Afghanistan: Graveyard of Empires?


Where is it?

The Great Game: a buffer state



British Imperial Expansion


What is an Empire?


Geo-political struggle for power


First Afghan War 1839-1842




Indian "Mutiny" of 1857

Suez Canal 1869

German Unification 1871

Congress of Berlin 1878

Scramble for Africa 1885-1900


Second Afghan War 1878-1880


Third Afghan War 1919


The Cold War 1945-1991


Global Balance of Power

2 million + Vietnamese dead


Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan 1979-1989

End of the Cold War, 1991. An Empire in Denial?

How to justify America's global role without communism?

Permanent Overseas Presence:


Human Rights Interventionism


US Invasion of Afghanistan 2001-


Freedom vs. Geo-politics.


President Obama's Surge


The Obama Doctrine?