brepols, 2000).
Contents: Arlyn Diamond and Rosalynn Voaden, "Introduction: 'the mixed life',"1-9; Bibliography of Felicity Riddy, 11-14;
Priscilla Bawcutt, "'My bright buke': women and their books in medieval and Renaissance Scotland," 17-34; Julia Boffey, "'Many
grete myraclys . . . in divers contreys of the eest': the reading and circulation of the Middle English prose Three Kings of Cologne,"
35-47; Carol M. Meale, "'This is a deed bok, the tother a quick': theatre and the drama of salvation in the Book of Margery
Kempe," 49-67; Katherine J. Lewis, "'Lete me suffre': reading the torture of St Margaret of Antioch in late medieval England," 69-82;
Helen Phillips, "'Almighty and al merciable Queene': Marian titles and Marian lyrics," 83-99; Ceridwen Llyoyd-Morgan, "The 'Querelle
des femmes': a continuing tradition in Welsh women's literature," 101-114; Noël James Menuge, "Reading constructed narratives: an
orphaned medieval heiress and the legal case as literature," 115-129; Sally Mapstone, "The origins of Criseyde," 131-147;
Carolyn P. Collette, "Chaucer and the French tradition revisited: Philippe de Mézières and the good wife," 151-168; Nicholas Watson,
"Fashioning the Puritan gentry-woman: devotion and dissent in Book to a Mother," 169-184; Kim M. Phillips, "Bodily walls, windows,
and doors: the politics of gesture in late fifteenth-century English books for women," 185-198; Alastair Minnis and Eric J. Johnson,
"Chaucer's Criseyde and feminine fear," 199-216; Patricia Cullum and Jeremy Goldberg, "How Margaret Blackburn taught her daughters:
reading devotional instruction in a book of hours," 217-236; Douglas Gray, "'A fulle wyse gentyl-woman of Fraunce': The epistle of Othea
and later medieval English literary culture," 237-249; Colin Richmond, "Elizabeth Clere: friend of the Pastons," 251-273; W.M. Ormrod,
"In bed with Joan of Kent: the King's mother and the Peasants' Revolt," 277-292; Arlyn Diamond, "Heroic subjects: women and the Alliterative
Morte Arthure," 293-308; Jane Grenville, "Houses and households in late medieval England: an archaeological perspective," 309-328;
Jane Gilbert, "Unnatural mothers and monstrous children in The King of Tars and Sir Gowther," 329-344; Anne Savage, "Clothing paternal
incest in The Clerk's Tale, Émaré, and the Life of St Dympna," 345-361; Peter Biller, "The earliest heretical Englishwomen," 363-376;
Sarah Rees Jones, "'A peler of Holy Cherch': Margery Kempe and the bishops," 377-391; Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, "Outdoing the
Daughters of Syon? Edith of Wilton and the representation of female community in fifteenth-century England," 393-409.
Moore, R.I., "Ranulf Flambard and Christina of Markyate," in Belief and culture in the Middle Ages: studies presented to Henry Mayr-Harting, edited by
Richard Gameson and Henrietta Leyser, 231-235, (Oxford University Press, 2001).
Moulinier, Laurence, "Un lexique 'trilingue' du XIIe siècle: la lingua ignota de Hildegarde de Bingen," in Lexiques bilingues dans les domaines
philosophique et scientifique (Moyen Âge--Renaissance), Textes et Études du Moyen Âge, 14, 89-111 (Brepols, 2001).
    Ortenberg, Veronica, "Virgin queens: abbesses and power in early Anglo-Saxon England, in Belief and culture in the Middle Ages, 59-68.
    Panizza, Letizia, Women in Italian Renaissance culture and society (European Humanities Research Centre [University of Oxford], 2000).
    Pushkareva, Natalia L., "The ideal image of a spouse and its evolution in medieval Rus' and early modern Russia from the 12th until the 17th centuries," in Das
    Indivduum und die Seinen: Individualität in der okzidentalen und in der russischen Kultur in Mittelalter und fruher Neuzeit, heraus. von Yuri L. Bessmertny und Otto Gerhard Oexle, 93-105, Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte; Bd. 163 (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001).


    Queering the Middle Ages, edited by Glenn Burger and Steven F. Krueger, Medieval cultures; v. 27 (University of Minnesota Press, 2001).
    Contents: Glenn Burger and Steven F. Kruger [Introduction]; Part I: "History and a logic of the preposterous," xi-xxiii; Marilynn Desmond
    and Pamela Sheingorn, "Queering Ovidian myth: bestiality and desire in Christine de Pizan's Epistre Othea," 3-27; Susan Schibanoff,
    "Sodomy's mask: Alan of Lille, Jean de Meun, and the medieval theory of authorship," 28-56; Michael Camille, "The pose of the queer:
    Dante's gaze, Brunetto Latinin's body," 57-86; [Response] Karma Lochrie, "Presidential improprieties and medieval categories: the absurdity
    of heterosexuality," 87-96; Part II: Gregory S. Hutcheson, "The sodomitic Moor: queerness in the narrative of reconquista," 99-122; Peggy McCracken, "Chaste subjects: gender, heroism, and desire in the Grail quest," 123-142; Clarie Sponsler, "The king's boyfriend: Froissart's
    political theater of 1326," 143-167; [Response] Francesca Canadé Sautman, "'Just like a woman': queer history, womanizing the body, and
    the boys in Arnaud's band," 168-189; [Part III]: Kathleen Biddick, "Translating the foreskin," 193-212; Glenn Burger, "Shameful pleasures:
    up close and dirty with Chaucer, flesh, and the word," 213-235; Garrett P.J. Epp, "Ecce homo," 236-251; Steven F. Kruger,
    "Medieval/postmodern: HIV/AIDS and the temporality of crisis," 252-283; [Response] Larry Scanlon, "Return of the repressed: the
    sequel," 284-301.
    Robinson, Joanne Maguire, Nobility and annihilation in Marguerite Porete's Mirror of simple souls, SUNY series in Western esoteric traditions (State
    University of New York Press, 2001).
    Rozmberka, Perchta, The letters of the Rozmberk sisters: noblewomen in fifteenth-century Bohemia, translated with introduction, notes, and interpretive
    essay by John M. Klassen, Library of medieval women, (Boydell, 2001).
    Saunders, Corinne, Rape and ravishment in the literature of medieval England (D.S. Brewer, 2001).
    Schnell, Rüdiger, Frauendiskurs, Männerdiskurs, Ehediskurs: Textsorten und Geschlechterkonzepe in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, Geschichte und
    Geschlechter; Bd. 23 (Campus, 1998).
    Shahar, Shulamith, Women in a medieval heretical sect: Agnes and Huguette the Waldensians (Boydell, 2001).
    Skinner, Patricia, Women in medieval Italian society, 500-1200, Women and men in history series (Longman, 2001).
    Stoertz, Fiona Harris, "Young women in France and England, 1050-1300," Journal of women's history 12:4 (2001), 22-46.


    Studien zum Kanonissenstift, herausgegeben von Irene Crusius, Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte; Bd. 167/Studien zur Germania
    Sacra; Bd. 24 (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001).
    Contents: Irene Crusius, "Sanctimoniales quae se canonicas vocant: Das Kanonissenstift als Forschungsproblem," 9-38;
    Franz J. Felten, "Wie adelig waren Kanonissenstifte (und andere weibliche Konvente) im frühen und hohen Mittelalter?," 39-128;
    Gisela Muschiol, "Liturgie und Klausur: Zu den liturgischen Voraussetzungen von Nonnenemporen," 129-148; Thomas Schilp,
    "Die Gründungsurkunde der Frauenkommunität Essen -- eine Fälschung aus der Zeit um 1090," 149-183; Martina Knichel,
    "Irmina von Oeren: Stationen eines Kultes," 185-200; Charlotte Warnke, "Das Kanonissenstift St. Cyriakus zu Gernrode im
    Spannungsfeld zwischen Hoachadel, Kaiser, Bischof und Papst," 201-274; Immo Eberl, "Stiftischen Leben in Klöstern: Zur
    Regeltreue im klösterlichen Alltag des Spätmittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit," 275-315; Edeltraud Klueting, "Damenstifte im
    nordwestdeutschen Raum am Vorabend der Reformation," 317-348; Ute Küppers-Braun, "Zur Sozialgeschichte katholischer
    Hochadelsstifte im Nordwestern des Alten Reiches im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert," 349-394.


    The Trotula: a medieval compendium of women's medicine, edited and translated by Monica Green, Middle Ages series (University of
    Pennsylvania Press, 2001).
    Vitullo, Juliann, The chivalric epic in medieval Italy (University Press of Florida, 2000).
    Warren, Nancy Bradley, Spiritual economies: female monasticism in later medieval England, Middle Ages series (Univesity of Pennsylvania
    Press, 2001).


    Writing religious women: female spiritual and textual practice in late medieval England, edited by Denis Renevey and Christiana Whitehead (University
    of Wales Press, 2000).
    Contents: Denis Renevey and Christiana Whitehead, "Introduction," 1-17; Bella Millett, "Ancrene Wisse and the Book of Hours," 21-40;
    Marleen Cré, "Women in the Charterhouse? Julian of Norwich's Revelations of Divine Love and Marguerite Porete's Mirror of Simple
    Souls in British Library, MS Additional 37790," 43-62; Rebecca Selman, "Spirituality and sex change: Horologium sapientiae and
    Speculum devotorum," 63-79; Anne McGovern-Mouron, "'Listen to me, daughter, listen to a faithful counsel': the Liber de modo bene
    vivendi ad sororem," 81-106; Christiana Whitehead, "A fortress and a shield: the representation of the Virgin in the Château d'amour
    of Robert Grosseteste," 109-132; Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou, "Yate of Heven: conceptions of the female body in the religious lyrics," 133-154;
    Samuel Fanous, "Measuring the pilgrim's progress: internal emphases in The Book of Margery Kempe," 157-176; Naoë Kukita Yoshikawa,
    "Veneration of virgin martyrs in Margery Kempe's meditation: influence of the Sarum liturgy and hagiography," 177-195; Denis
    Revevey, "Margery's performing body: the translation of late medieval discursive religious practices," 197-216; Richard Lawes,
    "Psychological disorder and the autobiographical impulse in Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe and Thomas Hoccleve," 217-243.




    Davis, Stephen J., The cult of Saint Thecla: a tradition of women's piety in late antiquity, Oxford early Christian studies, (Oxford University Press, 2001).

    Thompson, John L., Writing the wrongs: women of the Old Testament among Biblical commentators from Philo through the Reformation, Oxford
    studies in historical theology (Oxford University Press, 2001).