Barrett Thomas
108 John PappaJohn Business Bldg., W272
Iowa City, IA, USA 52242-1994	                                         
Tel  319.335.0938       Fax  319.335.0297	                          

Ph.D., Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, 2002
Industrial and Operations Engineering
Dissertation: “Anticipatory Route Selection Problems”
Advisor: Chelsea C. White, III
M.S., Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1999
Industrial and Operations Engineering
B.A., Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA, 1997
Mathematics and Economics 
cum laude in Economics, Phi Beta Kappa
Academic Experience
Associate Professor, department of Management Sciences, Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa, July 2009 - Present

Coordinator, Process Excellence Track, Strategic Innovation Academy, Fulltime MBA program, Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa, July 2009 - Present
Assistant Professor, department of Management Sciences, Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa, August 2002 - june 2009
Honors and Awards
Tippie College of Business Dean’s Teaching Award, 2008
Published or To Appear in Peer-Reviewed Journals
“Minimax Flow Tree Problems.”  Networks, 2009:54(3), 117 - 129.  (with Hui Chen, Ann M. Campbell, and Arie Tamir) 

“The Stochastic p-Hub Center Problem with Service-Level Constraints.” Computers & Operations Research, 2009:36(12), 3166 - 3177. (with Thaddeus Sim and Timothy Lowe)

“Runtime Reduction Techniques for the Probabilistic Traveling Salesman Problem with Deadlines.” Computers & Operations Research, 2009:36, 1231 - 1248. (with Ann M. Campbell)
“Network Design for Time-Constrained Delivery.” Naval Research Logistics, 2008:55(6), 493 - 515. (with Hui Chen and Ann M. Campbell)
“Route Design for Lean Production Systems.” Transportation Science, 2008:42(3), 352 - 370. (with Jeffrey Ohlmann and Michael J. Fry)
“Probabilistic Traveling Salesman Problem with Deadlines.” Transportation Science, 2008:42(1), 1–21. (with Ann M. Campbell)
“Waiting Strategies for Anticipating Service Requests at Known Customer Locations.” Transportation Science, 2007:41(3), 319-331.
"A Compressed-Annealing Heuristic for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows."  INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2007:19(1), 80-90. (with Jeffrey Ohlmann)
“The Dynamic Shortest Path Problem with Anticipation.” European Journal of Operational Research, 2007:176(2), 836-854. (with Chelsea C. White III)
"Anticipatory Route Selection." Transportation Science, 2006:38(4), 473 - 487. (with Chelsea C. White III)
Submitted for publication
“The Orienteering Problem with Stochastic Travel and Service Times Times.” Submitted for publication, February 2010. (with Ann M. Campbell and Michel Gendreau)
“The Effect of Service Consistency and Managerial Ease on the Quality of Service in the Dynamic and Stochastic Traveling Salesman Problem.” Revised for and resubmitted to Transportation Science, November 2009. (with Emanuele Manni and Gianpaolo Ghiani) 
“Cyclic-Order Neighborhoods for Vehicle Routing Problems.” Submitted to Journal of the Operational Research Society, September 2009. (with Justin Goodson and Jeffrey Ohlmann)
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
“Dynamic Vehicle Routing.” Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science.  Edited by James J. Cochran.  Wiley, Forthcoming.

“Lean in Healthcare.”  Handbook of Healthcare Delivery Systems.  Edited by Yuehwern Yih.  Industrial and Systems Engineering Series, CRC Press, to appear.  (with Philip C. Jones)
“Challenges and Advances in A Priori Routing.” The Vehicle Routing Problem: Latest Advances and Challenges.  Edited by Bruce Golden, Raghu Raghavan, and Edward Wasil.  Volume 43 of Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces, Springer, 2008. (with Ann M. Campbell)
Conference Proceedings
"Vehicle Routing when Future Service Requests are Anticipated."  Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicle Symposium 2001, IEEE, 2001. (with Chelsea C. White III)
“Anticipatory Route Selection Problems.” Ph.D. Thesis. University of Michigan, 2002.
"Developing Trace Routes to Better Accommodate Routing Air Packages On Trace."  Technical Report. United Parcel Service, 2001.
"The Vehicle Routing Problem with A Priori Routes and Premium Stops."  Technical Report.  United Parcel Service, 2000.
Working Papers
“Minimum Violation Subgraph Problem.” November 2009. (with Hui Chen and Ann M. Campbell) 
“Scheduled Penalty Variable Neighborhood Search with an Application to the Orienteering Problem with Time Windows.”  November 2009.  (with Emanuele Manni and Jeffrey W. Ohlmann)
“Analysis of Compressed Annealing with Multiple Penalty Multipliers.” July 2008. (with Jeffrey Ohlmann)
Case STudies
“Process Improvement at the University of Iowa’s Hospitals and Clinics Infusion Suite.”  (with Philip C. Jones and Sabi Singh)
Djinni (v2.2)
A templatized C++ framework with Python bindings for heuristic search algorithms
Submitted to “Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research” (with Jeffrey Ohlmann, Robert Hansen, Tristan Thiede, and Justin Goodson)
Invited Presentations
“Subgraph Design for Time-Constrained Delivery.”  Sponsored Presentation.  INFORMS, San Diego, CA, October 2009.
“Anticipatory Insertion and Sample-Scenario Planning for the Dynamic Traveling Salesman Problem.”  Odysseus: Fourth International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Cesme, Turkey, May 2009.
“An Empirical Analysis of Real-Time Heuristics for the Dynamic Traveling Salesman Problem.” Sponsored Presentation. INFORMS, Washington, D.C. October 2008.
“Network Design for Time-Constrained Delivery.”  Optimization Days, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, May 2008.
“Teaching Operations Management as Process Improvement.” Invited Presentation.  Lean Aerospace Initiative EdNet Workshop, Boeing Corporation, Chicago, Illinois, July 2007.

“Probabilistic Traveling Salesman Problem with Deadlines.”  Invited Presentation.  ROUTE 2007, Jekyll Island, Georgia, May 2007.

“Waiting Strategies for Anticipating Requests from Known Customer Locations.” Invited Presentation.  Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, January 2007.

“Waiting Strategies for Anticipating Requests from Known Customer Locations.” Invited Presentation.  Department of Quantitative Analysis and Operations Management, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 2006.

“Solution Approaches to the Probabilistic Traveling Salesman Problem with Deadlines.” Sponsored Session. INFORMS, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2006.

“Lean Academy: Using Rockwell Collins as a Real-time Case Study.” Sponsored Session. INFORMS, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2006.

“Probabilistic Traveling Salesman Problem with Deadlines.” Invited Presentation.  Dipartimento di Matematica “Ennio De Giorgio,” University of Lecce, Lecce, Italy, October 2006.

“Waiting Strategies for Anticipating Requests from Known Customer Locations.” Invited Presentation.  Dipartimento di Matematica “Ennio De Giorgio,” University of Lecce, Lecce, Italy, October 2006.

“Waiting Strategies for Anticipating Requests from Known Customer Locations.” Odysseus: Third International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Altea, Spain, May 2006.

“How Can a Blacksmith Help UPS and FedEx Save Money?” Grinnell College, February 2006.

 “Real-time Heuristics for Anticipating Customer Service Requests from Known Customer Locations.”  Sponsored Presentation.  INFORMS, San Francisco, CA, November 2005.

“Waiting Strategies for Anticipating Service Requests at Known Customer Locations.”  Invited Presentation.  17th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Honolulu, HI, July 2005.

“The Probabilistic Traveling Salesman Problem with Deadlines.” United Parcel Service, Timonium, Maryland, September 2005. (with Ann Campbell)

“New Directions in Time-Constrained Routing.” Invited Presentation.  Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Iowa, November 11, 2004.

“Probabilistic Traveling Salesman Problem with Deadlines.” Invited Presentation.  Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University, November 9, 2004.

“New Directions in Time-Constrained Routing.” Invited Presentation.  Department of Engineering Management, University of Missouri-Rolla, November 5, 2004.

“Waiting Strategies for Anticipating Service Requests at Known Customer Locations.” Sponsored Presentation. INFORMS, Denver, CO, October 2004.

“A Compressed Annealing Approach to the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows.”  Sponsored Presentation. CORS/INFORMS, Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 2004. 

“A Compressed Annealing Approach to the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows.”  United Parcel Service, Timonium, Maryland, January 2004. 

“A Compressed Annealing Approach to the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows.”  Sponsored Presentation. INFORMS, Atlanta, GA, October 2003. 

“Dynamic and Stochastic Shortest Path Problem with Anticipation.” Invited Presentation. INFORMS, San Jose, CA, November 2002. 

“Anticipatory Route Selection.” Invited Presentation. NSF Workshop on Real-time Logistics, Long Beach, CA, April 2002. 

“Anticipatory Route Selection.”  Schneider Logistics, Inc., December 2001.

"Probabilistic Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows."  Invited Presentation.  INFORMS, Miami, FL, November 2001. 

"A Comparison of Anticipatory and Reactive Routing Policies."  Invited Presentation.  INFORMS, Miami, FL, November 2001.

"Developing Trace Routes to Better Accommodate Routing Air Packages On Trace."  United Parcel Service, July 2001.

"The Vehicle Routing Problem with A Priori Routes and Time Windows."  United Parcel Service, August 2000.

"Anticipatory Tour Selection." Invited Presentation.  INFORMS, Salt Lake City, UT, May 2000. 
CIM in Higher Education Alliance, $9000, 2008, co-PI

University of Iowa Council on Teaching Instructional Improvement Award, $3500, co-PI

UI Foundation Midwest Resource, University of Iowa, $7500, 2006 – 2008, co-PI

UI Foundation Midwest Resources, University of Iowa, $2500, 2005, co-PI

Old Gold Summer Fellowship, University of Iowa, 2004, $6000

UI Foundation Midwest Resources, University of Iowa, $2000, 2004, co-PI

UI Foundation Midwest Resources, University of Iowa, $1800, 2003, co-PI

Old Gold Summer Fellowship, University of Iowa, 2003, $6000

New Technology in the Learning Environment Grant, University of Iowa, 2003, $2000

MidAmerican Energy Research Award, University of Iowa, 2003, $900, co-PI
Student Supervision
Current Advising
Justin Goodson, Department of Management Sciences (co-advisor with Jeffrey Ohlmann)

Students Advised
Hui Chen, 2008, Deparment of Management Sciences. (co-advisor with Ann Campbell)
Thesis: Network Design for Time-Constrained Delivery
Position: Analyst, Northwest Airlines

Emanuele Manni,  2008, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Innovazione, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy.  (co-advisor with Gianpaolo Ghiani)
Thesis: Topics in Real-time Fleet Management
Position: Research Fellow, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Innovazione, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy

Thaddeus Sim,  2007.  Department of Management Sciences. (co-advisor with Timothy Lowe)
Thesis: The Hub Covering Flow Problem and the Stochastic P-Hub Center Problem
Position: Assistant Professor, LeMoyne College

Ph.D. Dissertation Committee
Dengfeng Zhang, 2008. Department of Management Sciences.
Thesis: Essays on Supply Contracts and Dynamic Pricing

Li Zhang, 2004, Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences.
Thesis: The p-Hub Center Allocation Problem and the q-Upgrading Arc Problem

Lifang Wu, 2004, Department of Management Sciences.
Thesis: Essays on Product Variety Management

Yuan Gan, 2003,  Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.
Thesis: Clustering Algorithms for Data and Knowledge Exploration

Ph.D. Candidacy Committee
Dengfeng Zhang, 2007, Department of Management Sciences.

Lifang Wu, 2003, Department of Management Sciences.

Yuan Gan, 2002, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.	
Course Taught
University of Iowa
06K:100 Operations Management

06N:216 Data and Decisions

06N:229 Operations Management

06K:277 Management Sciences Topics: Dynamic Programming

06K:292 Supply Chain Management

06K:293 Seminar in Lean Practices

06K:294 Rapid Continuous Improvement

06K:295 Field Studies in Operations Management

University of Michigan
IOE 201 Engineering Economic Decision Making
Lean Academy Healthcare, Veteran’s Administration VISN1, Bedford, MA, June 2009
Dynamic Programming (short course), Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Innovazione, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy, May 2009
Professional Affiliations and Activities
Member, Department of Management Sciences’ Graduate Student Committee, 2003 – present

Trustee, Grinnell College, 2005 - present

Associate Editor, Infor: Canadian Journal of Operational Research and Information Processing, June 2004 – present

Member, Lean Advancement Initiative Ednet Lean in Healthcare Curriculum and Instructor Team, 2008 - present

Co-founder and co-coordinator, Tippie College of Business Speaker Series in Transportation, 2003 – 2009

Communications Chair, INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society, 2008 - 2009

Representative, INFORMS Subdivision Council from INFORMS Transportation and Logistics Society, 2007 - 2009

Member, IEEE Service Operations, Logistics, and Informatics Conference Program Committee, 2009

Member, Grant Proposal Review Panel, National Science Foundation, Service Enterprise Engineering, December 2008

Editor, Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS) Transportation Science and Logistics Society Newsletter, 2007

Secretary/Treasurer , INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society, 2006

Chair, Lean Aerospace Initiative Lean Academy Quality Module Revision Committee, Spring 2006

Member, Lean Aerospace Initiative Lean Academy Day 2 Curriculum Revision Committee, Fall 2005

Sponsored Session Chairman, INFORMS, Atlanta, 2003, and San Francisco, 2005

INFORMS Transportation/Logistics Section Cluster co-Chairman, Denver, 2004

Member, Tippie College of Business MBA Core Committee, 2002 – 2004.

Co-coordinator of the Department of Management Sciences’ Ph.D. seminar series, 2002 – 2003.

New Technology in the Learning Environment Workshop, University of Iowa, summer 2003

Invited Session Chairman, INFORMS, San Jose, 2002

Ad Hoc Referee for ,IEEE Transaction on intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Networks, Operations Research, Transportation Science

Member of INFORMS

Member, Lean Aerospace Initiative Lean Academy Instructor Team

Affiliate Member, Sloan Industry Studies Program

Via Cheese, LLC, Swanson, Vermont, 2008
Bandag, Inc., Muscatine, Iowa, 2005mailto:barrett-thomas@uiowa.edu